
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

All The Captives Are Gone Crazy Again

Ye Kaishan was ruthless in his actions, killing indiscriminately. Wherever his fingertips pointed, demonic cultivators would fall.This was a one-sided massacre.You Ruo's face looked ugly, filled with anxious colors in her eyes.She knew that the situation was hopeless, but You Qin was trapped and she didn't know if he was alive or dead.This made her extremely worried, unable to make up her mind to escape.It was precisely this moment of hesitation that caused You Ruo to lose the opportunity to escape.After dealing with other demonic cultivators, Ye Kaishan immediately joined forces with Sha Wanli to launch a fierce attack.Under their joint efforts, You Ruo was forced to retreat step by step.Seizing the opportunity, Ye Kaishan made a ruthless stab at You Ruo's forehead."Ah!"The woman let out a painful cry, but she tried her best to suppress the sound.Swoosh!Taking advantage of this moment, Ye Kaishan moved behind her and subdued her in the same way, suppressing her.After some effort, You Ruo was finally subdued and obedient."This human woman is really powerful, but speaking of which, Ye kid, without your help, it would only be a matter of time before I took her down."Sha Wanli laughed, trying to save face."Ah, yes, yes."Ye Kaishan casually responded, not idle with his hands, as he searched for treasures on You Ruo.His techniques were skilled and meticulous."You... despicable scoundrel, you better stop."You Ruo was going crazy, struggling fiercely, but her entire body's cultivation was sealed, and her strength had no effect.From childhood to adulthood, she had never been treated like this by the opposite sex.Shame brought a strange feeling that quickly spread throughout her body.After searching for a while, Ye Kaishan finally took a ring from You Ruo's hand.This made the woman even more furious.So you searched for so long just for a storage ring?Afterwards, Ye Kaishan put away the Heavenly Thunder Bell and left behind a You Qin who was electrocuted and looked like a dead fish.Lying on the ground, rolling her eyes, weak in breath.At first glance, she looked like a specimen.Seeing this, Mei Mo, Yu Mo, and other women had complex expressions.In the end, the high and mighty Palace Lord had also been captured by Ye Kaishan.Perhaps it wouldn't be long before they started having children.This scene was too surreal.For no reason, they had become colleagues with their boss.Due to their different entry times, their status was probably even higher than the Gemini Twins.This was really absurd....After cleaning up the battlefield, Ye Kaishan arranged Gemini Twins, Dark Night Witch, and the six elders of Heavenly Demon Palace in the Ye family's custody.After interrogating them, he learned the names of the six elders - Qiu Nu.She appeared to be around thirty years old, but her actual age exceeded a thousand years.However, she was at the mid-stage of Void Refining, so even if she was over a thousand years old, she was still in her prime and youth.This time, Ye Kaishan didn't throw them into the secret room to study their behavior.Instead, he sealed their cultivation and kept them under guard.Any demonic cultivator whose cultivation was sealed could easily be controlled by any cultivator.It didn't take long for the news of this battle to spread.The immortal sects and cultivation families of the Fire Country and Daughter Country were shocked."Master Ye has created another miracle.""It's over, I have a feeling that Ye Patriarch's wave of taking concubines is about to come again.""Stop talking and prepare the congratulatory gifts."...As people expected, after this battle, more female cultivators came to Azure Cloud City.Whether they were cultivation families or major immortal sects, they all rushed over.Ye Kaishan accepted all who came and began to operate, and that was it.After two months like this, on this day, Sha Jiaojiao was finally about to give birth.Early on, Sha Wanli brought the Silver Shark Clan and waited outside the delivery room.Ye Kaishan also put down what he was doing and came here to wait.An hour later, Sha Jiaojiao gave birth to a daughter with a Heaven Grade lower-grade spiritual root.Although she didn't have a special physique, her spiritual root reached the Heaven Grade.For spiritual roots of this level, reaching the Body Integration stage or even the Mahayana Stage was not difficult.Ye Kaishan named this daughter Ye Shasha."Clan Chief, Jiaojiao has given birth to a Heaven spiritual root. Should we..." Sha Fuhai secretly transmitted to Sha Wanli, hinting frantically."Don't get excited, wait for me to find an opportunity." Sha Wanli excitedly transmitted back, his eyes darting around.Although Ye Shasha had half-human bloodline, the Silver Shark Clan also wanted her.In fact, there were only two evolutionary paths for the sea clan: one was to sublimate the bloodline and transform into a dragon, and the other was to transform into an Innate Dao body, which meant taking on a human form.Therefore, the sea clan did not attach much importance to racial bloodlines.In the end, it was all for the sake of enhancing their strength.In Sha Wanli's view, as long as he could bring Ye Shasha back and cultivate her well, she would definitely become a powerful Body Integration expert in the future, or even a Mahayana Stage powerhouse.By then, the Silver Shark Clan would truly rise.So, in the following period of time, Sha Wanli tried to steal the child.On this day, he finally succeeded, carrying Ye Shasha and instructing his clan members to flee.But before they had even traveled a thousand miles from the Ye family, Ye Kaishan and Sha Jiaojiao caught up to them."Dad! What are you trying to do?" Sha Jiaojiao angrily widened her eyes and flew forward, snatching the child back.Feeling guilty, Sha Wanli could only force a smile, his expression extremely awkward."Well, the clan chief wants to take Shasha to see the sea." Sha Fuhai explained with a dry laugh."Yes, yes, yes! This child hasn't seen the sea since she was born, so I'll take her to see the world." Sha Wanli laughed heartily.Such words might deceive Sha Jiaojiao, but they couldn't deceive Ye Kaishan at all.He saw through Sha Wanli's intentions and spoke up."Elder, if there is a suitable opportunity in the future, I will choose a child to inherit the Silver Shark Clan."Upon hearing this, Sha Wanli's eyes lit up. "You're considering everything, young man. It's settled then."Afterward, Sha Wanli prepared to return to the Endless Sea with his clan members.However, to be on the safe side, he had Sha Canglan stay at the Ye family and marry Ye Kaishan.He wanted her to take care of Sha Jiaojiao.This was not only Sha Wanli's intention, but also Sha Canglan's own intention.She wanted to give birth to her own bloodline.For this reason, Ye Kaishan gave the Heaven Grade Law Weapon that was a reward for Sha Jiaojiao giving birth to a child to the Silver Shark Clan as a gift.After sending off the Silver Shark Clan, Ye Kaishan continued to take concubines.The first one he married was Sha Canglan, who had a mid-stage Void Refining cultivation. Once she married into the Ye family, she became the most powerful existence besides Ye Kaishan.When people learned of Sha Canglan's strength, they were once again shocked.Even Ye Patriarch's concubines were at the Void Refining stage!This was too unbelievable.On their wedding night, Ye Kaishan encountered a rival he hadn't seen in a long time.He didn't leave the room for three days.Not long after, Yan Shuitian brought good news.Yang Menghua finally couldn't resist and was persuaded by her.When Ye Kaishan learned of this news, he couldn't help but smile.He didn't expect Yang Menghua to suddenly want to marry him.An unexpected joy.He immediately postponed taking more concubines and arranged this first.Cutting in line, it had to be done.