
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Elder Xue Qingqiu, Born In A Secret Realm

The current Ye family, including Ye Kaishan, Yao Xing, Jin Ruyi, already has eight Nascent Souls.To reach ten Nascent Souls and break through to the sixth-grade cultivation family, there are still two remaining.Women like Yan Shuitian, Jiang Hongdou, Ling Qiao'er, have already reached the later stage of Core Formation, not far from Nascent Soul.Ye Kaishan took out a portion of the treasure for giving birth to children and distributed it to his concubines, boosting their morale.At first, Jiyin, who rejected having children, Yao Xing, couldn't wait to have a child.Apart from the concubines, Ye Kaishan's offspring began to show their talents.Ye Kaishan's son, Ye Han, with Earth Grade spiritual roots, who is only in his teens this year, has already reached the early stage of Foundation Building.Cultivating Earth Grade spiritual roots is unreasonable and progresses rapidly.In addition, the Ye family is wealthy and has abundant resources.At the same age, Ye Han is already one realm ahead of those disciples from the immortal sects.While others are still in the early stage of Qi Refining, he has already reached Foundation Building.This also puts pressure on his older brothers and sisters.Same father, but different versions.The later-born offspring have relatively better aptitude.Ye Xingchen, who has a special spiritual body and is only a few years old, has already reached the later stage of Qi Refining at the age of cultivation, making other children of the same age pale in comparison.This is the effect of spiritual roots and resources.To cultivate quickly, both are indispensable.Ye Kaishan is never stingy with his offspring. As long as they reach a certain level, he will take the time to teach them techniques and reward them with treasures.Now, his earlier-born offspring have successively reached the Foundation Building Stage.The older offspring without spiritual roots are already in their seventies or eighties and are in a half-dead state.This state needs some time to alleviate because the life-extending fruit tree and the Spirit Reversing Divine Lotus have not matured yet.Ye Kaishan advised the children without spiritual roots to endure a little longer and persevere, as good days are ahead.So, he turned around and married Xue Jing, a female cultivator from the Falling Dawn Sect.He wanted to marry more concubines and have more children, striving to produce immortal pills so that his clan members can live a good life.Through Xue Jing, Ye Kaishan could establish a connection with the Falling Dawn Sect.The Falling Dawn Sect is very powerful, roughly equivalent to the combined strength of the Hundred Flowers Sect and the Cloud Billow Sect.They have an Nascent Soul ancestor and about ten Core Formation ancestors.Xue Jing's elder sister is the grand elder of the Falling Dawn Sect, named Xue Qingqiu, a beautiful woman at the perfect stage of Core Formation.During the wedding, Elder Xue Qingqiu personally came to congratulate them.Ye Kaishan immediately gave her three Nascent Cultivating Pills.Originally, Elder Xue Qingqiu was not smiling and had doubts about this marriage because Ye Kaishan had too many concubines.She was worried that her sister would suffer after marrying into the Ye family.However, after Ye Kaishan gave her three Nascent Cultivating Pills, Xue Qingqiu suddenly felt something.This man had a charm that ordinary men didn't possess."Elder Xue, since you've come all this way, why not stay here for a few more days?"Ye Kaishan invited.At this moment, Xue Qingqiu had a layer of white veil covering her face, making it impossible for ordinary cultivators to see her true appearance.But in Ye Kaishan's eyes, this thing was useless and illusory.Xue Qingqiu was beautiful, with a beauty mark at the corner of her mouth. She was the kind of woman who seemed reserved and untouchable, but as long as someone could break through her heart, they would receive the most passionate response."Well... I'll consider it..." Xue Qingqiu hesitated, just as she was about to answer.Suddenly, a strong light rose from the distant sky.Then, like an ink painting, it flowed in the void, forming a landscape scroll that was lifelike, like a projection of another world.At this moment, everyone present was stunned by this scroll and couldn't help but be amazed."A celestial phenomenon?""The immortal has appeared, bless my wife to give birth to a chubby boy...""Is this a painting or a world? It's so lifelike!""Hiss... Could this be the relic of an ancient immortal?"Seeing this scene, the cultivators kept speculating, wanting to find out the truth.They saw that this radiance seemed to be happening within the Fire Country.At the same time, Nascent Soul experts from several other kingdoms also noticed this anomaly.Because this landscape painting was too large, spread out in the void, like a celestial palace in the sky.In the Ye family courtyard, Ye Kaishan and Xue Qingqiu exchanged a glance, seeing the surprise and doubt in each other's eyes."This is most likely a hidden realm that was suddenly triggered and exposed," Xue Qingqiu said in a deep voice, her eyes shining brightly."A hidden realm... Shall we go and take a look together?"Ye Kaishan smiled and then, regardless of whether Xue Qingqiu agreed or not, called a few concubines and summoned the Moonwatching Flying Boat, rushing towards the scene.When they got closer, they discovered that the pillar of light was actually erupting from the Blackwater Frigid Pond.This was the place where Ye Kaishan slaughtered the black snakes, and it was also where Ye Fan's small cauldron was found."Could this hidden realm be related to the little black cauldron?"Ye Kaishan wondered in his heart, controlling the flying boat to approach slowly.Someone arrived here before them. Yang Menghua, after discovering the anomaly, immediately gathered the elders and rushed over.At this moment, they were hovering near the Blackwater Frigid Pond, investigating the cause."Master, have you figured out anything?"Ye Kaishan put away the flying boat and the group of people landed."I can't get close, let alone break through. It seems to be blocked by a formation," Yang Menghua truthfully reported, after looking for a while, this was the only information he obtained."Let me take a look."Ye Kaishan's eyes flashed, and he quickly formed several hand seals, launching them towards the cold pool.However, as soon as they touched the pillar of light, they were quickly bounced back by a force.Just as Ye Kaishan was about to continue his attack, suddenly, a voice sounded in his ear.The sound condensed into a line!"Father, don't attack. It's me, Ye Fan. This is the hidden realm I found. Help me buy some time, and I'll share it with you when I go up...""Ye Fan?"Ye Kaishan's pupils slightly contracted. He never expected that his son triggered this hidden realm."This kid can actually transmit his voice to my ears. It seems that he has gained quite a bit during these days...""Could it be that Grandpa is hidden in the little black cauldron?"Ye Kaishan thought in his heart, his expression gradually becoming strange.Yang Menghua, who was beside him, couldn't help but ask when he saw his inexplicable expression, "What's wrong? Did you find something?"Ye Kaishan snapped back to his senses and sighed slightly, saying, "This is probably a dangerous place!""A dangerous place? It doesn't look like it," Yang Menghua said in confusion. If it were a dangerous place, there would probably have been a massacre long ago."Let me check again."Ye Kaishan said. He didn't mention that Ye Fan was down there. This matter was of great importance, and the fewer people who knew, the better....At this time, in a forest of ironwood, a figure shrouded in a black robe looked at the anomaly in the sky.A perfect smile appeared at the corner of his mouth as he laughed."Very good, this trip was not in vain. I will inform the sect.""They have forced me to use the Heavenly Demon disintegration. By then, none of them will be able to escape..."