
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Heaven Grade Spirit Root, Daughter-In-Law Takes Off

Congratulations to the host for giving birth to a Heaven Grade lower-grade spiritual root offspring. Rewards include +10 lifespan, a Heaven Grade lower-grade Law Weapon, a Replenishing Heaven Pill, 500 pieces of top-grade spiritual stones, and a top-grade spiritual field."Oh my god, a Heaven Grade spiritual root!"Ye Kaishan's heart was filled with shock and astonishment, his eyes wide open in disbelief.The demoness is amazing, she actually gave birth to a heavenly spiritual root in one go.This level of spiritual root, even if placed in the entire Thunder Continent, is considered extremely rare.A Heaven Grade spiritual root, if nothing unexpected happens, has a high possibility of reaching the Mahayana Stage.Compared to an Earth Grade spiritual root, there is a qualitative improvement.However, upon careful consideration, he currently has an Earth Grade spiritual root, and the demoness also has an Earth Grade spiritual root, and the grade is not low.Combining the two, it is not an exaggerated thing to give birth to a child with a Heaven Grade spiritual root.Ye Kaishan was overjoyed and immediately rushed into the delivery room, bursting into a hearty laughter."Ye Kaishan, why are you laughing like a ghost?"The demoness was startled before she could even take the child, almost jumping off the bed.At this moment, she had not yet noticed the child's spiritual root.Naturally, she didn't understand why Ye Kaishan was so happy."My wife gave birth to a child for me, how can I not be happy?" Ye Kaishan responded with a playful smile.Although the demoness had a tough mouth, she felt comfortable hearing these words.Then, Ye Kaishan walked forward and hugged the child, pretending to examine it, with a look of astonishment on his face."Heaven Grade spiritual root... our son has a Heaven Grade spiritual root!"Although he had known it for a long time, he still acted shocked."What? A Heaven Grade spiritual root?"The demoness was shocked and couldn't remain calm anymore. She snatched the child to check.With this check, she finally confirmed it and couldn't contain her excitement anymore."Heavenly spiritual root... my child has a heavenly spiritual root!"She exclaimed in joy. A heavenly spiritual root is considered top-tier talent in the entire Thunder Continent, enough to become a Saint Child in major holy lands."Here, this is your reward."Ye Kaishan took out a hundred pieces of top-grade spiritual stones and handed them to the demoness, generously allowing her to cultivate with them."Top-grade spiritual stones... for me?" The demoness was once again surprised, not expecting Ye Kaishan to be so generous.Even she didn't have many spiritual stones of this level."We are a family now, why be polite with me?"Ye Kaishan said nonchalantly. The system rewarded him with five hundred pieces, and he only took out one-fifth.Just a small amount.Upon hearing this, the demoness's heart fluttered, feeling a warmth she had never experienced before.A family... what a strange term!"Give him a name.""Well... let's call him Ye Tian."Ye Kaishan didn't hesitate, inspired by the heavenly spiritual root.This is his first child with a heavenly spiritual root, and it holds commemorative significance.After taking care of the child, Ye Kaishan left the delivery room to check the system's reward, a treasure.Heaven Grade Law Weapon - Sunset Bow!By using mana and true essence to activate this bow, one can condense immense divine power and shoot down stars from the sky.However, only when reaching the Soul Formation Stage or above can the power of this bow be gradually unleashed.With insufficient cultivation, it is impossible to activate the Sunset Bow.After reading the introduction, Ye Kaishan was somewhat skeptical and immediately summoned the Sunset Bow, attempting to draw and shoot.However, no matter how hard he tried, he could only draw a little, a faint arrow of energy that was barely visible.But he still couldn't shoot it out."I really can't shoot it!"Ye Kaishan roared, veins popping on his face. With his cultivation level, he couldn't even draw the bow.It can be seen that the Heaven Grade magic weapon is abnormal.After a while, he gave up, not forcing himself to shoot."It seems that I have to break through Soul Formation."Ye Kaishan sighed in his heart. It had been almost two years since his last breakthrough.He was eager to make progress.Putting away the Sunset Bow, Ye Kaishan took out the Heaven Grade elixir, the Replenishing Heaven Pill, which was a reward from the system.This pill could make up for the deficiency of spiritual roots and refine the cultivation of immortal roots.For those below the Divine Grade spiritual roots, taking the Replenishing Heaven Pill had a great chance of improving the quality of their spiritual roots.There was a chance to increase by one small level, or even more.However, due to the quality of the Replenishing Heaven Pill, the higher the quality of the spiritual roots, the more likely it would be ineffective."The Replenishing Heaven Pill..."Ye Kaishan tightly held the elixir in his hand. Even for him, it was not an easy task to refine such a level of pill.First, he was limited by the pill formula, and second, he couldn't gather the medicinal materials needed to refine the Replenishing Heaven Pill.In a small place like the Seven Nations, it was very difficult to find an Earth Grade spiritual herb, let alone the main herb needed to refine the Replenishing Heaven Pill, a Heaven Grade spiritual herb.Ye Kaishan didn't plan to take the Replenishing Heaven Pill himself because as long as he continued to take in concubines, his spiritual roots would naturally improve.And his concubines didn't need the Replenishing Heaven Pill either. As long as they frequently communicated and linked with each other, spiritual roots and the like were not a problem at all.So Ye Kaishan planned to give this Replenishing Heaven Pill to those who needed it more.Therefore, Ye Kaishan went to the residence of his third son, Ye Changsheng.This kid was already eighty or ninety years old this year. Although he didn't have spiritual roots, he had lived a prosperous life and had been cultivated with various spiritual herbs.He looked like he was only fifty or sixty years old, with a radiant face and a leisurely demeanor. He could probably hold on for a while longer."I'm sorry to trouble you, son..."Ye Kaishan chatted with Ye Changsheng for a few moments and then left.He went to his daughter-in-law Mu Wanqing's place.Up to now, Mu Wanqing was already over a hundred years old, and the medicinal power in her body was almost exhausted.She had white hair, but her skin was smooth and white, thanks to the effects of the Youth-Retaining Pill."Father, why do you have time to come to my place today?"Mu Wanqing quickly got up, poured tea, and served him."Don't bother." Ye Kaishan waved his hand, gesturing for her to calm down, and then solemnly said, "Open your mouth."Upon hearing this, Mu Wanqing was momentarily stunned, but she obediently opened her mouth.Over the years, she had never disobeyed Ye Kaishan's will, not even a bit.Ye Kaishan flicked his finger, and the Replenishing Heaven Pill shot into Mu Wanqing's mouth. Before she could react, the pill slid down her throat and into her stomach."This is the Replenishing Heaven Pill. It has a chance to improve a person's spiritual roots. Although you only have mortal spiritual roots, you still have a chance to cultivate immortality."Ye Kaishan explained calmly.These words were like a bolt from the blue, exploding in Mu Wanqing's ears."What... do I also have a chance to cultivate immortality?"Her body trembled, and her eyes suddenly became moist.Ye Kaishan nodded slightly, not saying much, and looked closely at Mu Wanqing, sensing the changes in her body.Because the Replenishing Heaven Pill didn't guarantee a hundred percent improvement in spiritual roots, there was still a chance of failure.If Mu Wanqing's face turned dark, then it would be a disaster."My daughter-in-law shouldn't be so unlucky, right?"Ye Kaishan thought to himself.After a while, a spiritual light suddenly burst out from the center of Mu Wanqing's eyebrows."Yellow Grade top-quality spiritual roots!"Ye Kaishan's eyes lit up, and he smiled."Father... Did it succeed?" Mu Wanqing asked nervously."Congratulations..." Ye Kaishan nodded, smiling, and said, "The gate of immortality has opened, and you now have the qualification for longevity."