
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Heavenly Demon's Charm


e Kaishan's heart was filled with joy, as if he had opened up his meridians and released a layer of shackles.Reaching the Earth Grade in spiritual roots, every improvement brings tremendous progress.In a great mood, Ye Kaishan was full of strength, lifting his beloved to the clouds time and time again....Next, Ye Kaishan focused on taking care of his newly wedded concubine and did not continue to take in concubines.It's not just about taking in, but also about giving birth.He spent a long time planting the seeds of life in each concubine.Xue Qingqiu was no exception. Three months after their marriage, her belly started to grow."Husband, I... am carrying your child."Feeling the life in her belly, Xue Qingqiu's face was radiant with motherly glory.Compared to before, she had a more vibrant aura, filled with captivating radiance."It's good to have one... Husband, you finally helped me conceive."Ye Kaishan embraced her and said with a mischievous smile."Huh? So this is what you meant by conceiving, husband?"Xue Qingqiu was stunned and said with a bitter face."Of course, when the Yuan Dan breaks and enters the Nascent Soul stage, and now you have a baby in your belly, isn't that conceiving?"Ye Kaishan explained seriously."You scoundrel... you deceived me!" Xue Qingqiu became angry and pinched Ye Kaishan's waist hard."Haha..." Ye Kaishan laughed loudly. His skin was thick, so the force didn't hurt at all."Alright, I was just joking. Once you give birth to this child in your belly, I will teach you about conceiving."He lifted Xue Qingqiu's chin and said earnestly.A woman in her two hundredth year could still act like a young girl and it didn't feel out of place.That's the wonder of women.Afterwards, Ye Kaishan left Xue Qingqiu and went to a secret room."It's been so long, I wonder how Mei Mo is doing..."Ye Kaishan slapped his forehead. He had been so busy taking in concubines that he almost forgot about Mei Mo, who was still in the secret room.As soon as he entered the secret room, he felt a resentful gaze."You bastard, how long are you going to keep me trapped here? If you have the guts, give me a quick death!"Mei Mo gritted her teeth and stared at Ye Kaishan, her eyes filled with angry flames."Oh? You're still alive?" Ye Kaishan grinned, looking surprised, as if Mei Mo being alive was a strange thing.Upon hearing this, Mei Mo became even more furious.Did she have to die if she didn't want to live?"You scoundrel, either let me go or kill me, got it? Ahh..."Mei Mo shouted, even though she didn't move, her threatening gestures were enough to make people feel her ferocity."Hehe... it seems you're still not convinced."Ye Kaishan sneered and lightly moved his fingers, causing Mei Mo to involuntarily change her posture.Standing on one foot, tiptoeing, the other leg raised high.From a three-star difficulty level to a five-star difficulty level."You..." Even Mei Mo, who had seen a lot, couldn't withstand this embarrassing posture.She felt like her whole body was exposed in the air, without any secrets."Are you convinced now?" Ye Kaishan sternly shouted. How could a captive be so arrogant?This was outrageous!If he didn't discipline this demon today, he would be unworthy of the title of a grandmaster."Let me go quickly. I'll tell you, once the Heavenly Demon Palace comes, you're all finished.""The person you killed last time was just the weakest among the Saint Children. There are many more powerful than him."Mei Mo had a strong temper and continued to threaten Ye Kaishan. After abandoning her sense of shame, she felt much more relaxed."Oh... so you're also a bottom-ranked saintess?" Ye Kaishan laughed, mocking the female demon who was even worse than the power demon he had killed."What if I am?" Mei Mo coldly snorted, speaking arrogantly.Suddenly, she changed her expression, her eyes filled with a pitiful and teary look."In fact, I was forced to join the Heavenly Demon Palace. Everything I've done was out of coercion. I used to be a respectable woman..."She had a sorrowful expression, with tears streaming down her cheeks."Are you trying to say that your family was killed by the demon lord, and you were forced to join the Heavenly Demon Palace, enduring silently, waiting for the opportunity to seek revenge?" Ye Kaishan sneered, pretending to be the crooked-mouthed Dragon King."How... how did you know?" Mei Mo looked shocked. What Ye Kaishan said was exactly what she was about to say."This plot is too cliché. Someone already said it before you," Ye Kaishan laughed. The previous witch, Yao Xing, had a similar story.Family destroyed, forced into prostitution, all sorts of difficulties.However, Yao Xing's story was most likely true.But Mei Mo's story was definitely fake.This was something that Master Ye, who was well-versed in human nature, could discern."Damn it! Who was it?" Mei Mo gritted her teeth in anger."Your predecessor!" Ye Kaishan replied."If you're not convinced, then keep standing. I'll come back another day," he said, turning around to leave."Wait!" a desperate voice came from behind, the witch's voice."Changed your mind?" Ye Kaishan turned around with a smile on his face.At that moment, the panic on the witch's face disappeared, replaced by endless demonic energy.Her pupils suddenly lost color, like a swirling black hole, releasing astonishing fluctuations."Heavenly Demon Charm Magic! Enslave!" Mei Mo's eyes emitted a strong spiritual force, piercing into Ye Kaishan's eyes, attempting to leave a soul imprint.This was a secret technique of the Heavenly Demon Palace. Once successful, it could turn the opponent into one's slave, to be controlled at will.And Mei Mo was extremely skilled in the art of seduction, which was how she earned her reputation.Her martial arts skills were lacking, but her charm techniques were exceptionally excellent.She had never had a suitable opportunity to use them, partly because she hadn't fully recovered.But now, Mei Mo didn't want to wait any longer and decided to take a risk.At the moment when the Heavenly Demon Charm Magic was unleashed, Ye Kaishan's body trembled, resisting strongly.But soon, his gaze calmed down, becoming numb and empty, as if devoid of human emotions.Seeing this, Mei Mo felt great joy in her heart. However, she remained cautious and decided to test it."Ye old thief, who am I to you?""Mas...ter..." Ye Kaishan mechanically replied."Very well, then quickly remove the restrictions on your master," Mei Mo continued, her eyes turning into enchanting flower pupils, mysterious and seductive.Her charm technique was taking effect, constantly controlling Ye Kaishan, planting an imprint in his mind.After hearing Mei Mo's command, Ye Kaishan approached her, his hands wandering over her body."Wait! Bastard, is this how you remove the restrictions?" Mei Mo angrily cursed. She remembered that when Ye Kaishan set up the restrictions, it wasn't this complicated."Remove... restrictions..." Ye Kaishan didn't answer, mechanically repeating these words, and his movements became faster and faster.