
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Fudo Ming Wang Jue, A Real Man Hao Yang

Ye Kaishan entered the secret room and subdued Mei Mo, striking an exaggerated pose.She resembled a black swan, with her black dress partially covering her, her jade legs straight and alluring, exuding a mysterious beauty."Reflect on your actions here, I'll deal with you later."Ye Kaishan left these words behind, not waiting for Mei Mo's response, and turned to another secret room.He couldn't wait to take out the ring given by Ye Fan and examine it.Upon seeing it, he couldn't help but gasp in astonishment.The storage ring had a space of thousands of zhang, and it was filled with spirit stones, forming a small mountain.There were mostly high-grade spirit stones, with a few hundred pieces of top-grade spirit stones.These high-grade spirit stones were large, round, and smooth, enough for a person to cultivate for a long time with just one piece.Ye Kaishan had never seen top-grade spirit stones before in his life.When all the grades of spirit stones were added up, there were tens of thousands of them."Daoist Hao Yang is really wealthy, what does his family do?"Ye Kaishan sighed in his heart. They said that Daoist Hao Yang was a poor ghost, but he could prove otherwise.Daoist Hao Yang was definitely not a poor ghost.In addition to the spirit stones, there were also many elixirs, spiritual herbs, materials, and other miscellaneous items.However, the grades were all high, after all, they were things from a Body Integration expert.Especially the materials, they were not found in the seven countries, and could be used to refine Earth Grade Law Weapons.They could also be used to refine puppets at the Nascent Soul stage, or even at the Soul Formation stage.With these materials, he could hand them over to several departments of the Ye family to refine.Ye Kaishan sorted them out and put them into another storage ring.Then he checked the next items."Oh my god...this is a Heaven Grade cultivation technique?"Suddenly, Ye Kaishan's expression changed. He actually found a Heaven Grade lower-grade cultivation technique in a jade slip that recorded cultivation techniques.This cultivation technique was called the "Immovable Vajra Technique" and it came from a top-level holy land in the central region.This holy land was called the Great Sun Tathagata Sect and belonged to the Buddhist and Daoist lineage.The "Immovable Vajra Technique" was the core cultivation technique of the Buddhist sect, focusing on cultivating the Dharma body.There were two aspects to it, the Bright Body and the Demon King Body.In the Buddhist sect, there were Bodhisattvas who lowered their eyebrows and did not see sentient beings, and wrathful Vajras who only killed without saving.Even the Bodhisattvas who claimed to save sentient beings would become angry and fall into demonic cultivation.When encountering those who were beyond redemption, they would reveal their demonic bodies and kill without mercy.This "Immovable Vajra Body" was just like that, it could radiate sacred light and save sentient beings.It could also transform into the body of a demon king in a state of anger, killing without mercy."Very good, with this Heaven Grade cultivation technique, my combat power will reach a new level."Ye Kaishan smiled with satisfaction. Although this Heaven Grade cultivation technique was difficult to cultivate, it didn't matter.As long as he had more children and concubines, he would gain various experiences, and everything would be fine.This boring seclusion was something Ye Kaishan preferred to experience a colorful life.To witness various wonders and beauty.Next, Ye Kaishan memorized this cultivation technique in his mind and continued to examine other things.He found several more cultivation techniques, but most of them were Profound Grade.Ye Kaishan no longer cared about cultivation techniques of this level.However, they could be placed in the family for the lower-level members to cultivate.Just as Ye Kaishan was about to stop, he suddenly found a bead in a corner."This is..."He grabbed the bead in his hand and tentatively explored it with his divine sense.Suddenly, a voice came from the bead."Destined One..."Ye Kaishan only just realized that the bead was actually a notebook, containing memories about Daoist Hao Yang.Startled, he thought it was a trap left behind by a destitute Taoist, attempting to possess his body.After understanding the memories, Ye Kaishan uncovered a past involving Daoist Hao Yang.As it turns out, Daoist Hao Yang hailed from Zhongzhou, a sect called Refining Sun Sect, where he was the sect master.Hao Yang had a happy family, with a virtuous wife and a beautiful daughter.However, the good times didn't last.Over a thousand years ago, his daughter awakened an extremely rare immortal physique, a constitution that could be fatal.To suppress it, they needed the heart of an adult dragon whale as a catalyst to refine a pill.But the problem was, the dragon whale was one of the rulers of the Endless Sea.Not only were they extremely scarce in number, but adult dragon whales possessed at least the Body Integration stage of cultivation, and if lucky, they could even encounter the Transcending Tribulation stage.Daoist Hao Yang, with only the cultivation of the Body Integration stage, desperate to save his daughter, disregarded everything and ventured into the Endless Sea.He vowed to hunt down a dragon whale to save his daughter.In the end, he was beaten by two dragon whales and barely managed to escape with his life.But his own life was also nearing its end. He mustered his strength and landed in the Seven Nations.There, he left behind his legacy."Destined One... If you are ambitious and have lofty aspirations, I hope that one day you can save my daughter...If you feel that you don't have the ability, I hope you can go to Refining Sun Sect in Zhongzhou and inform my wife and daughter of my death.If, by some chance, you manage to save my daughter, then I will betroth her to you. Also... just a reminder, my daughter is very beautiful."Hearing this, Ye Kaishan looked full of admiration.It must be said that Daoist Hao Yang was truly a man.He was willing to sacrifice his life for his daughter."Wait... Destined One, I still have one last breath..."Just when Ye Kaishan thought it was over, Daoist Hao Yang's message continued."Remember, don't fight with a dragon whale in the water, you... really can't win!"Hearing this, Ye Kaishan almost sprayed water out of his mouth.He could roughly guess how Daoist Hao Yang had met his demise.Fighting a water-dwelling creature like a dragon whale in the water was simply asking for a quick death.Legend has it that dragon whales possessed the bloodline of dragons and were naturally extraordinary. Among all sea creatures, they were the top of the top.Even when humans of the same cultivation level faced demonic beasts, they couldn't gain the upper hand, let alone facing such a king among beasts.Daoist Hao Yang managed to fight off two of them and escape.This was not embarrassing at all; instead, it proved his strength."Don't worry, Hao Yang. If I have the opportunity, I will take good care of your daughter."Ye Kaishan promised, without thinking too much. This matter was still too far away for him.Zhongzhou was in the center of this world, one of the nine major continents, and the most prosperous first continent.He hadn't even stepped out of this corner yet, let alone Zhongzhou.Ye Kaishan put away the ring and handed over some resources to Ye Fan.After all, he had worked hard to obtain them.As for whether this kid had any hidden treasures, Ye Kaishan didn't inquire.Everyone has secrets, and he was no exception....At this moment, due to Ye Kaishan's awe-inspiring display of killing the Demon of Power, the outside world was in shock.Cultivators from the Seven Nations hurriedly rushed to Azure Cloud City, bringing their female companions along.When these foreign cultivators arrived in Azure Cloud City with women by their side, people knew that the patriarch of the Ye family was about to start another round of taking concubines.