
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Black Small Ding, Twenty-Four Elephant Golden Body Skills

Ye Fan nodded and carefully took out a small black cauldron."Father, I found this small cauldron from the bottom of the cold pool. It's because of it that I didn't end up being swallowed by the snake.""I can feel that this seems to be a remarkable treasure."This small black cauldron had four legs and two ears, standing just over a foot tall, emitting a faint black-golden luster.Although it looked somewhat old, it was extremely sturdy. Ye Kaishan tapped it with his hand, and his fingers were numb from the vibration."Son, you're right. I also feel that this is a treasure.""Now, try dripping a drop of blood on it, maybe it will have a miraculous effect."Ye Kaishan said, in TV dramas, this is how it's done. When encountering a mysterious treasure, you have to drip blood to recognize the master."Father, I've already done that."Ye Fan said.Good kid...He's naturally talented!Ye Kaishan couldn't help but exclaim in his heart. His son was so spiritual."What reaction did it have after dripping the blood?"He couldn't help but ask."Well... it can change size, but I haven't discovered any other functions yet." Ye Fan said seriously.He hid under the enlarging cauldron, so he wasn't eaten by the giant snake."It's already good that it can change size. Develop it well." Ye Kaishan looked pleased, his child had grown up.Although Ye Fan was only at the fifth level of Qi Refining, with this kind of luck, his future achievements wouldn't be too low.Next, Ye Kaishan didn't rush to leave, he stayed to guide Ye Fan's cultivation and gave him a lot of pills and spirit stones.Unknowingly, half a month passed.The news of Ye Kaishan tearing apart the giant snake gradually spread throughout the Cloud Billow Sect.Even the Sect Master, Yang Menghua, was shocked.Not to mention her female disciples.When they learned that Ye Kaishan was in the back mountain, they quickly surrounded Ye Fan's Cave Mansion.Until this day, when Ye Kaishan walked out of the cave, he immediately saw a large group of female disciples surrounding the entrance.As soon as he came out, they surrounded him."Brother Ye...""Elder Ye...""Disciple would like to ask Elder Ye for guidance. I often feel blocked in my chest and have a lack of smooth energy flow..."These female disciples included ordinary disciples, as well as mid-stage Qi Refining and even early-stage Foundation Building inner disciples.They all used seeking advice as an excuse to get closer to Ye Kaishan.Naturally, Ye Kaishan didn't refuse anyone."Haha... don't be in a hurry, come one by one."Ye Fan looked speechless at this scene, helplessly rubbing his forehead. His father was good at everything, except he liked women too much.In the past twenty years, he had already gained over three hundred younger brothers and sisters.It was outrageous.After a long time, Ye Kaishan left the mountain with more than a dozen female disciples.It was difficult to refuse such hospitality.At the same time, Yang Menghua received resignation applications from more than a dozen disciples, and her headache grew.After some investigation, she finally learned that all these female disciples had followed Ye Kaishan.And those female disciples who had left before had also ended up in Azure Cloud Town."Beast..."Yang Menghua cursed inwardly, her beautiful face covered in frost.Appointing Ye Kaishan as an honorary elder was meant to have him contribute to the sect.To teach the disciples and such.But he ended up teaching them in his own home, even on his own bed.Damn animal!Suddenly, Yang Menghua deeply regretted appointing Ye Kaishan as an honorary elder. It had only encouraged an unhealthy trend.So, she sought out Yan Shuitian, hoping to discuss and reason with her."Senior Sister, did you call for me?"Yan Shuitian arrived, feeling weak, with traces of the Black Snake's poison still lingering in his body, not completely eliminated.Yang Menghua couldn't help but complain, planning to forbid Ye Kaishan from entering the Cloud Billow Sect in the future."What do you think?""Uh..." Yan Shuitian was speechless, not expecting Ye Kaishan to be so fierce.Over a dozen at once."Sister, have you noticed that Ye Kaishan's cultivation progress is exceptionally fast?"Yan Shuitian answered with a non sequitur, speaking thoughtfully."He once told me that cultivation emphasizes following one's heart and directly aiming for one's true self, without suppressing one's emotions.""Only then can one make rapid progress.""What do you mean by that?" Yang Menghua frowned."What I mean is that it is only natural for men and women to have desires and love. Perhaps this is also the reason why he cultivates Soul Refining so quickly.""I believe that the Cloud Billow Sect should loosen its restrictions and allow disciples to pursue marriage. Even those who are married should be able to cultivate immortality."Yan Shuitian wavered, becoming more and more passionate as he spoke.Yang Menghua widened her phoenix eyes in anger, almost falling off the stone."What nonsense are you talking about, Yan Shuitian?""Sister, I have made up my mind," Yan Shuitian said seriously."What have you decided?""I have never been able to break through in my cultivation, unable to form a Foundation. Perhaps it's because I can't face my true self and have been avoiding the past.""To deny my past self is to reject my entire being, isn't it?""So, I have decided to go find Ye Kaishan."Yan Shuitian's expression was resolute."Have you gone mad?" Yang Menghua was shocked."You will ruin yourself this way, and forming a Foundation will become even more hopeless."However, Yan Shuitian had already made up his mind and couldn't listen to her words at all."Fine, I won't stop you from finding Ye Kaishan, but no matter what, you cannot leave the Cloud Billow Sect."Yang Menghua sighed heavily and said seriously....On the other side, Ye Kaishan returned to Azure Cloud Town and began his plan to take concubines.This time, he brought back over a dozen female cultivators, marrying one every month for over a year.So, he planned to speed up the process, even if it meant working harder himself.The red lanterns of the Ye family never came down.The procession of welcoming brides was endless, and their legs were almost worn out from running.Every month, Ye Kaishan either took in a few more concubines or was on his way to take in more.Three whole months passed, and he finally married all the female cultivators.[Ding! Congratulations to the host for surpassing 50 spiritual root descendants, the family's scale has increased. Rewards: "Twenty-Four Elephant Golden Body Technique," ten years of cultivation experience, ten years of pill refining experience, ten years of artifact refining experience, 1000 high-grade spirit stones, and a high-grade spiritual field.]On this day, with the birth of Zhu Man's child with spiritual roots, Ye Kaishan's spiritual root descendants finally exceeded 50.In ordinary cultivation families, there were only a few cultivators at most.But now, including Ye Kaishan's concubines, the Ye family had nearly a hundred cultivators.This was an extremely terrifying number.Ye Kaishan absorbed the experience rewards and successfully broke through to the fifth level of Foundation Building.The improvement in spiritual roots naturally brought about a different speed."Twenty-Four Elephant Golden Body Technique, a Body Refining technique? It suits me perfectly..."Ye Kaishan looked at the rewarded technique and was overjoyed.It was a Profound Grade top-tier Body Refining technique. When cultivated to the extreme, the physical body alone could rival a cultivator at the peak of Foundation Building.Next, he began to cultivate the Twenty-Four Elephant Golden Body Technique.Currently, Ye Kaishan's physical body was his weak point. Working day and night in the fields was taking a toll on him.After all, his opponents were extraordinary, all powerful "immortals."Moreover, the power brought by burning lifespan also required a strong physical body to support it.A strong physique was urgently needed.