
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Do You Have Feather Face? Dragon Array

Gemini Twins have arrived, and behind them are nearly a hundred powerful experts from the Demon Palace.The Dark Night Saintess, the first, second, fourth, and sixth elders of the Void Refining stage.As well as many disciples at the Soul Formation Stage and Nascent Soul stage.This lineup can be considered terrifying.Taking advantage of the night, they suddenly appeared above the Ye family, sealing off the area.They don't plan to give their opponents any chance to escape.After laughing loudly, You Qin turned her cruel gaze towards Ye Kaishan below."Oh... Soul Formation perfection?"She was slightly surprised, as this was stronger than what she had seen last time.But it's not a big problem.Ye Kaishan flew up and looked at the leading woman. This woman was dressed gorgeously, beautiful yet dignified.The most crucial thing was that they looked exactly the same.Their spiritual roots even reached the Heaven Grade lower rank.So far, this was the strongest outsider with spiritual roots that he had encountered."Are you You Ruo and You Qin?" Ye Kaishan asked with a smile, scanning his gaze and seeing Wu Zan behind them. He nodded friendly at him and exchanged a glance.Wu Zan was stunned for a moment, then became angry. Was this person provoking him?Laugh, go ahead and laugh as much as you want. You won't be able to laugh later.After hearing Ye Kaishan's words, You Qin's face didn't look good. No one had ever dared to call them by their real names in front of them."You are truly ignorant of your impending death. Not only did you kill my Heavenly Demon Palace disciples, but you also dare to imprison them..."The more she spoke, the angrier she became."That's not true. I treat them as my own." Ye Kaishan waved his hand and gestured below.Mei Mo, Yu Mo, and Hua Mo responded, their faces somewhat embarrassed, but their cultivation levels were high, and they were plump and obviously well-off."You are all fellow disciples of my beloved wife, we are all one family. I don't want to fight and kill, why not let go of your prejudices and turn hostility into friendship?" Ye Kaishan advised in a gentle tone.After hearing his words, all the demonic cultivators became angry, and an elder immediately shouted."What family? Are you even worthy to be with us? Killing our palace disciples, you deserve to die."For a moment, the crowd became furious, and the demonic cultivators looked at Ye Kaishan with disdain in their eyes.Now you know fear, wanting to be brothers with them and become one family.Where in the world does such a good thing exist?"Today, there's no room for reconciliation. Show me all your strength and don't disappoint me." You Qin smiled cruelly."That's what you said."Ye Kaishan shrugged and then shouted loudly below, "Senior predecessors, if not now, then when?"The Silver Shark Clan has been feasting and drinking in the Ye family for so long, it's time for them to do something."Haha... Ye boy, we're here."A hearty laughter shook the surroundings, and Sha Wanli led the Silver Shark Clan, flying up.Seeing this, the faces of the Gemini Twins slightly changed, and a hint of surprise flashed in their eyes.Where did these powerful people come from?They hadn't noticed them before!Moreover, the aura of these people was strange, not like ordinary people.The leading old man was at the peak of Void Refining, and there was also one at the later stage and one at the middle stage of Void Refining.This was a team composed of Soul Formation and Void Refining cultivators.Their high-end combat power was almost not weaker than theirs.For a moment, the demonic cultivators became somewhat panicked, as they were not mentally prepared for the sudden appearance of the Silver Shark Clan."Fellow Daoist, who might you be? This is a matter between our Heavenly Demon Palace and the Ye Family. We hope that you, Fellow Daoist, will not interfere and give us face. There will be gratitude in the future."The second elder of the Heavenly Demon Palace bowed and spoke. He was a middle-aged man in the later stage of Void Refining, with a strong physique and a dignified face.He intended to use his status to drive away the Silver Shark Clan and prevent them from interfering."Face? You have no face at all. This is our young master. Do you want to interfere or not?"Sha Fuhai sneered and cursed loudly. So what if the Heavenly Demon Palace was powerful? Did they dare to come to the Endless Sea and face them?The Silver Shark Clan was not afraid at all.The second elder's face turned green. Where did this uncultured person come from?"May I ask which clan you all come from?" You Ruo asked in a flat tone, sensing the key information."We are from the Golden Shark Clan. If you don't accept it, have the guts to find us in the Endless Sea."Sha Fuhai said loudly, with a proud expression."Golden Shark Clan?" The Gemini Twins frowned. The other party was from a sea clan, no wonder they were not afraid of the Heavenly Demon Palace.By the way, how did Ye Kaishan establish a relationship with the sea clan?He even married their daughter and became their son-in-law."Golden Shark Clan, I remember. Don't regret it later." The second elder was furious, his eyes filled with killing intent.He secretly noted down the Golden Shark Clan in his little book, waiting for future settlement."Since you all refuse to retreat, then let's settle it with our hands!" You Qin shouted coldly, and a silver light wheel appeared in her hand, emitting a sharp aura that made people shudder.This was a Heaven Grade Law Weapon.Named the Sun and Moon Light Wheel, there were two of them, with each of the Gemini Twins holding one.Seeing this, Sha Wanli's expression became serious, and he slowly took out a silver shield.Yes, this was the skull of their Silver Shark Clan's ancestor, passed down for tens of thousands of years, enduring wind and frost, undefeated in countless battles.Its hardness was comparable to a Heaven Grade Law Weapon.Seeing this, Ye Kaishan felt a bit overwhelmed. He didn't expect that the Silver Shark Clan, like the Golden Shark Clan, also liked to use their ancestor's body parts as weapons.Your ancestors from both clans have really suffered. They can't even rest in peace after death.Thinking this, Ye Kaishan handed over his Spring and Autumn War Halberd."Senior Shark, let's put away the...shield for now and use my weapon. My treasure is powerful.""How can I accept this?" Sha Wanli was stunned for a moment, quickly retracting the skull and accepting the war halberd.He said he couldn't accept it, but there was no trace of restraint in his actions."Don't misunderstand, I'm just lending it to you temporarily. Give it back to me when you're done."Ye Kaishan smiled."Did I ever say I wouldn't give it back to you?"Sha Wanli became furious, brandishing the Spring and Autumn War Halberd and attacking You Ruo.You Ruo frowned. The power of this war halberd was actually stronger than her moon wheel."Ye Kaishan, I heard that you are proficient in formations. I have a formation here. I wonder if you can break it."You Qin laughed, her body rising higher and flying out a hundred and eight bronze pillars, inserting them into the four corners of the world.As she chanted an incantation, a seal formed, and Azure Cloud City suddenly became windy. A hundred and eight pillars of fire shot out, twisting into a fiery dragon and roaring out.Countless killing intent instantly enveloped everyone's hearts."This formation is called the Wind Flame Demon Dragon Formation, its power is comparable to an early stage Body Integration attack!"The huge flame dragon, stretching for thousands of miles, swooped down.Everyone was scared pale, trembling with fear.Just then, Ye Kaishan's mouth curled up, and he formed a seal, pointing towards the sky.Buzz...The entire Ye Family shook, countless golden lights shooting up into the sky and intertwining in the air.Vaguely visible was the shadow of a huge Black Tortoise divine turtle, carrying scriptures on its back, slowly rising from the ground.