
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Are You Here To Show Off Your Baby?

The venue for the Immortal Gate Conference is Azure Cloud City.On this day in Azure Cloud City, it was packed with people. Those participating in the competition and those spectating all came here.On the huge grandstand, Ye Kaishan sat high up in the main seat.Below him were the heads of various immortal gates and the masters of top-level clans.They were all important figures from the Fire Country.As the time approached, Ye Kaishan stood up to give a speech, followed by the host explaining the rules.The competition was divided into individual battles, starting from the Qi Refining Stage, where the strongest would be determined in each realm.Then there would be team battles, with representatives from various immortal gates and clans. The ultimate victor would be awarded the title of the strongest immortal gate."I will claim the first place in the Foundation Building Stage! No one can compete with me!""Damn it, I just broke through to the Foundation Building Stage. Does that mean I have to participate in the Foundation Building level competition? Is there any elixir that can reverse my cultivation so I can return to the perfect Qi Refining stage?""Haha... I have reached the peak of the tenth level of Qi Refining, enduring hardships for many years. My foundation is incredibly solid. Who can be my opponent?""I will secure a spot in the top three of the Core Formation stage."Below the stage, the participating contestants eagerly awaited. Regardless of their cultivation level, everyone was full of anticipation and confidence.Because this competition was very humane, it didn't blindly pursue cultivation.Instead, rankings were set in each realm. Therefore, even if you only had the Qi Refining Stage, as long as your combat power was strong, you had the chance to obtain a ranking and win prizes.Soon, the competition began.The first to start was the Qi Refining Stage competition.On the grandstand, the heads of various immortal gates and clans showed expressions of anticipation.Among them were their disciples and selected talents.It seemed that achieving a good ranking was not a difficult task.But the following competitions shocked everyone.After a fierce battle, the first place in the Qi Refining Stage was unexpectedly taken by a boy of about ten years old.He was Ye Kaishan's offspring.Not only that, half of the top ten were from the Ye family.And they were all inexperienced kids."Like father, like son! Not only can Ye Patriarch give birth, but his children are also so formidable.""Damn it, the Ye family is dominating the top ten."People were shocked and discussed in private.The cultivators who had ambitious aspirations before the competition were deeply affected.They had cultivated for many years and had a solid foundation, yet they couldn't even defeat these young kids.Next, the competition in the Foundation Building Stage became even more brutal.The offspring of the Ye family, who had cultivated for many years, began to appear.Ye Chen, Ye Xuan, Ye Dong'er, Ye Xingchen, and so on.Some had average spiritual roots and were older, while others had heaven-defying spiritual roots and had just come of age.Among them, the most dazzling was Ye Xingchen. He possessed the Seven Star Tyrant Body, and his combat power was terrifying. His cultivation had also reached the late stage of Foundation Building.The combination of the two made him invincible.In the end, the competition in the Foundation Building Stage became an internal battle of the Ye family, with Ye Xingchen taking the first place.Everyone watched in astonishment, realizing for the first time that not only was Ye Kaishan amazing, but his offspring were also abnormal."Our son-in-law... is so talented at giving birth."On the grandstand, Sha Wanli exclaimed in amazement. He even began to look forward to what kind of children Sha Jiaojiao would have."The offspring of Senior Ye are so outstanding. If anyone else could have one, it would be a great blessing. It's truly enviable..."On the grandstand, Ma Yuanhua flattered, causing those around him to nod in agreement.The next day, the competition continued as usual.Next was the competition for cultivators in the Core Formation Stage.This time, not only Ye Kaishan's offspring, but even his concubines signed up to participate.Ye Kaishan sat on the stage, his gaze fixed on Ye Fan.He secretly used the system function to check it out.This is incredible, and my heart was instantly shocked.At this moment, Ye Fan's spiritual root has already reached the Profound Grade peak, and his cultivation has reached the mid-Core Formation stage.From his observation, the pill he produced is still a Gold Core."What the hell... Could it be that Ye Fan's small cauldron contains an old man?"Ye Kaishan's heart trembled. Compared to last time, Ye Fan's progress was too great.His spiritual root and cultivation have grown in all aspects.Because he couldn't help but speculate, is there an old man hidden in Ye Fan's black cauldron?He gave him a technique that can enhance his spiritual root by devouring something.He was very familiar with this taste.Fortunately, from his observation, there was nothing unusual about Ye Fan, and he hadn't been possessed by anyone.Ye Kaishan was relieved. As long as Ye Fan was fine, this change was naturally a good thing.In addition to Ye Fan, he and Yan Shuitian's son, Ye Han, are the first Earth Grade spiritual root successors of the Ye family.Now he has also reached the Core Formation stage.The competition at the Core Formation stage is extremely fierce.Most of the cultivators at this realm are elders of immortal sects and masters of prestigious families.They are all experienced old monsters with many means and trump cards."Ye Fan... It is said that he is the eldest son of Ye Patriarch, with a cultivation level of mid-Core Formation, which is indeed average."Some people whispered. Although Ye Fan is the eldest son of the Ye family, he has been low-key and inconspicuous in recent years.Compared to Ye Kaishan's reputation, he is like a grain of rice compared to the moonlight."As the eldest son of Ye Patriarch, his cultivation level is indeed somewhat lacking."A cultivator said in a low voice. Ye Kaishan already had the strength of the Void Refining stage, while his son only had the Core Formation stage.Soon, it was Ye Fan's turn to take the stage, and a golden light shot out during the battle.Everyone stood up in shock."Gold Core! Gold Core Patriarch!"They didn't expect that Ye Fan would actually produce a Gold Core."This will be the second Gold Core Patriarch in the history of Fire Country!"The cultivators of Fire Country exclaimed. Ye Kaishan was a Gold Core in the past, and now he has grown to this level.And Ye Fan also possesses a Gold Core, which is self-evident.With Ye Fan's mid-Gold Core stage, he easily defeated opponents in the late-Core Formation stage.He passed all the tests smoothly.Even the cultivators at the peak of Core Formation, when they faced him, quickly lost.Everyone found that Ye Fan not only had strong cultivation, but the techniques he used were also extremely powerful.They were the kind that they had never seen before, but they knew they were formidable.In the end, Ye Fan won first place in the Core Formation stage.Next, it was the turn of Ye Kaishan's concubines in the Nascent Soul stage.They took the top few places.As for the Soul Formation stage, there was no opponent.Because besides the Ye family, there were no cultivators at the Soul Formation stage in the entire two countries.Therefore, the first place in each realm, or the top few places, were all members of the Ye family.People began to suspect whether the purpose of Ye Patriarch holding this grand event was to show off his children?Of course, there were also the stunning concubines.And next, it was the competition between the immortal sects.After a fierce battle, Jade Maiden Palace took first place.This made the Palace Master of Jade Maiden Palace and Chu Shiwei very happy.Ye Kaishan personally presented them with awards and invited them to visit the Ye family afterwards.The two women gladly accepted.