
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Hiding The Divine Body, Ye Fan Returns

Ye Kaishan naturally wouldn't refuse Leng Aoxue, who came to his doorstep.He immediately ordered someone to prepare.Drums and gongs resounded, and the ceremony was completed.The bridal chamber was filled with candles and flowers.Under Ye Kaishan's careful care, this iceberg-like woman slowly melted away.At this point, Ye Kaishan had already obtained three out of the five Golden Flowers of the Hundred Flowers Sect.Only the enchanting flower Yin Niyun and the Mie Clan's Grand Master remained.These two were tough nuts to crack.After marrying Leng Aoxue, Ye Kaishan advanced further towards the tenth stage of Core Formation.Two months later, Leng Aoxue's belly started to grow.Another half a year passed, and Princess Li Shengying was finally about to give birth.Ye Kaishan had already put aside his work and was waiting at the entrance of the delivery room.It didn't take long.The child was born.[Ding! Congratulations to the host for giving birth to a Profound Grade top-grade spiritual root heir. Reward: +5 lifespan, Profound Grade top-grade Spiritual Weapon, Red Lotus Demon Fire, 500 pieces of medium-grade spiritual stones.][Note: This child possesses a hidden physique. Please pay attention, host.]"A hidden physique?"Ye Kaishan's heart stirred, and he rushed in to take a closer look at the child.The baby in the swaddling clothes, like a small bean, lay obediently in its mother's arms.In the depths of his soul, there seemed to be a flame slowly growing stronger.This flame was like a divine bird, emitting a scorching heat that could burn the heavens and earth."The Undying Divine Phoenix Body!""My son is actually a divine physique!"Ye Kaishan's pupils contracted, and his heart trembled.In the world, there were many special physiques, roughly categorized as spiritual bodies, divine bodies, and immortal bodies.The vast majority of special physiques belonged to the category of spiritual bodies, including the Medicine Immortal of the Pill Cauldron Sect.Li Shengying's Flame Spirit Body also belonged to the category of spiritual bodies.Above spiritual bodies were the unparalleled divine bodies, a type of physique that was extremely rare.The Undying Divine Phoenix Body was one of them.This physique possessed the legendary bloodline of the phoenix. When cultivated to perfection, as long as there was a trace of flame, one could be immortal.However, this child's Undying Divine Phoenix Body was in a dormant state.Only after awakening would it truly become a divine physique.Otherwise, it would be illusory.In this vast cultivation world, among the countless living beings, there were undoubtedly hidden divine bodies, and even immortal bodies.But many of them hadn't awakened yet and had left this world prematurely.This was a kind of helplessness.The energy of a divine body was immense, and the reason why these hidden special physiques existed was that their current physical bodies couldn't withstand this energy.Their own shackles couldn't be opened, so they hid themselves in an inactive state.Once awakened, they would undergo a rebirth and truly start anew.Ye Kaishan held the child and carefully examined him, as if he was looking at a rare treasure."Husband, it's a boy. Give him a name."Li Shengying said gently, rarely showing such emotions."Let's call him... Ye Kai!"Ye Kaishan paused for a moment and gave the child a name.Due to having too many children, naming them was also a headache, but fortunately, his knowledge was sufficient.A month later, under Li Shengying's insistence, the child's full moon celebration was held.Originally, Ye Kaishan didn't want to do it, as he had too many things to handle, and even managing his concubines was already busy enough.But Li Shengying said she wanted to have her family contribute.The full moon celebration of the child was definitely going to be attended by the Fire Country's royal family.After hearing this, Ye Kaishan couldn't help but exclaim, "Wow, my arms and elbows have reached the sky."This is even more ruthless than Zhao Feiyan.Since Li Shengying has this intention, Ye Kaishan will go along with her.However, this full moon banquet not only deceived the royal family of Fire Country, but also implicated the major cultivation families related to the Ye family."What? Ye Patriarch's offspring is going to hold a full moon banquet?"Some clan leaders almost jumped up when they heard this news.With the Patriarch's fertility, if this continues, they will declare bankruptcy within three years.Clearly, they are cultivation families with few desires, but now they are entangled in worldly affairs.Either they are at a banquet or on their way to a banquet.When do they have time to cultivate?This full moon banquet is highly valued by the royal family of Fire Country in order to further strengthen their relationship with the Ye family.Li Fengtian spared no expense and brought out the treasures that had been stored in the national treasury for many years.But what he didn't expect was that this action also caught the attention of the Ninth Princess.She thought that the next child should also have a full moon banquet.After the excitement, on this day, Ye Fan, the eldest son of the Ye family who was practicing outside, finally returned.When Ye Kaishan learned of this news, a smile that only a father could have appeared on his face.He naturally felt happy when his child returned home.Soon, the father and son met in a secret room.The mysterious atmosphere made Ye Fan look puzzled."Father, why is it so serious?"Ye Fan asked in confusion. After years of training outside, his skin was slightly dark, making him look like he was in his twenties.His cultivation had also reached the third level of Foundation Building.Although his progress was not fast, he was steady.Ye Kaishan told Ye Fan about the matters concerning the Demon Fiend Sect and the mysterious person."I suspect that they came for your little cauldron. Take it out and let me see.""Could it be such a coincidence?"Ye Fan said helplessly, then took out the small black cauldron.He had no guard against his own father."It's just my preliminary guess, I can't be sure yet."Ye Kaishan took the small cauldron and carefully examined it, but after looking at it for a long time, he couldn't figure out anything.If he didn't say something in front of his son, he would definitely lose face."System, do you know the origin of this small black cauldron?"Ye Kaishan silently prayed in his heart. After all, it was a system, it couldn't just know trivial matters, right?[The system can only detect the quality of treasures.]"Then, help me check this cauldron."Ye Kaishan nodded secretly, having this function was enough.[Detecting... Detection successful, the quality of this cauldron is... a damaged immortal tool!][It has been sealed by an unknown force and has lost its original power.]"Immortal tool!"Ye Kaishan was shocked. He didn't expect this inconspicuous small black cauldron to be an immortal tool.Although it was damaged, just the words "immortal tool" were enough to intimidate people.The only regret was that the power of this thing was sealed, leaving only a name.Otherwise, just a trace of immortal might could make the seven great nations unable to grow a single blade of grass.Ye Kaishan returned the small cauldron to Ye Fan and solemnly admonished him."Son, remember, unless it is absolutely necessary, do not take it out.""Father, is there something wrong?" Ye Fan asked in confusion."Is it really what the Demon Fiend Sect is looking for?""Most likely." Ye Kaishan nodded and continued."From my observation, this cauldron is likely a damaged immortal tool that was struck by some kind of force, which is why it became like this.""Immortal... tool!"Ye Fan took a deep breath and stared at the small cauldron in his hand.The thing he used to stew meat when he was hungry turned out to be an immortal tool?