
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Don't Move, It's Broken, The Heart Of The Two Demons

"Boom!"This palm carried a powerful suppressive force, sending Sha Pojun flying for dozens of miles.Ye Kaishan followed closely behind, swinging the Sky-breaking Hammer and striking down.After a few strikes, there were only a few scales left on Sha Pojun's body.These were all good things. After Six-Winged Golden Cicada finished eating the skull, it picked up the scales from the ground.It happily chewed away.Sha Pojun's eyes were filled with rage, no longer the arrogant person he was before.His skull was gone, and now even the scales were eaten by that little thing."Beast!""You dare to insult me?" Ye Kaishan, with his sharp ears and keen eyes, heard Sha Pojun's voice from a distance.Boom boom!A few more strikes.Sha Pojun's body stiffened, his face turning pale.It's broken, his lumbar vertebrae are broken.This crazy scene shocked Sha Jiaojiao and the other members of the sea clan.Surprising!A human cultivator at the Soul Formation Stage actually defeated a powerful sea clan expert at the Void Refining Stage?"Has the world changed? Are humans so powerful now?"Some sea clan members began to doubt their lives, wondering if they had been away from land for too long and humans had evolved."This guy is so strong..."Sha Jiaojiao murmured, her gaze becoming unfocused, as if she was seeing Ye Kaishan for the first time.She understood why Ye Kaishan was so capable.It was closely related to his powerful strength.Sha Pojun was considered outstanding in the entire Golden Shark Clan, but now he was like a plaything in Ye Kaishan's hands.With this in mind, a thought began to grow in Sha Jiaojiao's mind, becoming increasingly uncontrollable.At this moment, under Ye Kaishan's heavy blow, Sha Pojun suddenly roared in anger and exploded.His body turned into countless illusions, fleeing in all directions.A cultivator at the Void Refining Stage could return to his original form and transform into numerous clones.This was a unique ability.Ye Kaishan slaughtered most of the clones, with only a small fraction escaping.Although he didn't kill Sha Pojun, his cultivation was greatly diminished.Seeing this, the sea clan members present were terrified and ran away.Four Soul Formation cultivators, two dead and two injured."Senior Ye, how should we deal with these two monsters? Should we keep them as captives?" someone asked loudly, bringing two heavily injured sea clan cultivators."Keeping them would be a waste of food. Kill them!" Ye Kaishan looked at them for a while but couldn't determine their species, so he slapped them to death, leaving them as food for Six-Winged Golden Cicada.It turned out that not all sea clan members looked like Sha Jiaojiao.Next, it was time to clean up the battlefield.To prevent the sea clan from invading again, Ye Kaishan ordered more forces to be deployed to the coastline.Now, there were no internal worries, only external threats.The Golden Shark Clan's defeat would surely lead to a comeback.Similarly, he had to be prepared for a sudden attack from the Heavenly Demon Palace.This battle quickly spread throughout the Fire Country and even the Daughter Country."Elder Ye suppresses a Void Refining Stage Golden Shark and repels the sea clan army."Upon hearing this news, even the queen was shocked."Hiss... Even a Void Refining Stage is no match for Ye Kaishan?""This guy's cultivation speed is too fast, isn't it?"The Palace Master of Jade Maiden Palace was also shocked. They had been stagnant for years, while Ye Kaishan had made rapid progress.In a short period of time, he had already reached a level comparable to the Void Refining Stage.Such cultivation, even in the entire Lei Continent, could be considered a powerful figure.Joining various major forces, he could easily become an elder."In such a barren place, a true dragon has emerged..."The queen sighed, suddenly feeling a bit troubled. How should she face Fire Country if things continue like this?When two countries have completely unequal strengths, problems are bound to arise....At this moment, Ye Kaishan and the others have already returned to Azure Cloud City.Everyone went their separate ways, each finding their own path.Most of them left, leaving only a few behind.After this battle, Master Ye undoubtedly captured a large number of female cultivators.They were unstoppable and couldn't be driven away.Yang Menghua wanted to express her feelings, but when she looked at Ye Kaishan, who was surrounded by admirers, she hesitated.She felt embarrassed to take the initiative, as if she was giving herself away for free.After much hesitation, she could only leave with reluctance.Yan Shuitian seemed to understand her thoughts and immediately followed her back to Cloud Billow Sect.On the other hand, amidst his busy schedule, Ye Kaishan found time to arrange a ceremony for taking concubines.One concubine for three months.After everything was done, Ye Kaishan, in the name of Fire Country, announced the convening of a grand competition for the immortal sects.All cultivators were welcome to participate.Among them, the strongest in each realm would be determined, and then the strongest sect would be decided.The rewards were generous, with the highest being an Earth Grade magic treasure and spiritual pills.He did this mainly to motivate the descendants of the Ye family and even the cultivators of Fire Country to grow.If you fall behind, you will be beaten.Through this attack by the sea tribe, it was discovered that although Fire Country had a large population, their strength was lacking.Under the huge population base, there were not many cultivators, and their cultivation levels were generally low.When encountering strong opponents, they were like scattered sand.He couldn't handle everything on his own.Therefore, Ye Kaishan planned to temper the overall strength.Let the future generations of the Ye family also participate.This news caused a huge reaction in Fire Country and even in Daughter Country.Leaving aside everything else, just the Earth Grade Law Weapon was enough to make the majority of cultivators lose their rationality.After learning of the news, the Palace Master of Jade Maiden Palace immediately set off with a large group of female cultivators to Fire Country.She didn't even inform the queen.The day of the grand competition was set for half a year later.This gave enough time for the news to spread and for people to prepare.However, on Ye Kaishan's side, he didn't delay in taking concubines.After Mei Mo's persuasion and seduction, Yu Mo and Hua Mo finally couldn't resist.Especially when Mei Mo showed off the Heavenly Seal in front of the two women."Heaven Grade Law Weapon?""Yes, my husband rewarded it to me," Mei Mo said coquettishly.Originally, Ye Kaishan said he would temporarily lend it to her, but Mei Mo had already treated it as her own."Husband... Husband is so good," Yu Mo said in a daze.When they learned about Ye Kaishan's recent achievements, their hearts surged even more.Looking at the blissful Mei Mo, their defenses collapsed.An outstanding man is captivating, and an outstanding and wealthy man is even more enchanting.Only the steadfast Little Elder Lingxiu held onto her principles and told herself not to defect or betray Heavenly Demon Palace.She was a demon lord with principles!She would never be like Mei Mo, without any bottom line.In the end, she simply sealed off her hearing and ignored everything.But Yu Mo and Hua Mo wouldn't be as resolute as her.They immediately clamored to marry Ye Kaishan.Upon hearing this news, Ye Kaishan immediately made preparations.The Ye family needed more outstanding women to join.