
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Achievement Of The Heavenly Spiritual Root, The Queen Can't Hold It Anymore!

Ye Kaishan sat firmly at the head, receiving congratulations from all directions.The grandeur was much more extravagant than when he took concubines.It lasted for half a month before coming to an end.Afterwards, Ye Kaishan invited some guests to visit the Ye family and stay as guests.Of course, there were also new concubines, as Ye Kaishan's charm was irresistible after becoming the Void Refining Ancestor.He took in dozens of them in succession.Not long after, the Sect Master of Falling Dawn Sect, Dugu Zhi, also fell.Ye Kaishan married her directly.The wedding night...[Ding! Congratulations to the host for improving their aptitude and reaching the Heaven Grade Lower Rank.]With this sudden prompt, Ye Kaishan felt like all his pores were opening.In an instant, he underwent a tremendous transformation.His spiritual roots broke through from Earth Grade to Heaven Grade, another huge metamorphosis.Heaven Grade spiritual roots were the mainstream in this cultivation world, with infinite possibilities.Not long after, Hua Mo, who had been pregnant for over a year, gave birth to a child with Earth Grade spiritual roots.She was dissatisfied and kept pestering Ye Kaishan to have another child.Half a year passed, and during this time, Chu Shiwei, Sha Canglan, Dugu Zhi, Hua Mo, and other women all became pregnant.And Ye Kaishan's other concubines also gave birth to many children with spiritual roots.Among them, the majority had Profound Spiritual Roots and Earth Spiritual Roots, and there were also a few with Heaven Spiritual Roots.He now had over a thousand concubines, and each one giving birth meant a huge number.With such a large number, Heaven Spiritual Roots were not considered rare.In these years, not only did Ye Kaishan's spiritual roots improve, but his concubines also made significant progress.The better the spiritual roots, the more likely they were to give birth to high-quality spiritual root children.This was a normal phenomenon.In addition to the increase in children, the overall strength of the Ye family also greatly improved.Most of Ye Kaishan's concubines had broken through to the Gold Core stage, and those with better talents had already reached the Nascent Soul stage.Some talented female cultivators who worked hard were on the verge of breaking through to the Soul Formation Stage.For example, the female cultivators who had been with Ye Kaishan for a long time, such as Ren Tinglan, the Five Golden Flowers of Hundred Flowers Sect, Qin Chan, Bai Caiwei, and others, had all reached the Nascent Soul stage, and some were even close to breaking through to the Soul Formation Stage.And women like Yao Xing and Jin Ruyi, who were already powerful cultivators, broke through to the Soul Formation Stage not long after.Undoubtedly, this once again brought a small shock to the cultivators of the two countries.At this time, there were nearly ten Soul Formation Stage cultivators in the Ye family.There were dozens of Nascent Soul stage cultivators.Core Formation Stage and Foundation Building Stage cultivators were even more numerous.In these years, Ye Kaishan's descendants not only had many children, but their cultivation also grew rapidly.Some of the early-born children with good spiritual roots had already reached the Core Formation Stage.When the later-born children with advanced spiritual roots grew up, they would be even more terrifying.Now, the Ye family could easily match a sect with just a few people.Of course, this was limited to the Fire Country.This terrifying foundation left people speechless.However, it wasn't over yet.The female cultivators from Jade Maiden Palace who married into the Ye family, led by Chu Shiwei, returned to Daughter Country to visit their families.Seeing how well they were doing, the female cultivators of Daughter Country couldn't control themselves.Either they married Ye Kaishan or other descendants of the Ye family.Under Chu Shiwei's instigation and influence, Tantai Jing couldn't resist either.Her Dao heart was shaken all at once.So she secretly ran to Fire Country and married Ye Kaishan.With this, the Ye family gained another Soul Formation Stage cultivator.The king of Daughter Country, upon hearing this news, was immediately furious.What did Tantai Jing say to her at the beginning?How long has it been since then, and she has already betrayed?The queen was furious and felt betrayed.However, the anger continued. After Tantai Jing married Ye Kaishan, it didn't take long for Jade Maiden Palace to move to Fire Country."What does this mean?"The queen, who knew the news, had a grim expression. Is this isolating her?These people are too much.Unfortunately, no matter how angry she is, there is nothing she can do.Even Heavenly Demon Palace couldn't do anything about Ye Kaishan, so what could she, a small Daughter Country, do?Ye Kaishan, who broke through the Void Refining stage, can probably only be suppressed by someone in the Body Integration stage.With the departure of Jade Maiden Palace, Daughter Country was shaken, and people were in a state of panic.Soon after, the female prime minister of Daughter Country was suddenly married to Ye Kaishan.Then, one after another, the ministers of the kingdom married into the Ye family.At this point, the queen knew that the expansion of the Ye family was unstoppable and would engulf everything."Perhaps... Daughter Country and Fire Country should have integrated a long time ago."Under the queen's heavy blow, she suddenly saw the light.In fact, with Ye Kaishan's strength, he could easily suppress Daughter Country.But he didn't do that.Perhaps he didn't want to cause a catastrophe and was waiting for her to realize it.Thinking of this, the queen knew what to do.Having been the queen for many years, she hadn't made much progress, which resulted in her slow cultivation.If she could let go of her burdens, perhaps she would have entered the Soul Formation Stage long ago.At this moment, the queen knew what to do....And on this day, Ye Kaishan received a distress call from the Silver Shark Clan.It turned out that the Golden Shark Clan had launched an attack on the Silver Shark Clan, with great momentum, intending to annihilate them.Ye Kaishan could only rush to the Endless Sea to help the Silver Shark Clan.After breaking through the Void Refining stage, Ye Kaishan's strength greatly increased.Sha Buqun was unaware of this information and sarcastically said that water battles were the specialty of the Golden Shark Clan, and Ye Kaishan was not good in the sea.If it were a fully cultivated Ye Kaishan in the Soul Formation stage, he would indeed have no way to deal with Sha Buqun, who was in the Void Refining stage, and the other Void Refining stage expert from the Golden Shark Clan.But he had already reached the Void Refining stage, which was completely different from being in the Soul Formation stage.As soon as they met, Ye Kaishan severely injured Sha Buqun with one move.Sha Buqun never dreamed that Ye Kaishan would break through the Void Refining stage so quickly.Next, Ye Kaishan naturally didn't hold back and ruthlessly dealt with the leader of the Golden Shark Clan and Sha Buqun."Thank you, young master. To show my gratitude, I will introduce the Mermaid Clan to you another day."When they parted, Sha Fuhai smiled and promised.Ye Kaishan just smiled and didn't take it to heart.When he left, he also brought a female member of the Silver Shark Clan in the Soul Formation stage.After returning, he immediately held a ceremony.Ye Kaishan now needed more members with dreams to join the Ye family.And then promote the Ye family to a fourth-grade cultivation clan.In this way, several months passed, and Tantai Jing finally became pregnant.She leaned shyly in Ye Kaishan's arms and told him the news."Wonderful, my wife!"Ye Kaishan was overjoyed and kissed her.The two of them indulged in each other's affection.Not long after, a maid came to report."Lord Patriarch, the queen of Daughter Country requests an audience!"The queen?Ye Kaishan was stunned for a moment, then got up and went to the reception hall.Shortly after, he saw the queen standing elegantly in the hall, seeming a bit nervous.After seeing Ye Kaishan enter, she gathered her courage and spoke:"Master Ye, I want... to join the Ye family."