





the horses cry pulling a carriages behind as it passes over a bridge, clear water flows under with lush green grass on both sides, the sun rise over the hilltop showing light on a castle that over shadows the town under.


a little girl calls as she leans over the bridge, her blonde hair falls over her face as she loses balance and falls


she cries as she fall from a height of two stories.


someone moved towards her catching her and and landing on the other side, she looks up in his eyes cheeks red as she ask *can you let me down n..*


he drops her to the floor and turns to the direction under the bridge

*You basterd why you got to be so mean and to think I came all this way for you*

she shouts to the direction of the bridge, where the person that saved her is sitting looking at the running river.

*sometimes I wish I was like the river free to go as I wish* his voice sounding hopeless as if he is drawing close to death.

*can you stop being such a downer, besides I came with great news* the girl said standing with her hands on her waist looking as a proud adventurer that discovered new lands.

the silhouette under the bridge turn his head looking at the girl in the distance.

the girl wearing a red short dress reaching her knees, her blonde hair dance in the wind as her soft clear looks like a dolls in the sunlight, her big black eyes looking at the silhouette with her soft small lips curved into a smile.

*I was just informed that tomorrow would be the day of gifts*


the silhouette appeared infront of the girl the speed of which is unthinkable covering twenty meters in a blink.




*this ain't another one of your games right Ivry* he said as two little black wings beat happily behind his back, taking him one feet off of the ground.

*can you not come so close Nic* ivry blush as the boy with short white hair with two small black horns 5 inches in length and eyes dark brown as the desert sand appair to her face as if he was aiming for a kiss.

*come on spill it* he said as he grabbing onto her shoulders

*am trying to, but your to close!* she said as she turned her red blushed face to the side.


blood started to flow down his face as a stone the size of a baseball bounce off his head.

* You halfling basterd leave that girl alone!*

a young man standing on the bridge shouts with another stone in hand ready to throw it at Nic.

*I knew this day would come it was just a matter of time!* a woman look down said drawing more attention to the situation.

*you monster how dare you put your hands on human flesh!*

*you dirty halfling, you should be killed*

*your kind is a plague to this world*

a thick crowd gathers on the bridge, soon a barrage of stones started to rain down on Nic, with his speed and reflexes it was a simple task to dodge but if he moved Ivry would be harmed.

Nic is what they call a halfling, in this world there are many different races but a rule is passed down between these races to never crossbreed, those that go against this shall be punished and there child shall not have no place in no territory of any race, leave to survive off there own and abandoned by man and gods.

nic is a half human and also two other races which is a abomination to heavens will, his mother was hanged and father never seen.