
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Chapter 125

The grand competition of the Immortal Sect has ended successfully, and now it is time to award the prizes.There are Earth Grade treasures, Earth Grade elixirs, and at the worst, Profound Grade.There are also a large number of spirit stone rewards.The cultivators who receive the rewards are excited to the point of numbness.And the cultivators who did not receive the rewards are secretly determined to achieve a ranking in the next competition....After the competition ended, many cultivators gradually left Azure Cloud City, but there are still some who have not left.Those who stayed are people who want to form an alliance with the Ye family.Ye Kaishan's requirements have become higher now, and he rarely accepts ordinary female cultivators.Those prestigious families are also smart. If they can't climb up to Ye Kaishan, they try to marry into his descendants.Anyway, they will lower their conditions to marry into the Ye family.As soon as the grand competition ended, Ye Kaishan started accepting them.Taking concubines has become a part of his daily life.Even if there are guests at home, it doesn't stop him from taking concubines.Under Ye Kaishan's arrangements, the fairies of the Jade Maiden Palace are having a great time at the Ye family's residence.In addition to eating, drinking, and having fun, the Ye family is also generous, treating them almost like their own family.This makes the women pleasantly surprised, and after a long time, they start to get used to it.But when they think about leaving soon, they suddenly feel a bit reluctant.One night, a female cultivator from the Jade Maiden Palace sneaked into Ye Kaishan's room.Not long after, her belly started to grow.When the female cultivators of the same sect found out, they were shocked and scared."The Ye family is poisonous. If you stay for too long, you will get pregnant!"However, Tantai Jing, the head of the Jade Maiden Palace with rich experience, saw through the situation at a glance.She was immediately furious.Although she was angry, there was nothing she could do.In the end, she could only find Ye Kaishan and ask him to marry this female disciple.Regarding this, Ye Kaishan also felt wronged. It was because he had too many concubines, and that night, he thought the female cultivator who sneaked in was one of his concubines.Ye Kaishan has some face blindness. With over a thousand concubines, even if his memory is good, he can't remember all of them.So he confusedly went along with it."Please rest assured, Palace Master Tantai. I will definitely give her a status."Ye Kaishan immediately ordered someone to prepare and bring the female cultivator into the family.He thought the matter was over.But a few days later, another female cultivator from the Jade Maiden Palace did the same thing.In the middle of the night, she sneaked into Ye Kaishan's room.Naturally, things became chaotic.It was out of control.The next day, Ye Kaishan found Tantai Jing with a face full of apology."Palace Master Tantai, I must apologize to you. Last night, one of your disciples took the wrong path and ended up in my room..."After hearing this, Tantai Jing's face turned pale and she couldn't say a word.Cultivators have sharp senses, even in the middle of the night, they wouldn't take the wrong path, right?"These little troublemakers..."She had completely realized that it was not suitable to stay here for long. If they stayed any longer, all the disciples would be corrupted.The female cultivators who could enter the Jade Maiden Palace were all top talents from the Daughter Country.Not only were they beautiful, but their spiritual roots were also outstanding.But as the saying goes, everything will decline eventually. These women rarely interacted with men on a daily basis.And Ye Kaishan was the strongest man in the Fire Country, not only handsome, but also heartless.On ordinary days, he would casually throw some top-grade spirit stones and give some top-grade elixirs to the female cultivators of the Jade Maiden Palace.Over time, these women naturally developed a fondness for him, to the point where they couldn't control themselves.When something is handed to him on a silver platter, Ye Kaishan naturally doesn't refuse."We need to leave as soon as possible!"Tantai Jing began to have second thoughts and prepared to leave this dangerous place with her disciples.However, at this moment, Ye Kaishan wanted to refine some Soul Formation Pills as an additional reward for cultivators who had reached the Nascent Soul stage.Upon hearing this, Tantai Jing couldn't move a step.Soul Formation Pills are breakthrough pills for cultivators at the Nascent Soul stage that can accelerate the process of forming their Soul Formation.She had already reached the Nascent Soul stage, but had been stuck here, unable to break through.According to her estimation, it would likely take several decades, or even hundreds of years, of accumulation before she could reach the peak.If she had Soul Formation Pills, the time it would take for her to break through the Soul Formation stage would undoubtedly be greatly shortened.Currently, besides Ye Kaishan, no one within the two countries' borders is capable of refining pills of this level."Well... then I'll have to trouble Master Ye."Tantai Jing forced a smile and said, feeling conflicted and embarrassed in her heart.She wanted to leave, but she couldn't bear to part with the Soul Formation Pills.After weighing her options, she ultimately couldn't resist the temptation of the Soul Formation Pills.Next, Ye Kaishan energetically refined over a dozen Soul Formation Pills.He then distributed them to Tantai Jing and Chu Shiwei.Chu Shiwei had already reached the Nascent Soul stage a few days ago.Ye Kaishan was very considerate, not only giving them pills, but also helping them break through.One month later.Above the Ye family, a powerful aura suddenly erupted.A huge Nascent Soul shadow, like a Law Manifestation, stood proudly between heaven and earth.Tantai Jing broke through to the Soul Formation stage, her Nascent Soul becoming a Primordial Spirit, and the radiance covered a thousand miles.This scene shocked all the cultivators in Azure Cloud City."This is the Palace Master of Jade Maiden Palace. What happened? She's about to break through to the Soul Formation stage!""Is the Palace Master of Jade Maiden Palace living in the Ye family? Could it be that she has also fallen for Patriarch Ye..."Everyone was stunned, recalling that Ye Kaishan had recently taken in a female cultivator from Jade Maiden Palace.Upon careful consideration, they realized that Tantai Jing was probably also involved.Based on past experience, few women who had been to the Ye family could escape.It was only a matter of time."Boom..."The Heavenly Tribulation arrived.Tantai Jing flew out of the Ye family's range and began transcending her tribulation.The intensity of the Heavenly Tribulation depends on one's own foundation. Compared to Ye Kaishan's Soul Formation Heavenly Tribulation, Tantai Jing's was completely insignificant."I finally reached the Soul Formation stage..."After successfully transcending the tribulation, Tantai Jing's face was filled with excitement. Even with her hundreds of years of experience and rich knowledge, her heart couldn't help but surge at this moment.Looking into the distance at Ye Kaishan, who was waiting for her tribulation, her heart, which had been dormant for hundreds of years, suddenly trembled.At this moment, a thought emerged in Tantai Jing's mind."I... kind of want to get married!"...Another half month passed, and with Ye Kaishan's help, Chu Shiwei finally succeeded in reaching the Soul Formation stage and faced her own tribulation."What the hell! Is she the Elder of Jade Maiden Palace? How did she also break through to the Soul Formation stage?""What's going on?"The cultivators in Azure Cloud City were confused. If Tantai Jing's breakthrough was an accident, then Chu Shiwei's breakthrough was definitely not that simple."I guess this must be the work of Patriarch Ye.""No need to say it. The women who follow Patriarch Ye are becoming more and more formidable. I guess these two have already been taken down."For a while, the news of Tantai Jing and Chu Shiwei being taken down spread throughout Azure Cloud City.