
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Horror Quality, Medicine Fairy

The crowd was in an uproar.This level of quality is on par with Gu Li, the number one alchemist in the capital of Fire Country."This person is an alchemist from White Sun City? To be able to keep up with Master Gu Li.""I didn't expect it. White Sun City, which ranked last in the previous competition, has produced such an amazing alchemist."On the stands, everyone's opinion changed once again.Although Ye Kaishan looked like a young master from a prestigious family, his skills were genuine.In a VIP area, a woman dressed in Daoist robes with natural beauty calmly spoke to the person beside her."My master didn't use his full strength. This is not his usual level."The woman's name was Shen Miao. She was Gu Li's only disciple and also the daughter of the current prime minister of Fire Country, holding a high position."What Shen Dan Shi said is true. It's obvious that Master Gu Li still has some strength left, while that alchemist from White Sun City is incredibly slow. It's clear that he's exhausted and the outcome is already decided."The third prince smiled and agreed, looking at the woman with an undisguised admiration, and a hint of hidden desire.Although the woman was dressed in simple Daoist robes, she couldn't hide her beautiful figure.Her skin was as white as sheep fat, delicate and fragile. Her features were plain and natural, without any makeup, but her natural beauty made her no less attractive than anyone else.After hearing the third prince's words, Shen Miao shook her head slightly and said calmly, "This person is not as bad as you say. Although his alchemy skills are not as good as my master's, the difference is not that big. He will be my master's biggest rival."She did not agree with the third prince's words, but instead took the opportunity to belittle Ye Kaishan and elevate her own master.This made the third prince feel a bit embarrassed, as if he had made a fool of himself. He forced a smile and said, "Shen Dan Shi has a discerning eye. We outsiders can't see the intricacies. I must seek your advice in the future."He said these words with enthusiasm, but Shen Miao only nodded coldly.She had no common topics with someone like the third prince, who had never even touched an alchemy furnace.The smile on the third prince's face gradually disappeared, and a flash of anger passed through his eyes.He sat there without saying a word, not knowing what evil thoughts he was brewing.With Ye Kaishan's pill successfully refined, the top four were finally decided.They were Gu Li, Ye Kaishan, the second city, and the alchemist from the fifth city.With this result, Ye Kaishan undoubtedly became the center of attention.Many people began to inquire privately about the identity of this alchemist from White Sun City.Even the lord of Fire Country showed a hint of interest....On the other side, Ye Kaishan returned to the arena, and Qin Chan had been eagerly waiting."Miss Qin, I am now in the top four. Are you ready to fulfill your promise?"They had agreed on the top five, and he had even offered to give her one for free.Qin Chan seemed to have expected him to say this, and there was no surprise on her face, just a slight smile."Of course, I, Qin Chan, keep my word.""Alright, let's go back then. I want you to marry me."Ye Kaishan was straightforward, neither a gentleman nor a villain. If he wanted something, he would say it directly.Since the first time he saw Qin Chan, he had made up his mind to marry this woman."Wait..." Qin Chan became a little anxious."What's wrong? Are you going back on your word?" Ye Kaishan said."Of course not. As long as you dare to marry me, I dare to marry you.""What's there to be afraid of?" Ye Kaishan laughed helplessly. If he didn't even dare to marry a woman, what was the point of cultivating as an immortal?"Alright, I agree."Qin Chan hesitated for a moment, then nodded heavily, as if she had made some kind of decision."But are you planning to just go back like this?"She almost burst out laughing. Ye Kaishan's intentions were too pure. As soon as he reached the top five, he wanted to go back immediately."What else?" Ye Kaishan shrugged."The rewards for first place are extremely generous. I think you should strive for it. Since you've come this far, you can't just give up, right?" Qin Chan said.Upon hearing about the rewards, Ye Kaishan thought to himself that since he had already come, he might as well delay a bit longer.Just as the two were talking, a charming and somewhat flirtatious mature woman walked over.Before the person arrived, her voice preceded her."Master Ye, nice to meet you, nice to meet you. I am Xu Ruoyan..."Ye Kaishan's eyes flickered. This woman had a voluptuous figure and seemed a bit promiscuous, completely different from Qin Chan's reserved and elegant style."Miss Xu, nice to meet you, nice to meet you." Ye Kaishan nodded friendly."Master Ye, if you have time, come and visit Feihe City. Let me entertain you."Xu Ruoyan's face was like a peach blossom, with a smile in her eyes, as if they could speak.She was a woman whose eyes could speak.Ye Kaishan's heart was a bit restless, about to agree, but was pulled away by Qin Chan."Master Ye, you still have a competition to participate in. It's getting late, we should leave."Leaving Xu Ruoyan stomping her feet in place, feeling annoyed....The semi-finals were held at the Pill Cauldron Sect. One month later, the participants and spectators gradually arrived.On this day, everything was prepared in the square in front of the main peak of the Pill Cauldron Sect.The four contestants walked onto the alchemy platform amidst cheers."This guy... really made it into the top four!"On a viewing platform, Zhou Lu and Master Zhen Taihe were fuming, blowing their beards and staring.Especially Zhen Taihe, while feeling furious, also felt a bit ashamed.When he represented White Sun City, he could only come in last place. But when Ye Kaishan came, he directly made it into the top four, clearly distinguishing the superior from the inferior."It doesn't matter, Master Gu Li will teach him a lesson."Zhou Lu calmly said, full of confidence. The gap between him and Gu Li was like the gap between Zhen Taihe and himself....Soon, the competition was about to begin. A beautiful woman in white quietly entered the stage as the host.As she entered, everyone immediately smelled a faint medicinal fragrance.The fragrance of these spiritual medicines emanated from the woman's body.She seemed like a spiritual medicine come to life."This is... the Pill Cauldron Sect's Medicine Fairy. It is said that she has a special constitution, naturally close to spiritual medicines, and is being groomed as the next sect master."Everyone on the viewing platform revealed expressions of astonishment.Not only was this woman's status noble, she was also hailed as the future Pill Saint, possessing both talent and beauty.At this moment, Ye Kaishan on the alchemy platform was also attracted by the woman's unique aura.Unable to resist, he secretly used the system's function to investigate.In an instant, a blue light shot up into the sky."Oh my god! Blue!"Ye Kaishan was shaken. This was the first woman with a blue quality that he had ever encountered.Medicine Fairy Yao Shao, 38 years old, Earth Grade lower-grade spiritual root, cultivation at the Foundation Building stage.More importantly, she possessed a special constitution - the Medicine Spirit Body.This constitution not only made her immune to all poisons, but also allowed her to fully unleash the medicinal effects of spiritual medicines during alchemy.She was a natural material for alchemists.