
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Foundation Building Seven Layers, Five Golden Flowers

"Demon Cultivator! Could it be someone from the Demon Fiend Sect?"Yan Shuitian's expression slightly changed. What would someone from the Demon Fiend Sect be doing at Blackwater Frigid Pond?She had just returned from there last time and didn't notice anything unusual.The only living creatures, two large black snakes, were torn apart by Ye Kaishan."These demon cultivators have been getting bolder recently. I suspect that the old demon from the Demon Fiend Sect hasn't died yet and will return sooner or later."Yang Menghua's face was solemn, filled with a sense of fear.Upon hearing this, Yan Shuitian's expression also turned grim.The old demon from the Demon Fiend Sect was a Nascent Soul stage existence who caused a bloody storm in the entire Fire Country over a hundred years ago.In the end, the patriarchs of several major sects joined forces with the Fire Country's lord to battle for nine days and nights before finally killing him.It was in that battle that her master, the current sect master of the Cloud Billow Sect, suffered serious injuries and died not long after."What should we do? Should we inform the other sects?" Yan Shuitian asked."No rush, I have been secretly monitoring the situation. It's not confirmed yet," Yang Menghua calmly said, her dress fluttering as she stood on a giant rock, gazing into the distance....Three months later, the Ye Family."Seventh level of Foundation Building!"Ye Kaishan completed his seclusion, absorbed the experience, and with the help of some pills, finally broke through to the seventh level of Foundation Building.He was satisfied with this speed, as Core Formation was within reach.In addition, his Twenty-Four Elephant Golden Body Technique also reached the fifth elephant.His physical strength greatly increased, and his energy was abundant, ready to burst out.After coming out of seclusion, Ye Kaishan didn't forget his original intention and continued to cultivate diligently.On this day, Ye Kaishan was resting in the middle with a beautiful woman in his arms.Zhu Man leaned against his chest, like a blooming flower, with a rosy complexion, reaching her peak."By the way, husband, I have a senior sister from the Hundred Flowers Sect who wants you to help refine the Essence Gathering Pill. I wonder if you have the time?" Zhu Man sat up straight and suddenly asked.Now, Ye Kaishan was the number one alchemist in White Sun City, especially after defeating Zhou Lu, his reputation reached its peak.He was quite famous in the entire Fire Country's alchemy world."Since it's your senior sister's request, I naturally have the time.""By the way, is your senior sister beautiful?" Ye Kaishan smiled mischievously, very straightforward."You scoundrel!" Zhu Man glared at him fiercely but wasn't angry.She knew Ye Kaishan's character, and this was his only hobby."My senior sister is one of the Five Golden Flowers of the Hundred Flowers Sect. Naturally, her appearance is impeccable. Compared to her, I'm like a maid." Zhu Man said slowly."Nonsense, in my heart, you will always be a princess!" Ye Kaishan said with a serious face.Zhu Man's heart trembled. She had never heard such cheesy words before, and her body instantly softened....A month later, a group of female cultivators who looked like celestial fairies descended upon Azure Cloud Town.The leader, a woman who appeared to be in her mid-twenties, had crystal-clear skin and exquisite features.There was a crimson petal mark on her forehead, adding a touch of charm.Behind the woman, there were five or six female cultivators who were equally beautiful and each had their own unique qualities. Their looks were at least above 85 points.Their arrival added a touch of fairyland to the entire Azure Cloud Town."Wow... where did these fairies come from? They're so beautiful, especially the leader, she's absolutely stunning. I've never seen such a beautiful woman...""I'm afraid only the concubines of the Ye family's patriarch can barely compete with them.""I suspect they're going to the Ye family again. I've noticed that any fairy who has been to the Ye family can't escape..."The people of Azure Cloud Town have become accustomed to this and have developed a high level of immunity and tolerance, otherwise they would have been dumbfounded.These women are from the Hundred Flowers Sect, Zhu Man's senior and junior sisters.Soon, Ye Kaishan saw this group of women in the reception hall.He was immediately attracted by the leading woman, not because he was lecherous, but because of a natural appreciation for beauty.Everyone has a pair of eyes that are good at spotting beauty, and Ye Kaishan is no exception."So this is one of the Five Golden Flowers of the Hundred Flowers Sect? Truly deserving of her reputation!"Ye Kaishan was shaken in his heart. This woman is definitely one of the most beautiful women he has ever seen.Only Yan Shuitian, the master of the Cloud Billow Sect, can compare with her.Bai Caiwei has an outstanding temperament, but in terms of appearance, she falls slightly short compared to her."Senior sister, junior sisters... let me introduce you, this is my husband, Ye Kaishan.""Husband, this is my senior sister, Jiang Hongdou..."Zhu Man acted as the intermediary and introduced both sides."Pleased to meet you, Master Ye."Jiang Hongdou bowed respectfully, but her gaze lingered on Ye Kaishan.The current Ye Kaishan looks to be around twenty years old, with a slender and exceptionally handsome figure.He doesn't look like a master alchemist at all.If it weren't for Zhu Man's information, it would be difficult for her to connect the man in front of her with the rumored Master Ye."Miss Jiang, you're too polite. Since you are fellow disciples of Zhu Man, we are all family. Treat this place as your own home, there's no need to be reserved."Ye Kaishan flashed a charming smile and his words made the women of the Hundred Flowers Sect feel warm.Generally speaking, alchemists with some skills tend to have a proud temperament, but it's rare to find someone like Ye Kaishan who is easygoing and gentle.Just from their first meeting, the women already categorized Ye Kaishan as someone who is gentle and kind.Their favorable impression of him continued to rise."Then... I'll call you Brother Ye."Jiang Hongdou hesitated for a moment and said with a smile.Her smile instantly brightened up the entire reception hall."That's right." Ye Kaishan nodded and secretly assessed the qualities of the women.Jiang Hongdou has a green quality, with a high-grade Profound Grade constitution and a cultivation level of Foundation Building Tenth Layer.The other women have yellow and green qualities, with Yellow Grade high-grade and top-grade constitutions.Their cultivation levels are mostly in the early to middle stages of Foundation Building."Brother Ye, these are the medicinal materials I've prepared. Feel free to set the reward."Jiang Hongdou took out the prepared medicinal materials and handed them over."You're too polite, Sister. Making the Essence Gathering Pill is just a small effort for me. As for the reward, there's no need. Consider it a gift from me to you as a token of our first meeting."Ye Kaishan naturally accepted the medicinal materials. The usual reward would only be a few dozen medium-grade spirit stones.For him, it was better to do a favor.Indeed, after hearing his words, the women of the Hundred Flowers Sect's eyes lit up, and their favorable impression of Ye Kaishan increased even more.It's hard not to have a good impression of such a handsome and powerful alchemist.For a moment, the women even envied Zhu Man for finding such an ideal partner."Sisters, please stay at the mansion for a few days. I will refine the pills before we leave."Ye Kaishan continued.The women of the Hundred Flowers Sect nodded slightly, already having this intention.