
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Giant Mammoth Gate, Nascent Soul Witch

Ye Kaishan and others left Cloud Billow Sect and headed towards Giant Mammoth Gate.Among the five elders accompanying them, four were women who were slightly older than Yan Shuitian but looked no different from thirty-year-old beauties.Among them, the elder with the highest cultivation level was named Lu Xuan, at the late stage of Core Formation.She had a beautiful face, almost on par with Yan Shuitian. She wore a plain light blue Daoist robe, with a bundle tied around her waist, and her long hair casually tied behind her head, giving her an extremely elegant appearance.Carrying a flying sword, she seemed like a female sword immortal who roamed the world.Through Yan Shuitian's words, it was known that this elder was skilled in swordsmanship and was the best in Cloud Billow Sect.Giant Mammoth Gate was located in the extreme north of Fire Country. After several days, the group finally arrived at Giant Mammoth Gate.From a distance, they saw the towering mountain gate shrouded in mist, with various spiritual beasts dwelling between heaven and earth.First and second stage spiritual beasts could be seen everywhere.They could even sense the aura of third stage spiritual beasts.Giant Mammoth Gate was a sect mainly focused on taming beasts and was the strongest among the four major immortal sects.Because when fighting against cultivators from Giant Mammoth Gate, one often had to face a spiritual beast of equal strength.Two against one, the vast majority of people would not be able to win.Upon learning that Ye Kaishan and others had arrived, the high-level members of Giant Mammoth Gate immediately came out to greet them."Thank you, fellow Daoists from Cloud Billow Sect, we are extremely grateful."A middle-aged man clasped his hands together, expressing his gratitude. He had a square face and looked righteous.His name was Tu Gang, the current sect master of Giant Mammoth Gate, with a complete Core Formation cultivation."Master Tu is too polite. As fellow immortal sects in Fire Country, we should help each other."Elder Lu Xuan returned the gesture.Among the four major immortal sects, there was an agreement that whenever one party encountered difficulties, the other three parties would provide unconditional support."We are deeply grateful, deeply grateful." Tu Gang nodded repeatedly, his gaze suddenly falling on Ye Kaishan beside them."And who might this fellow Daoist be...?"He asked with a hint of hesitation, not knowing Ye Kaishan's identity."This is our newly appointed elder of Cloud Billow Sect, Ye Kaishan," Lu Xuan explained.Upon hearing this, Tu Gang's expression froze, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes."So this is the Gold Core Ancestor of my Fire Country. I have long heard of your name..."Ye Kaishan's reputation had already spread throughout Fire Country, but many people had not seen his true appearance."Master Tu, you are too kind. It's just an empty reputation, not worth mentioning."Ye Kaishan responded with a smile.He was a Gold Core Ancestor, not a panda. He felt that the way these people looked at him was like they were seeing an alien."Master Tu, how is the current situation? Has Demon Fiend Sect retreated?"At this moment, Yan Shuitian spoke up.As soon as she spoke, it immediately attracted the attention of the people from Giant Mammoth Gate, and they couldn't help but feel strange.Even someone with a big belly came to support. Wasn't that too desperate?"Since the last time, Demon Fiend Sect has not appeared again. However, I speculate that they are preparing for a bigger move."Tu Gang's voice rang out as he explained the recent situation."These demons are elusive and extremely cunning.""Please come in and rest for a while. Let's discuss the strategy to eliminate the demons together when the fellow Daoists from the other two sects arrive."Tu Gang immediately extended an invitation.Due to Ye Kaishan's fast "horse," they arrived early, while the people from the other two sects were still on the way.Two days later, the people from Pill Cauldron Sect and Hundred Flowers Sect gradually arrived.Ye Kaishan looked at the team from Hundred Flowers Sect and noticed that everyone was present except for the sect master.The four golden flowers, Ling Qiao'er, Jiang Hongdou, Leng Aoxue, and Yin Niyun, were all present.In addition to two elders and some disciples, this time, Hundred Flowers Sect had deployed six Core Formation Stage cultivators.Almost half of their strength.On the side of Pill Cauldron Sect, there were also five Core Formation Stage experts, including one at the late stage of Core Formation.This is the third elder of the Pill Cauldron Sect, with a cool Daoist name, Dan Yangzi.Ye Kaishan's gaze scanned the team, feeling a little regretful that Yao Shao, the Medicine Fairy, did not come along."Husband..."Ling Qiao'er and Jiang Hongdou, the two women, landed and immediately ran over eagerly.Master Ye hugged one in his left arm and the other in his right, giving each a kiss.The remaining concubines of the Hundred Flowers Sect waited eagerly at the back."What the f*ck! Are these all his Dao companions?"The people from the Giant Mammoth Gate were dumbfounded, thinking to themselves that this guy was shameless.For the female cultivators of the Hundred Flowers Sect, having one was already considered extraordinary, but this guy had a whole group."This is too outrageous!"Some people were envious and jealous to the point of their scalp tingling, their eyes turning red."Thank you, Fellow Daoists, for coming to help. I am grateful. Please come in quickly..."Tu Gang warmly said to everyone.The group arrived at the main hall of the Giant Mammoth Gate's peak, each taking their seats, preparing to discuss strategies to deal with the Demon Fiend Sect."Master Tu, have you found the Demon Sect's stronghold? With us present, we will definitely be able to wipe them out together."Dan Yangzi was the first to speak. He appeared to be around forty years old, meticulously dressed, and full of energy."No rush, no rush..."Tu Gang waved his hand and smiled."Before that, I have another matter to discuss with you all.""Oh? What is it?" Everyone looked puzzled."That is..." Tu Gang paused, looking hesitant, his eyes flickering with an inexplicable light."I'll let a friend speak for me."With that, he looked towards the entrance and spoke with a powerful voice."Young Master Cao, it's better for you to speak."As soon as these words were spoken, everyone turned their attention to the entrance.A man with a wicked appearance had appeared there, playing with an umbrella embroidered with a picture of a beauty. He walked in slowly."Everyone, I sincerely invite you all to join us."The man said with an evil smile. Behind him were a group of powerful cultivators, with more than a dozen of them at the Core Formation Stage alone.Among them was a woman in black clothes, with an even more eerie aura, almost ignoring space as she teleported over.Nascent Soul stage!Everyone's expressions changed drastically, and they all stood up, summoning their Law Weapons in preparation for battle."Demon Fiend Sect! How did you end up here?"Dan Yangzi shouted angrily, his face extremely ugly."Master Tu, could it be that you..."At this moment, even a fool would realize what was going on.The Giant Mammoth Gate had betrayed them!If they hadn't colluded in advance, how could the people from the Demon Fiend Sect silently appear right under their noses?Clearly, this had been planned in advance."This is a trap... We've fallen into a trap..."Ye Kaishan sighed in his heart. It seemed that the previous information was all fake, and everything was a performance by the Demon Fiend Sect and the Giant Mammoth Gate.They deliberately lured the powerhouses of the other three sects here, and then planned to capture them all at once...."Tu Gang, I curse your ancestors! Did you deliberately set us up?"A hot-tempered elder from the Pill Cauldron Sect shouted, anger burning in his eyes, about to erupt."Hmph! You fools! I'm giving you a way out."Tu Gang snorted coldly, as if he had become a different person.