
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Growing Old And Strong, The First Concubine's Room

"Mom and Dad, are you trying to throw me into a fire pit by making me marry an eighty-year-old man?"Outside the Ye family's gate, a woman dressed plainly but with delicate features angrily confronted a middle-aged couple, her brows filled with stubbornness."Silly girl, this is for your own good. The head of the Ye family is on the verge of death, and he can't do anything to you. After he dies, the entire Ye family's fortune will be yours. At that time, as an unmarried woman, what kind of man won't you be able to find?"The middle-aged woman smiled cunningly, her eyes filled with shrewdness and calculation."I won't marry! I'd rather marry you!"The young woman shook her head, her face full of stubbornness.Smack!A crisp slap resounded as the middle-aged man beside them took action, fiercely slapping the woman's face."You unfilial thing! Listen to your mother obediently. If you dare to mess this up, I'll break your legs!""Aunt Hua is here, hurry up and go with her, behave well, and make sure to catch the eye of the head of the Ye family."The man said viciously, exuding an air of ruffian and scoundrel.The young woman covered her face, glaring fiercely at her parents, then followed Aunt Hua into the Ye family's gate.Led by the maid Xiaoju, they quickly arrived at the Ye family's reception hall."Wait here, my family's head will be here soon."Aunt Hua was a middle-aged woman heavily made up and dressed flamboyantly. When she smiled, her face was full of flesh, nodding and bowing to Xiaoju."Thank you, thank you..."After Xiaoju left and confirmed that no one was around, she turned to the young woman behind her."Su Mei, let me tell you, you must perform well later. Since the head of the Ye family agreed to see me, it means he has the intention of taking me as a concubine. From what I've observed, the head of the Ye family will probably kick the bucket in three months at most. If you can endure for three months, the entire Ye family will be under your control. From then on, you'll enjoy endless wealth and prosperity. But don't forget about me, the matchmaker, haha..."Aunt Hua revealed an ugly face, speaking softly with eyes full of greed.Su Mei ignored her, her face expressionless.Which woman doesn't yearn for love?She was eighteen, in the prime of her youth. How could she be willing to marry an old man? At this age, she was afraid she could only move her mouth and end up covered in saliva, unable to do anything else."The master is here!"Just then, Ye Kaishan, supported by his daughter-in-law, walked in like a withered tree, swaying with every step as if he would fall with a gust of wind.Aunt Hua's eyes lit up. It seemed that she had been conservative. With this old and feeble appearance, he probably wouldn't last even a month, let alone three.Su Mei felt even more desperate, her gaze vacant, like a wooden chicken.At this moment, Ye Kaishan finally noticed the young woman behind Aunt Hua. Although she was dressed plainly, her appearance was exceptional.He secretly activated the system function to evaluate her and, in an instant, a dazzling green light emanated from the woman.Damn! So green!Ye Kaishan was shocked. This woman was actually one level higher than his daughter-in-law, with an overall rating reaching green."May the Ye family's master be blessed and safe." Aunt Hua stood up, smiling and speaking with a face full of joy."I came here today without prior notice for...""No need to say more, I agree."Before she could finish her sentence, Ye Kaishan interrupted her and readily agreed.The three people in the reception hall were all dumbfounded.This was too straightforward!After a brief moment of astonishment, Aunt Hua asked with half-belief and half-doubt."Since that's the case, how about holding the wedding in a month?""A month is too long, I strive day and night, let's do it after one day!" Ye Kaishan said decisively, surprising everyone with his words.Su Mei was dumbfounded, standing there questioning her life, until Hua Gu pulled her away.After Ye Kaishan agreed, Su Mei's parents were naturally delighted, especially when they heard that the wedding would take place the next day.Better late than never!Soon, news of Ye Kaishan taking a concubine spread throughout Azure Cloud Town, causing a stir.A person who was almost at death's door actually took a concubine."The Ye family's patriarch has no heir, I guess he wants to have a child to inherit the family business, but it seems a bit too late."The people of Azure Cloud Town whispered among themselves, and those who received invitations began preparing gifts to attend the wedding the next day.After sending away the matchmaker, Ye Kaishan returned to his room with the support of his daughter-in-law.Mu Wanqing hesitated, wanting to say something. She couldn't understand why Ye Kaishan would take a concubine when he was in such a state."Wanqing, you can go down first."Ye Kaishan persuaded his daughter-in-law to leave, and when she was gone, he struggled to sit up from the bed and took out the pills rewarded by the system.He needed to restore his body first, otherwise, during the wedding night, he would just have to watch helplessly and wouldn't be able to fulfill his plan of having descendants.The Innate Yin-Yang Supreme Technique is a dual cultivation technique that emphasizes the harmony of yin and yang.In addition to this technique, there were also three pills: Tiger Yang Gold Core, Great Return Pill, and Qi and Blood Pill.As the name suggests, Tiger Yang Gold Core is a precious medicine for strengthening the body and restoring vitality.The Great Return Pill and Qi and Blood Pill are excellent medicines for martial artists, and they are quite valuable.Ye Kaishan had never taken more than a few of these pills in his lifetime.Next, he took the pills and adjusted his body.In the blink of an eye, a day had passed.The usually calm Ye family courtyard was now decorated with lights and filled with people's voices.Today was a rare occasion in decades, the day when the Ye family patriarch took a concubine. Almost all the distinguished guests of Azure Cloud Town had received invitations.Soon, when Ye Kaishan appeared in a bright red robe, everyone showed a surprised expression.The current Ye Kaishan had a radiant complexion and walked steadily, although he still had white hair and wrinkles all over his face, his whole being had undergone a tremendous change.Where was the half-dead appearance?"On this joyous day, the Ye family patriarch has regained his vitality. This is probably his purpose, taking a concubine to celebrate and attempting to prolong his life!"Liu Jianghe, the head of the Liu family, one of the four major families of Azure Cloud Town, said with a smile. Compared to Ye Kaishan, he was in his prime with abundant vitality."Ye Kaishan is already eighty years old, and he was seriously injured when he was young. He has long exhausted his vitality. I think after the grand wedding, he will burst with wealth!I wonder which girl is lucky enough to marry into the Ye family and inherit the family business!"The heads of the other two major families also spoke with smiles. The four major families were engaged in hidden struggles and were not as harmonious as they appeared on the surface."The auspicious time has come!"With a loud shout, Ye Kaishan and Su Mei bowed to the heavens and the earth.The ceremony was over.[Congratulations to the host for successfully taking a concubine, completing the plan of having descendants, lifespan +5. Please complete the plan of having descendants as soon as possible.]Suddenly, Ye Kaishan's body trembled, feeling a surge of vigorous life force entering him, making him appear even more radiant."Great!"Although it was only an additional five years of lifespan, he felt that all aspects of his body had reached an unimaginable state.A warm current flowed through his abdomen.Restless.The wedding night was about to begin.