
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

A Perfect And Upright Man

"What kind of rats dare to meddle in the affairs of our Dark Nether Sect!"The Yin Soul shouted loudly."The beasts of the Dark Nether Sect, everyone must be killed."Ye Kaishan stood on top of the silver lightning, with his hands behind his back, and said expressionlessly.As soon as he arrived, he started to show off.The women of the Hundred Flowers Sect could only laugh and sigh helplessly. Even with a third-level spirit beast, Ye Kaishan was no match for the protectors of the Dark Nether Sect."You ignorant fools! There is a path to heaven, yet you choose to enter hell willingly. Die for me!"The Ming Soul scolded coldly and directly attacked Ye Kaishan.In order to not harm the spirit beast that had come to them, he held back.Ye Kaishan's eyes flashed, he raised his hand and formed a seal, then pointed downwards."Small Circulation Sword Formation!"In an instant, spiritual swords flew out from his sleeves, orderly and covering the sky, descending.In the next moment, a terrifying aura of slaughter rose, instantly trapping the protectors and disciples of the Dark Nether Sect.The sword formation took shape, and the spiritual swords, under the effect of the formation, continuously multiplied, bursting out astonishing sword energy, slashing at everyone within the formation.For a moment, blood filled the air, heads rolled.The Yin Soul and the Ming Soul were shocked. This sword formation actually posed a threat to them.Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ye Kaishan descended and began to detoxify the women.As an excellent alchemist, this kind of poison was not difficult for him."Master Ye..." Mi Yao's heart was touched, feeling a sense of security she had never felt before.This strange feeling disappeared in an instant.Ye Kaishan treated them accordingly, refining several antidote pills and personally giving them to Mi Yao, Yin Ni Yun, and other strong individuals.Then, they joined forces to deal with the protectors of the Dark Nether Sect.Ye Kaishan had recently burned his life force, and burning it again in a short period of time would cause damage to his body.Naturally, he wouldn't sacrifice his own body for the Hundred Flowers Sect and disregard everything else.Providing some assistance was enough.As a result, with the combined efforts of everyone and the power of the Small Circulation Sword Formation, the Dark Nether Sect was immediately defeated.Seeing the situation was not good, the Yin Soul struck the Ming Soul towards Mi Yao and the others with a palm, then took the opportunity to escape.Amidst the resentful curses, the Ming Soul left with a meal.The crisis was resolved, and the gratitude towards Ye Kaishan from the Hundred Flowers Sect reached a terrifying height."Master Ye, we owe you greatly this time." Mi Yao gratefully said to Ye Kaishan.Ye Kaishan smiled faintly and said:"I did this because Zhu Man is a disciple of the Hundred Flowers Sect. She is my wife, and I don't want to see her sad."These words were truly remarkable, neither humble nor arrogant, expressing indirectly that he is a man who cares for his wife.Suddenly, almost all the female disciples looked at Ye Kaishan with a hint of admiration in their eyes.At the same time, they were even more envious of Zhu Man, having such a husband who not only excelled in alchemy and formation techniques but also had exceptional strength.He was truly a perfect man, an unparalleled partner.Even the Sect Master Mi Yao, Yin Ni Yun, and Leng Aoxue, the few outstanding women, were a bit absent-minded, filled with appreciation.If Ye Kaishan had acted to save them because of their beauty, it would mean that he was no different from other men.But if it was for his own wife, it meant that he was an upright man.Late at night.Ye Kaishan lay comfortably on the bed, relieving his fatigue. Burning a hundred years of life force made him feel completely drained.Just as he was about to fall asleep, the door creaked open, and under the moonlight, a graceful figure quietly walked in.Ye Kaishan smirked, about to embrace her, but he realized that this was not Zhu Man at all.Even in the darkness, he could clearly see the other person's face.This was a female cultivator who had been with him during the day, although her appearance was not as stunning as the Five Golden Flowers, it was not far off.After all, there were no ugly people in the Hundred Flowers Sect, from top to bottom."Miss, what are you..." Ye Kaishan asked knowingly."Brother Ye... I want..."Before the words were finished, the other party pounced.Ye Kaishan hesitated, but did not refuse.An hour later."After I go back, I will come to marry you." Ye Kaishan promised.Next, Ye Kaishan did not rush to leave. During the day when there was nothing to do, he would interact with the female cultivators of the Hundred Flowers Sect.Occasionally, in the evening, they would continue to discuss life.Until half a month later.Ye Kaishan finally decided to leave.The land at home also needed to be nourished.He found the sect master, Mi Yao, and informed him of his intentions."Master Ye, have you been well in our sect recently?" Mi Yao asked with a smile, as if there was something more to his words."Comfortable, reluctant to leave." Ye Kaishan answered honestly, very straightforward.The emphasis was on being truthful.Mi Yao nodded slightly, and what he said next surprised Ye Kaishan."Ling Qiao'er in our sect has admired Master Ye for a long time. I would like to betroth her to you. What does Master Ye think?""I have no problem with that!"After the surprise, Ye Kaishan still responded truthfully.He was as always, never refusing."If you also betroth yourself to me, that would be even better..." Ye Kaishan looked at the person in front of him and secretly thought.Mi Yao was a profound-grade top-quality spiritual root, with a cultivation level of Core Formation perfection, also of the green quality.A child born from this union would definitely have an extraordinary spiritual root.After everything was settled, Ye Kaishan told Zhu Man that he planned to stay for one more night and leave the next morning.In the middle of the night.Ye Kaishan's door was quietly opened again.Ye Kaishan, lying on the bed, smiled. Every time was like opening a blind box.This feeling was truly wonderful.The person who came was a woman with phoenix eyes, her gaze very enchanting, but her features were not very stunning.Giving people a feeling that her eyes were mismatched with her other features."Brother Ye, I have admired you for a long time..." the woman said shyly."What is your name?" Ye Kaishan sat up, smiled and asked, then waved his hand, motioning for the woman to come over and embrace her.The woman walked over stealthily, answering as she walked."My name is Ji Yin. This is the first time for me, Brother Ye, please take good care of me."She shyly lowered her head."Definitely, definitely..." Ye Kaishan said with a smile, reaching out to grab the woman's arm.Just then, the woman, who had been bowing her head, smiled wickedly, suddenly burst into action, and her jade-like hand swiftly grabbed towards Ye Kaishan like lightning.Ye Kaishan was prepared for this, and with an unimaginable speed, he grabbed the woman's wrist."So you're the undercover agent who poisoned me?"Ye Kaishan asked coldly with a sneer."Ruining this young lady's good fortune, watch me gouge out your eyes."The woman was extremely ruthless, her five fingers like steel needles, directly aiming for Ye Kaishan's eyes.Ye Kaishan was startled, and with his other hand, he grabbed the woman's palm.The two instantly engaged in a fierce struggle.