
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Brother-In-Law Is Really A Dragon And A Phoenix Among Men, And His Roots Have Been Improved.

The people of the Martial Kingdom's royal city were shocked, instinctively feeling fear in the face of this sudden appearance of a giant creature."Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"Someone shouted, immediately summoning their Law Weapon and preparing for battle.Just then, a voice came from the flying boat."I am Ye Kaishan, here to marry Jin Ruyi. Could you please tell me the direction of the palace?"At this moment, the Moon Gazing Flying Boat became even larger, reaching a height of thousands of zhang, intentionally done by Ye Kaishan.A grand occasion was required for the wedding, and the grander the occasion, the more face one had.He wanted to bring Jin Ruyi back to the Ye family in a grand and glorious manner."Ye Kaishan? Ancestor Ye of the Ye family!"The people in the city were stunned for a moment, then erupted in excitement, all looking at the Moon Gazing Flying Boat with astonishment.So this was the flying Law Weapon of Ancestor Ye of the Ye family?Absolutely extravagant!No wonder he could marry so many concubines. Not only was this guy incredibly powerful, but his financial ability was also beyond ordinary people.The female cultivators in the city were filled with excitement, wishing they could go up and take a ride.The Moon Gazing Flying Boat was not only large, but also extremely beautiful. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that it was an unparalleled treasure.Even a slight touch would be an unbearable loss.Immediately, a female cultivator plucked up the courage and said loudly, "Senior Ye, if you don't mind, I can take you there."She was a woman dressed in colorful clothes, appearing to be in her late twenties, and had a lively and spirited appearance."Oh? Then come up."Ye Kaishan's voice sounded, and the flying boat projected a beam of light to bring the woman aboard.After asking, they learned that this female cultivator's name was Xue Jing, at the Foundation Building stage of cultivation, and was a disciple of the Falling Dawn Sect within the Martial Kingdom.Xue Jing looked at Ye Kaishan with excitement, her eyes filled with admiration.Through various rumors, she had long regarded this youngest Nascent Soul Ancestor of the seven kingdoms as her idol."Don't trouble yourself, Miss Xue." Ye Kaishan smiled slightly, not assuming the demeanor of a senior."No trouble, no trouble..."Xue Jing repeatedly waved her hands, her cheeks turning red.Then, guided by Xue Jing, Ye Kaishan controlled the Moon Gazing Flying Boat and slowly departed.The female cultivators regretfully stomped their feet, regretting their lack of courage, allowing Xue Jing to take the lead....At this time, inside the Martial Kingdom's palace, the Martial King Jin Haoyu was engaged in a heated discussion with his sister."Sister, you are the strongest war god of our Martial Kingdom. If you marry into the Ye family, wouldn't that be equivalent to joining the Fire Country?""Moreover, I have never seen the character of this Ye Kaishan. My sister, you are not someone just anyone can match..."Jin Haoyu appeared to be in his thirties, with a handsome appearance and a noble bearing.But standing in front of Jin Ruyi, he was half a head shorter, like a smelly younger brother."Brother, I have made myself clear. I lost to Ye Kaishan and cannot go back on my word.As you know, once I have made a decision, no one can stop me. So don't waste your breath and prepare the dowry honestly."Jin Ruyi was extremely dominant, appearing to be the queen of the Martial Kingdom."I..." Jin Haoyu's face turned green, feeling angry, but there was nothing he could do. He couldn't beat her in a fight, and she wouldn't listen to reason."You can rest assured, even if I marry into the Ye family, I will still be the female war god of the Martial Kingdom."Jin Ruyi patted her brother's shoulder and smiled."In three months, I estimate that Ye Kaishan will have arrived. According to the journey, it should take about a month..."At this point, suddenly, an inexplicable pressure enveloped the entire palace."The pressure of an Earth Grade Law Weapon?"The siblings exchanged a glance, their expressions extremely solemn. Could it be that a strong enemy had come?They rushed out of the main hall and immediately saw the giant object floating in the sky."What is this..."Jin Haoyu was shocked. This was clearly the pressure that only an Earth Grade Law Weapon could possess.No one in the entire seven kingdoms could have expected such a powerful flying Law Weapon.Could it be from the Heavenly Net Wastelands?"Who goes there?" Jin Ruyi shouted loudly, prepared for battle."It's me!"Ye Kaishan's figure appeared on the flying boat, looking down on the royal city from above.In an instant, the siblings were stunned.They didn't expect the owner of the flying boat to be Ye Kaishan."Um... Brother-in-law is truly exceptional. Please come in quickly," Jin Haoyu said in shock, immediately smiling with joy.He warmly invited Ye Kaishan.Jin Ruyi looked at him strangely. Who was the one strongly opposing just now?And now he's calling him brother-in-law?Your change of face is too fast.Ye Kaishan jumped off the Moon Gazing Flying Boat and bowed to the Martial King."Brother-in-law, the journey was long and tiring. I'm sure you're exhausted. Come with me to rest. I'll have someone bring the dowry up..."Jin Haoyu pulled Ye Kaishan into the palace, as if he were an old friend they hadn't seen in years.All the previous dissatisfaction disappeared the moment they saw the Moon Gazing Flying Boat.Such a good brother-in-law is hard to find even with a lantern.So, the Martial King personally arranged for a generous dowry.Three days later, Ye Kaishan controlled the Moon Gazing Flying Boat and left the royal city with great momentum."It's over, the Valkyrie has been taken away. Who said the Martial King wouldn't agree to this marriage?""My goddess...""Beast! Let go of the Valkyrie!""The Valkyrie is going to be taken back to bear children... Ye Family's ancestor loves this kind of thing."Upon hearing this news, the male cultivators of the Martial Kingdom were heartbroken, watching their goddess being married away.They knew that under the financial power of the Ye Family's ancestor, the lord of the country couldn't resist the temptation and completely surrendered.A few days later, the Moon Gazing Flying Boat returned to the Fire Country with great fanfare.This giant object, thousands of feet long, attracted countless gazes wherever it went."Have you heard? The Ye Family is going to marry into the Martial Kingdom's royal family!""Master Ye is going to marry the Valkyrie of the Martial Kingdom, the Martial King's own sister!""Hiss!"After the news spread, the entire Fire Country was in an uproar.Who is the Valkyrie?The strongest Nascent Soul warrior of the Martial Kingdom.Such a powerful figure suddenly being married by Ye Kaishan.While many envied and were jealous, most of all, they admired.The concubines the Ye Family's ancestor married were becoming more and more outrageous, making it hard for people to understand.This news caused a stir in the other countries as well.At this time, Ye Kaishan's Moon Gazing Flying Boat had already returned to Azure Cloud City.His wedding with Jin Ruyi was officially held.The guests who came to congratulate them were not only from the Fire Country, but also from several other countries.After the ceremony, night fell.The bridal chamber was filled with candlelight.Ye Kaishan lifted the red veil covering Jin Ruyi's face, revealing a beautiful and slightly shy, yet passionate face."Let's have a different kind of contest..."He lifted the Valkyrie in his arms.The candlelight went out.This was destined to be a sleepless night....[Ding! Congratulations to the host for improving their aptitude, reaching Earth Grade Intermediate.]Ye Kaishan's spiritual roots improved once again, and the speed at which he absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth became faster.Next, he would focus all his energy on the Valkyrie.The two were evenly matched.Finally, after half a year, Jin Ruyi became pregnant.