
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

An Old Friend, The Xu Family Has A Daughter

The leading woman had a beautiful face, with a pair of captivating phoenix eyes that exuded charm and authority. Her hair was styled in an elegant bun, exuding grandeur and grace.She appeared to be around twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old, no longer possessing the youthful aura of a young girl. Time had added a different kind of charm to her.The woman's name was Yan Shuitian, one of the elders of the Cloud Billow Sect.By her side were several women at the Qi Refining stage, each with their own unique qualities and extraordinary temperament, completely different from ordinary women.They landed lightly in front of the mountain gate.Ye Kaishan hurriedly approached with Ye Fan, his gaze never leaving Yan Shuitian."Are you... Ye Kaishan?"Yan Shuitian looked at Ye Kaishan, who was holding a child, with a surprised and questioning expression."Miss Yan, it is I."Ye Kaishan said with a playful smile, as if he had returned to the past."Miss Yan..."A hint of unease flashed in Yan Shuitian's eyes. She couldn't believe that after so many years, she, an eighty-year-old woman, was still being called "Miss Yan." This title felt so outdated."It has been over fifty years since we last met, right? I didn't expect you to age like this."Yan Shuitian sighed, glancing at Ye Fan with some curiosity. "And you even have a child.""It has indeed been a long time."Ye Kaishan chuckled. He now appeared to be in his fifties, much better than his previous half-dead appearance. However, compared to himself when he was only thirty years old more than fifty years ago, he still fell short.With a few simple exchanges, the dusty memories slowly resurfaced.Over fifty years ago, Ye Kaishan, who had traveled to this world ten years ago, was still struggling and seeking immortality everywhere.One day, he encountered the critically injured and dying Yan Shuitian while she was on a mission outside the sect.As a young man with a sense of justice since childhood, he naturally couldn't resist playing the hero when he saw a beautiful woman in distress.So, Ye Kaishan saved Yan Shuitian and took care of her for three months until her injuries gradually healed.During these three months, Ye Kaishan was attentive and considerate, possessing a kind of temperament that the men in this world lacked.And he was also skilled at grilling meat.Through his actions, Yan Shuitian quickly developed a favorable impression and hidden affection.However, at that time, Yan Shuitian was already at the ninth level of Qi Refining, an outstanding disciple of the Cloud Billow Sect.Meanwhile, Ye Kaishan was just an ordinary warrior, with a vast difference in status and identity.In the end, that barrier was never broken.Ye Kaishan worried that he couldn't break through the defenses of a fairy and arrogantly thought that he would confess his feelings to Yan Shuitian after stepping onto the path of immortality.Then, with great ambition, he decisively left.What followed was merciless social beatings, which left him feeling inferior and never daring to attempt to break through the defenses of a fairy again.During these decades, they only occasionally exchanged letters.Now, seeing Yan Shuitian again, that bold idea buried in his heart suddenly resurfaced.So, during their conversation, Ye Kaishan discreetly used the system's function to examine Yan Shuitian.Suddenly, a green light burst out from the top of the woman's head, a color that surpassed green."Oh my god... green!"Ye Kaishan was shocked, and upon closer inspection, he realized that Yan Shuitian's aptitude had reached the Profound Grade!"Profound Spirit Root with a green color... this will definitely produce offspring with Profound Spirit Roots!"This was his first thought."Ye Kaishan, I didn't expect you to have a child with spiritual roots."Yan Shuitian didn't notice Ye Kaishan's abnormality and focused her gaze on Yan Shuitian's body beside her."It was a stroke of luck."Ye Kaishan laughed it off and then asked seriously."You see, how about letting Fan join your sect?""Well... although his aptitude is average, Cloud Billow Sect can still afford to take in a child."Yan Shuitian nodded slightly, decisive. A touch of melancholy and sigh flashed through his heart. It had been many years since they last met. The young man who was once full of spirit had now bowed his head for the sake of his livelihood, married and had children.It seems that he became a father in his old age.Considering the past friendship, what harm would it do to help him?The long-held expectations buried in his heart had slowly faded at this moment."That's great, thank you for your trouble." Ye Kaishan said with a smile, muttering in his heart that he might have to trouble him in the future."Fan, listen to your Aunt Yan here. I'll come to see you whenever I have free time." Ye Kaishan turned to his son and advised."Dad, rest assured, Fan will never let you down." The eight-year-old Ye Fan said seriously, showing a maturity beyond his peers, which surprised Yan Shuitian and the other female immortals.Can an eight-year-old child really be this mature?"It's getting late, I'll take my leave." Ye Kaishan bowed and smiled friendly at Yan Shuitian and the women beside her.These women had exceptional looks and temperament. They might be useful in the future.His current goal was no longer limited to mortal women."Master, how did you meet him?" After Ye Kaishan walked away, a woman dressed in white, with snow-white skin and flowing black hair, curiously asked Yan Shuitian.She could feel that her master's feelings towards this person were extraordinary and not right."Mind your own business. Don't ask what you shouldn't. Now that you have reached the Qi Refining stage, focus on Foundation Building!" Yan Shuitian scolded angrily, trying to appear dignified, but it seemed more like he was embarrassed and angry....When Ye Kaishan returned home, before he even had a chance to sit down, the matchmaker Hua Gu came knocking on his door."Master Ye, great news!"As soon as they met, Hua Gu's face was full of smiles as she congratulated him."Don't waste words, which family is it this time?" Ye Kaishan said impatiently, thinking that this matchmaker was really dedicated."This time, I guarantee you'll be satisfied." Hua Gu smiled proudly."Do you know the daughter of Mayor Xu? After some persuasion from me, her family agreed!"Ye Kaishan's expression changed slightly. The Mayor Xu mentioned by the matchmaker was named Xu Youwei. He was an official sent by Fire Country to Azure Cloud Town, responsible for maintaining public order here.There were rumors that Xu Youwei was born into a cultivation family and his own family was a famous clan in the capital of Fire Country."Very well, reward her!"Ye Kaishan said loudly, smiling with satisfaction."Go and bring her here for me to see.""Yes, alright!"Hua Gu nodded repeatedly. As long as she succeeded, she would receive a reward of two hundred taels of silver, which made her excited to get to work.Not long after, Hua Gu returned with a woman.Ye Kaishan's eyes flickered as he secretly assessed her, but he withdrew his gaze when he saw a yellow light flying out.Her quality was decent, but she had no spiritual roots.This disappointed him a little.However, the woman's appearance was extremely outstanding, exuding an air of elegance.Just based on her looks, she scored at least eighty-five points, especially her pair of eyes, clear and tender, moving and captivating."As usual, the wedding will be in three days!"Ye Kaishan made the decision.Three days later, the Ye family once again hung up the red lanterns.