
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Breaking Defense Yan Shuitian, Nurturing Spirit Technique

"The 'Twenty-Four Elephant Golden Body Technique' does not refer to twenty-four large elephants. Instead, it signifies the phenomena and manifestations derived from the qi and the environment between heaven and earth.There are also powerful creatures known as 'elephants,' such as the tiger elephant and the dragon elephant.With each elephant cultivated, the physical body will experience significant enhancement.When the final elephant, the dragon elephant, is cultivated, this technique will reach its pinnacle.Moving mountains and carrying peaks will be a piece of cake.After one month, Ye Kaishan successfully cultivated the first elephant, feeling that his physical strength had increased by at least thirty percent.His qi and blood were vigorous, and his energy was abundant.But this was just the beginning."Not bad," Ye Kaishan smiled with satisfaction.He planned to test whether his cultivation had improved the power of tilling the land.This test would last for three days."Husband, I can't take it anymore. Go find another sister,"Wang Xifeng, who had always been addicted to pleasure, finally surrendered and begged for mercy.Ye Kaishan smiled triumphantly, strutting around like a victorious rooster.He walked out of the room, ready to head to the next battlefield.At this moment, a maid rushed in to report."Master, there is a fairy outside who wants to see you."As the maid spoke, her eyes still held the lingering astonishment from the beauty of the fairy outside the door."A fairy?"Ye Kaishan was puzzled, but not particularly surprised. Recently, many female cultivators from the Cloud Billow Sect had been coming over.It was no longer considered a rare occurrence."It seems another fairy has come to pay a visit!"Ye Kaishan chuckled to himself and quickly went outside.In the distance, he could see a graceful figure standing there quietly.Seemingly a bit at a loss, like a fairy who has just descended to the mortal world."This is... Miss Yan?" Ye Kaishan paused for a moment. Although the woman had her back to him, her figure was familiar enough to recognize even if it turned to ashes.Not only had Yan Shuitian been seen by him, but he had also held her and knew her measurements very well.Yan Shuitian turned around and awkwardly smiled."I've been going out for a change of scenery recently and happened to pass by here, so I came to see you.""That's great! I've been dreaming of you coming." Ye Kaishan warmly welcomed her in.The female disciples of Cloud Billow Sect, now Ye Kaishan's concubines, learned of Yan Shuitian's arrival.They all came out and made connections."Ting Lan! You're here too?"Yan Shuitian saw Ren Tinglan and immediately showed a surprised expression."Greetings, Master." Ren Tinglan obediently saluted."Don't call me Master. Have you forgotten that our master-disciple relationship has ended?"Yan Shuitian shook his head, not recognizing this disciple and intending to interact as equals."Triple Foundation Building, you've succeeded in Foundation Building!"She could tell Ren Tinglan's cultivation level and became even more astonished.Not only Ren Tinglan, but even those female disciples from Lingxiu Peak had significantly improved their cultivation."What kind of magic does Ye Kaishan have?""Thanks to my husband, otherwise I'm afraid I would have no hope of Foundation Building in this lifetime."Ren Tinglan said proudly and shyly.Yan Shuitian's heart became even more complicated, and he also felt a surge of emotions.An unprecedented impulse.Next, Ye Kaishan arranged a place for Yan Shuitian to stay and asked her to spend more time at the Ye family.He didn't rush to make a move but waited for the right moment.When he had nothing to do, Ye Kaishan would go to Yan Shuitian's place to reminisce about the past."Do you remember? The sentence you said when I left.""Mmm... You said that when you set foot on the path of immortality, you would come..." Yan Shuitian whispered, her cheeks gradually turning red."Why didn't you finish the sentence?" Ye Kaishan laughed, looking mischievous yet handsome."I said, when I set foot on the path of immortality, I will break through your defenses.""Now that I am confident, are you ready?"Ye Kaishan's expression turned serious.At this moment, the two of them seemed to go back to the past, with no barriers between them.Yan Shuitian lowered her head gently, making a soft "mmm" sound like a mosquito's hum....Three days later, the Ye family was decorated with lights and festoons. Ye Kaishan took the opportunity to marry Yan Shuitian.The wedding night.Ye Kaishan lifted the bride's red veil, revealing a stunningly beautiful face.She appeared to be around twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old, mature, graceful, and somewhat shy.This was a mature charm that a young girl couldn't possess.Ye Kaishan didn't say anything, gently lifted her up, and blew out the candlelight.This night was destined to be a sleepless one.Three months later, Ye Kaishan didn't go anywhere, focusing on taking care of Yan Shuitian.Finally, he planted the seeds of life in this fertile land."Husband, I am pregnant with your child."Yan Shuitian opened her heart completely, radiating the brilliance of motherhood.Ye Kaishan was overjoyed and hugged her tightly, showering her with kisses."Master, Lady Caiwei is about to give birth."A servant suddenly reported.Ye Kaishan immediately rushed over, filled with anticipation. Bai Caiwei had a Profound Grade spiritual root, a profound quality.The child she gave birth to would surely be extraordinary.He arrived outside the delivery room, anxiously waiting.For a Foundation Building cultivator, giving birth was an easy task.Not long after, a loud cry of a baby resounded.[Ding! Congratulations to the host for giving birth to a Profound Grade top-quality spiritual root offspring. Reward: +10 lifespan, one Profound Grade top-quality Spiritual Weapon, Nurturing Spirit technique, one jar of Profound Grade spiritual pills, and 500 pieces of medium-grade spiritual stones.]"What the f*ck?"Ye Kaishan was stunned for a moment, then ecstatic. Bai Caiwei had actually given birth to a child with a Profound Grade top-quality spiritual root.This was the best spiritual root he had ever seen.The rewards were also exceptionally abundant.Apart from the Profound Grade top-quality Spiritual Weapon and spiritual pills, what interested him the most was the Nurturing Spirit technique.This was a special secret technique specifically used to cultivate the Soul Refining consciousness.When entering the immortal sect, from the Qi Refining stage onwards, the cultivator would start to develop divine consciousness. However, at this stage, the divine consciousness was very weak and could only be used for internal perception.By the later stage of Qi Refining, the divine consciousness could only extend a few zhang away and was practically useless.Only after reaching the Foundation Building stage would the divine consciousness have a breakthrough.In the early stage of Foundation Building, the divine consciousness could reach a range of 10 li, 20 li in the middle stage, 30 li in the later stage, and 40 li in the consummation stage.At this time, the importance of divine consciousness was revealed. Whether it was for battles or tracking, it was a crucial means for cultivators.Without special cultivation techniques, divine consciousness could not be enhanced.And cultivation techniques for divine consciousness were extremely rare among all cultivators.Even in the Foundation Building stage, they were exceptionally precious, and very few could master such techniques.Ye Kaishan immediately pushed open the door and walked into the delivery room, giving Bai Caiwei a big hug and showering her with kisses.Even though Bai Caiwei had a cold temperament, she blushed and had a big smile on her face."Husband, don't you want to see our child first?"She shyly pushed Ye Kaishan away and changed the subject."You are my treasure, the child is just an accident."Ye Kaishan hugged her again, full of passion.Bai Caiwei was shy, but she felt as if she had eaten honey. She had never heard such straightforward words in her life.