
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Conquer On The Spot! Wu Guo Welcomes Relatives

Ye Kaishan seized the opportunity and leaped towards Jin Ruyi."Let me show you what it feels like to be ridden!"He was a vengeful person. When he was pinned down by the Valkyrie before, he had always thought that one day he would ride her back.The crooked-mouthed Dragon King silently endured.Now, the opportunity had finally come."Don't even think about it!"Jin Ruyi shouted loudly, slapping the ground with her palm, and her body soared into the air, astonished at Ye Kaishan's charge.Her heart was shaken.In just over a year, Ye Kaishan's physical strength had undergone a tremendous change, as if he were a completely different person.This kind of growth rate was unbelievable."Could it be that this guy has awakened a hidden divine body?"Without time to think, Ye Kaishan had already closed in, his five fingers like hooks, grabbing at Jin Ruyi's wrist.His body seemed to fall like a meteor, carrying a powerful sense of oppression.The ground was filled with flying sand and rocks, and cracks spread like spider webs."I don't believe you suddenly became this strong!"Jin Ruyi shouted loudly, her long hair flying, and a powerful wave of energy surged around her as she made a fierce move.The True Martial Battle Body grew braver with each battle, with no fear in its dictionary.However, Ye Kaishan's strength overwhelmed her, not giving her any chance to resist, and he suppressed her as soon as he caught her.The two fought from the sky to the ground, like dragons and tigers in a fierce battle, shaking the area within ten miles.Even in the Ye family, one could feel the trembling of the earth and houses."Has my husband started fighting with the Valkyrie again?"Ye Kaishan's concubines hid in a place, secretly watching the battlefield.The commotion coming from the front was like two ferocious beasts fighting."How is the battle going? My husband isn't being pinned down by Jin Ruyi again, is he?"Jiang Hongdou said worriedly. She had been fortunate enough to witness this scene before."Pinned... pinned down, but it's not my husband. The Valkyrie was pinned down by my husband!"Ling Qiao'er covered her mouth in astonishment. She had seen some images with her divine sense."It seems... this Valkyrie can't escape my husband's grasp after all."Yan Shuitian laughed, calm and composed, as if he saw through everything....After an incense stick's worth of time, Jin Ruyi was exhausted and ultimately pinned down by Ye Kaishan, unable to move."How about it, do you surrender?"Ye Kaishan straddled her, holding Jin Ruyi's wrists with both hands, their faces less than a foot apart.The posture was quite ambiguous.Jin Ruyi gritted her teeth, wishing she could bite him. She couldn't accept that she had lost to Ye Kaishan in terms of physical strength.A year ago, she could ride him, but now the tables had turned."What? The mighty Valkyrie of the Martial Kingdom can't handle losing?"Seeing her silence, Ye Kaishan sneered and resorted to provocation.Hearing this, Jin Ruyi's pride swelled instantly."Hmph! I can accept it when I lose. Jin Ruyi is not someone who can't handle losing."Jin Ruyi gave up struggling, her face showing an inexplicable pride. Then she looked at Ye Kaishan, and her eyes gradually lit up."How did you do it? How did you make such progress in such a short time in terms of physical strength?"She asked curiously, having an almost fanatical obsession with physical strength."Do you want to learn?" Ye Kaishan smiled.Jin Ruyi nodded eagerly, like a little chick pecking at rice."This is a secret of my Ye family that is not passed down. Only if you marry me and become one of us can I teach it to you."Ye Kaishan said seriously, not joking."Alright! That's what you said."Jin Ruyi didn't hesitate and agreed immediately, very straightforward.She was just that direct of a person. Ye Kaishan had defeated her and conquered her in terms of physical strength.It was no problem for her to marry a man stronger than herself.In fact, throughout the seven nations, it is almost impossible to find a male cultivator who can completely surpass her.Setting aside everything else, Ye Kaishan perfectly meets Jin Ruyi's criteria for a spouse."It's settled."Ye Kaishan let go of Jin Ruyi's hand and stood up from her body."I'll go back and prepare first. Three months later, you will come to the Martial Kingdom to marry me."Jin Ruyi said solemnly, acting decisively. After speaking, she immediately left with her subordinates.Coming in a hurry, leaving in a hurry.Not even taking a sip of water.Ye Kaishan, like a victorious rooster, returned home with a proud and lofty air, enjoying the adoration of his concubines.This time, he was not just "sharing the spoils," but truly triumphant....Three months quickly arrived, and the Ye family's wedding entourage was already prepared.This time, the task was heavy, as they had to cross nations and travel to the Martial Kingdom for the wedding. The journey was long and unprecedented.Fortunately, the people were not novices, having experienced hundreds of wedding processions.In the early morning, the wedding entourage gathered in front of the main gate, waiting for the patriarch.Not long after, Ye Kaishan came out.Without saying a word, he released the Moon Gazing Flying Boat.In an instant, a flying boat measuring hundreds of zhang floated in the sky above the Ye family, resembling a white cloud.This was intentionally made smaller by Ye Kaishan."What the f*ck is this?"The members of the Ye family who saw this scene were instantly shocked, unable to recognize what it was.The aura emitted by the flying boat was extremely oppressive.Ye Kaishan moved and arrived on the flying boat, then beckoned to guide the dumbfounded wedding entourage up."Let's go!"He infused Spirit Stones into it, activating the flying boat.With a swoosh.The Moon Gazing Flying Boat turned into a black dot and slowly disappeared from everyone's sight.Leaving behind a group of dumbfounded onlookers.The concubines were anxious and stomped their feet. They wanted to get on and take a look, but Ye Kaishan had already left.The Moon Gazing Flying Boat swiftly glided through the void, leaving behind a white tail of exhaust, resembling the tails of two shooting stars.This caught the attention of passing cultivators."Huh... What kind of flying Law Weapon is this? It's huge!"In the cultivation world, most cultivators traveled by sword, and very few used flying Law Weapons.A flying boat as large as the Moon Gazing Flying Boat was even rarer.Just by looking at it, one could tell that this thing was extremely valuable.It was not something an ordinary cultivator could afford....Three days later, the Moon Gazing Flying Boat entered the territory of the Martial Kingdom.At this time, in the capital city of the Martial Kingdom, all the cultivators were discussing one thing during their leisure time.That was their female war goddess getting married!And she was marrying into the Fire Country."Just who is that Ye family patriarch? He actually captured our country's female war goddess.""It is said that this person has numerous wives and countless offspring. Our female war goddess is marrying such a playboy. I disagree!""Hehe... It is said that this Ye family patriarch is the youngest Nascent Soul patriarch in the history of the seven nations. They are a perfect match, both talented and beautiful. How can you, a monster, agree?"A group of young cultivators were indignant, their blood boiling.This Ye family patriarch had even taken concubines from their heads.They absolutely would not agree!"It is said that even the ruler of our country does not agree to this marriage. It's not that simple to marry away our female war goddess!"Someone sneered.Just at that moment, the sky darkened, and the people in the city looked up.They saw a massive object slowly approaching in the void.