
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Crying Is Time! Mi Da Suzerain's Crisis

The women were shocked. Ye Kaishan was only at the eighth level of Foundation Building, how could he be a match for the black-clothed leader in the mid-stage of Core Formation?However, in the next moment, an astonishing aura erupted from Ye Kaishan."Crimson Flame Blood Ignition Technique!""One hundred years of lifespan!"He directly erupted, burning one hundred years of his lifespan.At present, Ye Kaishan had a lifespan of over two thousand years, comparable to a Nascent Soul stage cultivator.One hundred years of lifespan was nothing to him.Foundation Building perfection... Early Core Formation... Mid-stage Core Formation...Ye Kaishan's power skyrocketed, his whole body enveloped in blood qi, like a demon crawling out of purgatory.The black-clothed leader was shocked, his eyes wide open in fear.What is going on?Before he could react, Ye Kaishan made his move. His power surged like a volcano, in desperate need of release.Boom...The Thunderous Purple Lightning Fist struck, illuminating the abyss of eternal night. Purple lightning, spanning a hundred zhang, traversed the void, raging madly."Ah!"The black-clothed leader screamed in agony, half of his body reduced to fragments. He looked in horror at Ye Kaishan, who resembled a thunder god.The power of the purple lightning filled him with deep fear, almost making him wet himself."Die!"Ye Kaishan's arm trembled, and the thick lightning transformed into a purple lightning dragon, instantly devouring the black-clothed leader.In the end, only a few pieces of limbs and some tattered cloth slowly fell into the abyss.The people present were already dumbfounded. Everything happened so quickly, within just a few breaths, the black-clothed leader met his end.With the leader dead, the remaining lackeys were no match at all.Ye Kaishan casually unleashed several bolts of lightning, killing one black-clothed cultivator after another. In the end, only one person was left, trembling in fear."Brother Ye... you..."Jiang Hongdou's face was filled with shock. Are alchemists this powerful now?The other women from the Hundred Flowers Sect were stunned and shocked.Only Zhu Man had a proud expression, her love for Ye Kaishan almost uncontrollable."Don't panic, I just took a spirit pill to enhance my mana," Ye Kaishan explained casually, extending his hand to grab the last black-clothed person."Speak up, I'll give you some time to tell me everything you know.""It... it's not my business, I was forced..." The black-clothed cultivator's face turned pale, and he started crying."Crying? Crying also counts as time, you know!" Ye Kaishan narrowed his eyes, and a purple arc of lightning flashed by."I was imprisoned in a cave a hundred li away. There is a spy within the Hundred Flowers Sect. Their true goal is to attack the Hundred Flowers Sect... That's all I know, please don't kill me."The black-clothed cultivator's mental state collapsed, and he blurted out everything he knew."Bad news! Does this mean the Sect Master and the others are in danger?" Jiang Hongdou's face darkened, her eyes filled with anxiety."Let's go and take a look," Ye Kaishan said, breaking the black-clothed cultivator's neck with a twist and casually throwing him aside.Next, they found the captured women from the Hundred Flowers Sect in the cave a hundred li away.Then, the group hurried back at lightning speed.Night had already fallen.At the same time...Another large force from the Dark Nether Sect had arrived at the Hundred Flowers Sect.Leading them were the left and right protectors of the Dark Nether Sect, Yin Hun and Ming Po.These were two old men in the late stage of Core Formation.There are still nearly a hundred disciples from the Dark Nether Sect, all of them cultivators at the Foundation Building Stage.They gathered around the main hall of the Hundred Flowers Sect, each of them wearing a cruel and lewd smile on their faces.In front of the hall, Mi Yao and a group of female cultivators stood together, prepared for battle at any moment."Master Mi, you have been affected by the Xuanpin Soft Bone Fragrance. Within two hours, you will be unable to use any spiritual power.""Surrender obediently and come with us, or else, if we get rough, you will suffer the consequences!"The sinister spirits let out a wicked laugh and did not rush to attack, still waiting for the medicine to fully take effect.Mi Yao felt both shocked and angry, feeling a tingling sensation all over her body, as if her bones had become soft.Her spiritual power could not circulate properly, unable to be fully mobilized.There is a traitor within the Hundred Flowers Sect who secretly released the Xuanpin Soft Bone Fragrance, causing everyone to be unknowingly affected.But this traitor has not appeared, hiding very well.She surveyed the disciples around her, trying to identify the traitor.But everyone seemed weak and powerless, making it impossible to tell who the traitor was.Or perhaps, the traitor had already escaped."Dark Nether Sect, aren't you afraid of retaliation from other sects in the Fire Country?"Mi Yao forcefully maintained her composure and shouted, even though she was poisoned, still exuding elegance and nobility, making people not dare to disrespect her.But the more she did this, the stronger the contrast became.Fiery gazes were cast from all directions.The disciples of the Dark Nether Sect swallowed their saliva, their eyes burning with desire, wishing to devour her whole, leaving nothing behind.Even the cunning and experienced Left and Right Protectors couldn't help but feel a wave of excitement.In addition to Mi Yao, there was also Yin Niyun, known as the Enchanting Flower, under the influence of the medicine.She gave off a pitiful and delicate charm, making people feel impulsive."Master Mi, you can give up hope. Not to mention whether other sects know about this, even if they do, they probably won't be able to come and save you in time."Ming Po sneered, appearing confident and in control.He had already taken all unexpected situations into account.Everything was under his control.Hearing this, Mi Yao's heart sank. If they were captured by the Dark Nether Sect, they would all become cauldrons."Alright, it's almost time. Since the beauties don't want to take action themselves, we'll help them.""Boys, leave the key figures to me and the Master, enjoy the other women to your heart's content!"Ming Po waved his hand and said loudly.Upon hearing this, the eager disciples of the Dark Nether Sect rushed forward, like hungry tigers pouncing on their prey, charging towards the women.Some of them even started taking off their pants in their haste."Kill them." Leng Aoxue, the last golden flower of the Hundred Flowers Sect, shouted.She mobilized the remaining strength in her body, summoned her flying sword, and beheaded a disciple of the Dark Nether Sect.For a while, both sides engaged in a chaotic battle.But it didn't take long for the Hundred Flowers Sect to fall into a disadvantage, presenting a one-sided situation.Helpless, Mi Yao activated the formation in the main hall of the sect.Seeing this, the Left and Right Protectors also made their move, attacking the formation with all their might."Just with this broken formation, you think you can stop us? Once I break the formation, you will have a taste of what's coming!"Ming Po laughed ferociously and shouted.An hour passed, and the formation finally couldn't hold on any longer.At this critical moment, a loud bird cry pierced through the sky.Immediately after, a bolt of lightning struck right into the disciples of the Dark Nether Sect.For a moment, chaos ensued."A third-rank spirit beast..."Yin Ming's gaze narrowed, but when he saw Ye Kaishan on top of it, he immediately relaxed.Just a Foundation Building Stage cultivator.Riding a third-rank spirit beast to act recklessly, isn't he just giving him a mount?