
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Goodbye Medicine Fairy, Daughter Country

Ye Kaishan sighed, realizing the significant gap in cultivation between Yang Menghua and Yan Shuitian, who came from the same sect.Immediately, Ye Kaishan and Yan Shuitian set off and hurried to Cloud Billow Sect.At this time, Yang Menghua broke through to the Nascent Soul stage, just like a timely rain for Song Jiang.Upon arriving at Cloud Billow Sect, Ye Kaishan quickly spotted Yang Menghua.This woman still wore loose Daoist robes, but her temperament seemed even more transcendent.At this moment, Cloud Billow Sect was bustling with activity. The other three major sects and the royal family of Fire Country had all sent representatives.They were there to congratulate Yang Menghua on her successful formation of the Nascent Soul.This was a major event."Master Ye, long time no see..." At this moment, a clear and clean voice came from behind Ye Kaishan.Yao Shao, the Medicine Immortal, had arrived and immediately spotted Ye Kaishan, greeting him.She didn't have many familiar people, and Ye Kaishan was one of them.During the last alchemy conference, Ye Kaishan's outstanding performance, exquisite skills, and elegant demeanor had left a favorable impression on Yao Shao.In her eyes, Ye Kaishan was like a kindred spirit, a fellow cultivator."Medicine Immortal, you're here too?"Ye Kaishan smiled and looked at Yao Shao, who had flown over. Elder Danyangzi was also by her side.The woman seemed like a mortal herb gatherer who had descended to the mortal realm, pure and ethereal, exuding astonishing spirituality.The two exchanged pleasantries with each other.Ye Kaishan warmly invited her to visit the Ye family, and Yao Shao gladly accepted."Master Ye, would you mind if this old man accompanies you?" Elder Danyangzi said with a thick-skinned face. Since Ye Kaishan didn't invite him, he invited himself."You're welcome anytime." As the saying goes, don't hit someone who smiles at you. Ye Kaishan didn't refuse.This old man had already been won over by his charm and had no choice.Soon after, the congratulations came to an end.The guests who came to congratulate gradually left, leaving only the core elders of Cloud Billow Sect."Sect Master Sister, have you heard? The old demon from Demon Fiend Sect has appeared!" Yan Shuitian was the first to speak. For the four major sects, the old demon was their enemy."I already know." Yang Menghua nodded slightly, her face serious.Then she looked at Ye Kaishan."Elder Ye, what do you think?"Upon hearing this, Ye Kaishan immediately spoke without hesitation."Instead of waiting to be killed, it's better to take the initiative.""Take the initiative? Just us?" Yang Menghua paused for a moment, not expecting Ye Kaishan to be so straightforward.Her master had died at the hands of the old demon, let alone herself, who had just entered the Nascent Soul stage.Even if Ye Kaishan had the strength of the Nascent Soul stage, he was probably not a match for the old demon.Just then, a disciple came to report, bringing the latest news."Demon Fiend Sect has already taken control of Heavenly Wolf Kingdom and renamed it Demon Shatter Country. They have also started attacking other countries..."Upon hearing this news, everyone in the hall was stunned."What does Demon Fiend Sect want? Do they want to annex the seven countries?"Elder Lu Xuan looked surprised."The old demon's ambition is too great!" Yang Menghua's expression became solemn."I'm afraid there is someone supporting them from behind."Ye Kaishan said, thinking of that mysterious person.The seven countries were located in a corner of Leizhou, surrounded by the sea on three sides and backed by the endless sea.To go inland, one had to pass through the seven countries, which led to the Heavenly Net Wastelands.This wasteland was extremely vast, with deserts, swamps, and all kinds of monsters and demons.Not to mention mortals, even Qi Refining and Foundation Building cultivators would find it difficult to cross the wasteland.Beyond the wasteland lies the true land of Leizhou.Due to the obstruction of the Heavenly Net Wastelands and the poverty of the seven countries, there are few disturbances from outsiders, which also brings peace.The seven countries are the Fire Country, Heavenly Wolf Kingdom, Martial Kingdom, Tian Shui Country, Hundred Beasts Country, Lin Yuan Country, and Bai Yue Country.Among them, Bai Yue Country, also known as Daughter Country, is the strongest of the seven countries.This country has a great background and is a subsidiary of the Yinyue Dynasty on the other side of the Heavenly Net Wastelands.The ruler of this country is a member of the Yinyue Dynasty royal family.However, over time, the distance from the Yinyue Dynasty has become too far, making it difficult to manage.Gradually, Bai Yue Country also began to decline and live a mediocre life.But if the Demon Fiend Sect wants to annex the seven countries, it is tantamount to provoking the Yinyue Dynasty.Even the Demon Fiend Sect is weak in front of the dynasty.So, the answer is that the mysterious person behind the Demon Fiend Sect has a great background and is not afraid of the dynasty at all."If the Demon Fiend Sect dares to do so, it will be much simpler."Yan Shuitian's eyes lit up as he smiled."Daughter Country has more than one Nascent Soul expert. It won't be difficult to deal with an old demon.""So, the Demon Fiend Sect is seeking death?"The elders in the hall laughed, feeling much more relaxed."In any case, we should closely monitor the movements of the Demon Fiend Sect."Yang Menghua said in a deep voice, then waved her hand, signaling the other elders to leave, leaving only Ye Kaishan and Yan Shuitian.After a moment of silence, she slowly spoke, her gaze fixed on Ye Kaishan."Elder Ye, I heard that you have taken in many concubines recently.""With such busyness, I assume your cultivation has suffered?"Even during seclusion, it didn't affect her ability to hear news from all directions and learn about recent events.Ye Kaishan has been taking in concubines one after another, hardly stopping.It is not an exaggeration to say that he is completely immersed in the world of tenderness.In this way, he inevitably has no time to cultivate.Ye Kaishan possesses the only Gold Core in the Fire Country and even in the seven countries. With such great talent, it would be a waste to continue like this.Therefore, Yang Menghua felt it necessary to urge Ye Kaishan to focus more on cultivation."Master, actually, I haven't neglected my cultivation."Ye Kaishan once again revealed his cultivation, releasing the full power of his Gold Core.Feeling this power, Yang Menghua's pupils slightly contracted."You have already reached the perfection of Core Formation?"She asked loudly, her words filled with disbelief.This speed is too astonishing.Can someone who spends all day taking in concubines and having children really be this powerful?Could it be true, as Yan Shuitian said, that only by following one's heart can one make rapid progress without obstacles?For a moment, Yang Menghua had some doubts about life. She deeply understood Ye Kaishan's rapid cultivation.It shattered her understanding.It's simply inhuman.With this in mind, and constrained by her pride, Yang Menghua reluctantly advised,"Well... if you can focus more on cultivation, I'm afraid you will already step into Nascent Soul.""The future of the seven countries is not peaceful. Go back and cultivate well, improve your cultivation.""Then we will go back first."Ye Kaishan took Yan Shuitian's hand and waved goodbye.Just as they left the hall, they saw Elder Lu Xuan standing at the door as if nothing had happened.Seeing Ye Kaishan coming out, she immediately approached."Elder Ye, thanks to you at the Giant Mammoth Gate last time, I haven't thanked you yet.""It was just a small favor. We were about to go back. If Elder Lu has nothing to do, would you like to go to Azure Cloud City together?"Ye Kaishan smiled and straightforwardly extended an invitation.