
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Heavenly Demon Palace Shuangsheng, Dismiss Beggars

As soon as Ye Kaishan and the others went out, they heard a mocking laughter.Only then did they see that the area around Blackwater Frigid Pond was already filled with a group of black-clad people.There were hundreds of them, and even the weakest among them were at the Core Formation Stage.Among them, two young men and women stood in the front, with a high status. Their cultivation was even more terrifying, already reaching the Soul Formation Stage.Such cultivation levels did not exist in the entire Seven Nations.The man who spoke had a wicked appearance, with a pair of eyes flickering with a strange light.He looked up and down at Ye Kaishan and the others.Beside him, the woman wore a black veil dress, wrapping around her well-proportioned figure, revealing a sense of beauty that was both elusive and alluring.Her appearance was even more enticing, innocent yet seductive, with a youthful face and ample bosom, giving people a feeling of innocence.But upon closer inspection, it suddenly aroused the most instinctive desire in male creatures.In simple terms, it was a bit... suggestive.It made people unable to resist the urge to pounce on her, hold her down, and have their way with her.At this moment, more and more people came out from the secret realm and saw the black-clad people surrounding the Cold Pond. Surprise appeared on their faces.Even a fool could tell that these people were not friendly."Who are you?"Daughter Country's Wang frowned slightly and asked coldly."Hehe, you are Wang, the strongest in Daughter Country?" The wicked man laughed and a hint of amazement flashed in his eyes.It must be said that the aura of superiority emanating from Wang made people have a strong desire to conquer.If he could make such a woman bow down before his underpants...It would be a rare pleasure in the world."Yes." The queen nodded, not being polite at all. With her perfect Nascent Soul cultivation, it was not an exaggeration to say that she was the strongest in the Seven Nations."Let me introduce myself. My name is Li Mo, one of the Heavenly Demon Palace's Saint Children, and this is Mei Mo, one of the Heavenly Demon Palace's Saint Women."The man explained calmly.After hearing his words, the faces of some cultivators present changed drastically.Although they had never been to the Thunder Continent, the reputation of the Heavenly Demon Palace was not unfamiliar to them.It was a demonic force in the upper echelons of the Thunder Continent.With a wave of their hand, they could sweep away the Seven Nations. Just like now, sending out a Saint Child casually was something the Seven Nations couldn't bear.And the Heavenly Demon Palace had twelve Saint Women.The cultivators who didn't know the situation were still unaware of what had happened, but those who knew were already preparing to kneel down."Alright, now hand over everything you obtained from the secret realm."Li Mo smiled wickedly and said. In fact, they had arrived long ago and had been waiting here, just to let the pawns collect the treasures for them to reap the benefits."Li Mo! You are going too far!" The queen's face turned cold and she coldly scolded."Too far? The worst is yet to come! The Demonic Sect is my lord's force. How do you plan to settle this account?" A black-clad man stepped forward and shouted loudly. It was Wu Zan, the flute player.Now his voice was loud and full of confidence.With their reinforcements here, he no longer needed to hide like a rat in the dark."Too much nonsense. If you don't agree, I'll kill you all." Mei Mo, the woman named Mei Mo, said with the most innocent expression, uttering the most vicious words."I surrender!"Upon hearing this, some cultivators couldn't hold back any longer. After speaking, they timidly walked forward.Then, with a pained expression on their faces, they took out several Yellow Grade pills and a few small pieces of low-grade spirit stones."These are the things I obtained in the secret realm. I'll give them all to you.""This..."The demons exchanged glances and burst into laughter."You bastard! Do you think you can just dismiss us like beggars?"This piece of junk isn't even good enough for a dog to look at."No, no, I am of humble strength and could only find this little thing."The cultivator explained with a trembling voice, almost on the verge of tears.There's no way around it, who could have imagined that this secret realm would be so poor.Not to mention that even the demons themselves wouldn't believe it if they heard it."What about yours?"The Demon Lord decided to give another chance, but upon looking, he saw that this person didn't even have a storage ring on him.Indeed, there was nowhere to hide anything.Those few pills, who knows where they were taken from.As a result, more cultivators stepped forward and voluntarily handed over their belongings.However, when the demon lords saw what they had handed over, their faces turned even more livid.What Yellow Grade pills, fragments of spiritual stones, and incomplete Yellow Grade techniques, even a common flying sword.They were truly treating their Heavenly Demon Palace as beggars.They came all this way just to beg for food?"That's enough!"The Demon Lord shouted loudly, his anger filling the sky, his face dark and his killing intent boiling.Instantly, everyone was scared and retreated."You won't shed tears until you see the coffin. Are you trying to force me? I originally wanted to give you all a chance, but now that chance is gone!""Kill them all!"The Demon Lord's eyes flashed, and all the disciples of the Heavenly Demon Palace immediately rushed forward."You bastards! This place is protected by the Yinyue Dynasty. Aren't you afraid of angering the Yinyue Dynasty?" someone shouted."The Yinyue Dynasty? They can come and try if they want."Mei Mo laughed sweetly, her eyes filled with contempt, as if she was looking at a group of trash.A great battle was about to break out, with the strong from the seven countries summoning their treasures and preparing for battle.The ruler of Daughter Country held a scepter in her hand, which was a high-grade Earth Grade treasure."They have two Soul Formation Stage cultivators. How are we going to fight this?""It's too late to ask for help from the Yinyue Dynasty now. If we don't fight, we can only wait for death."The Palace Master of Jade Maiden Palace said in a deep voice, summoning a bell.At this moment, Ye Kaishan, who had been silent all along, finally spoke up."You all hold back that saintess, and leave the Saint Child to me."They had two Nascent Soul cultivators and several other Nascent Soul cultivators on their side, plus the treasures and formations. It was possible to hold back a Soul Formation cultivator."Just you alone?" The queen looked at him with surprise. She could sense that the Demon Lord's cultivation was still above Mei Mo's, already at the mid-stage of Soul Formation. What could Ye Kaishan, who was only at the late stage of Nascent Soul, do?"Let's give it a try."Ye Kaishan smiled, his figure moved, and he appeared in front of the Demon Lord."You want to fight me?"The Demon Lord, who had originally planned to witness a massacre, was stunned for a moment, showing an interesting smile.A late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator actually had the audacity to challenge him.He had never heard such a joke in his life."Saint Child, it was him who ruined my plan and killed Cao Wanxie."Wu Zan pointed at Ye Kaishan and shouted loudly, instantly becoming excited."Oh? Then he truly deserves to die!" The Demon Lord smirked.At this moment, Ye Kaishan's eyes flashed, and a strong light emerged from him.This light instantly fell on the Demon Lord, causing the entire void to tremble.Elemental Magnetic Rebirth!Caught off guard, the Demon Lord's body trembled, his legs instantly broke, revealing his bone-chilling white bones.