
Half-Demon's Legacy: The Journey of Fenris

Fenris Tonelico was destined for greatness from birth, or so it seemed. Born into the prestigious Tonelico clan of mages, he should've had every advantage. But fate had other plans. Fenris was born with black hair and eyes, unlike any other member of his clan. Even worse, he was the son of a mistress. Fenris was seen as an outcast from a young age. Only his adopted father and younger sister accepted him as family. The rest of his family outcasted him. Fenris struggled to find his place. Without the help his brothers were given, he educated himself in secret. Then, he made a discovery that would change everything - within him lay immense, untapped magical power. Fenris saw a new purpose. If he could master his magic, he could prove himself worthy of the Tonelico name. He set his sights on the most prestigious magical academy in the land: Lodonea. But gaining entrance to Lodonea requires more than passing the written exam - applicants must also prove the depth of their magical abilities. Fenris' journey has only just begun. But if he can harness his power and overcome the obstacles on his path, he has a chance at reclaiming his destiny and making a name for himself that transcends his illegitimate birth. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Genre: Fantasy Tags: Male MC, Isekai, Romance, Harem, Mystery, Drama, Academy, Magic, Action, Adventure, Dark Fantasy Schedule: TBA Novel Type: Light Novel ---------------------------------------------------------------- If you want to get into contact with me, my Discord is Manatin#2225. My messages are open for the time being, but that may or may not change in the future. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Cover of Hanyou no Tabi is derived from Seiken Gakuin. Please note that the use of it has no commercial purposes whatsoever and is purely meant to represent the novel. Credit goes to the artist who drew it.

Madamaru · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

009.5 Dinner at the Nalva's

Six years ago in the past...

Marcos and Fenris were riding in a carriage pulled by earth dragons, a faster mode of transportation than horses, on their way to the Nalva manor. The dragons' speed was making Fenris feel motion sick, and Marcos, concerned for his son, looked at him.

"Are you alright, Fenris?" he asked, worriedly.

"Yeah... I'll be fine," Fenris assured, although the sickness seemed to worsen. He kept his head down, trying to prevent himself from vomiting.

Within half an hour, they arrived at the manor. As soon as they stopped, Fenris felt the symptoms of motion sickness fade away, allowing him to recover. The grandeur of the Nalva mansion left him awestruck.

"Wow... compared to this, our house looks like a cottage!" Fenris exclaimed, amazed by the size of the mansion. It was easily two or three times larger than the Tonelico mansion.

"So, Father, why did you bring me here?" Fenris asked curiously as they made their way toward the mansion. He had been exposed to political dealings before, as part of his training in negotiation, so he assumed that was the purpose of their visit. Marcos smiled and gently shook his head.

"No, Fenris. We've been invited to a dinner party. The Nalva's are our allies, and the lord wanted to express his gratitude by hosting a banquet. It's also an opportunity for you to meet other noble children your age," Marcos explained. Fenris's expression immediately fell at the thought of socializing.

'Great...' he thought, lacking enthusiasm for the party despite its potential for enjoyment.

"Don't be like that, Fenris. You can bury yourself in books all you want, but as the child of an aristocrat, it's expected of you to make connections," Marcos said in a more serious tone.

"But I won't know anyone!" Fenris protested.

"You won't know anyone until you give it a chance. Come on," Marcos urged, and they entered the mansion, where they were greeted by a line of maids and servants, ready to welcome the guests.

As Marcos and Fenris entered the mansion, they were warmly welcomed by the lord of the manor, Alaric Doulas Nalva. Alaric, a middle-aged man with receding brown hair, commanded respect and carried himself with an air of authority befitting his status. Standing beside him was his daughter, a young girl with striking violet hair. Despite her age, she exuded an elegant demeanor expected of a noble child.

The girl, Penelope Nalva, gracefully curtsied before Fenris, introducing herself with poise. "My name is Penelope Nalva. And what's your name?"

Penelope wore an orange dress with yellow accents that beautifully complemented her violet hair. Her white heels gave her a slight height advantage over Fenris, although their difference in stature mattered little given their young age.

"...Fenris Tonelico," Fenris hesitantly replied, avoiding direct eye contact as he spoke. He had limited experience interacting with girls, making face-to-face conversations difficult for him.

Penelope playfully turned Fenris's face towards her and giggled at his hesitance. "Oh, you're quite the shy one, aren't you? Well, there's no need to be! You're welcome here, so relax and have some fun, okay?"

"Uh-huh," Fenris responded, giving a slight nod. It was challenging for him to relax and let loose in an unfamiliar environment, especially when he had to engage with new people.

Another girl, six years older than Penelope, approached Fenris and also curtsied before him. She introduced herself as Elizabeth Nalva, Penelope's older sister. With grace and courtesy, she extended her hand for a handshake, which Fenris accepted. His gaze shifted between the two girls, noticing their shared hair color and the unmistakable elegance that radiated from them. They were indeed true nobles.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Elizabeth," Fenris replied, his voice carrying a note of respect. He couldn't help but feel a touch of awe in the presence of these noble sisters.

The distinction between the Nalva and Tonelico families became evident to Fenris as he observed the stark contrast between the grandeur of the Nalva manor and the more modest size of the Tonelico estate. House Nalva held a higher rank than House Tonelico, with the Nalva's classified as Dukes, one of the four prestigious Duke houses in the Asura Kingdom. In contrast, House Tonelico was subordinate to House Nalva, and Lord Alaric held authority over them.

Despite this hierarchical arrangement, the Tonelico family enjoyed a unique favor from the Nalva's, granting them a level of autonomy and independence. They were allowed to pursue their own interests and operate with relative freedom within the kingdom. This special treatment bestowed upon the Tonelico family by the Nalva's was a testament to the close alliance and mutual respect between the two houses.

As the ball reached its peak, with guests filling the central room of the mansion, Fenris had hoped to blend into the background, enjoying the solitude and observing from a distance. Being left unattended gave him the freedom to be himself—a loner by choice.

However, his desire for a quiet evening was shattered when Penelope approached him, her eyebrow arching with curiosity at his deliberate isolation. She couldn't resist questioning his decision. "Why aren't you socializing with others?" she inquired, genuinely intrigued.

Reluctantly, Fenris turned to face Penelope, his loner façade momentarily cracking under the weight of his true emotions. He leaned in closer, whispering softly into her ear, "Because... I don't know anybody. I'm scared."

Meanwhile, at the center of the room, Lord Alaric stood, announcing a slow dance as the main event of the evening. He encouraged both children and adults to pair up and enjoy the dance together. Penelope's mischievous side emerged as she overheard the announcement.

"Well, you won't make any friends unless you give it a chance!" she exclaimed, seizing Fenris's hand and dragging him toward the center of the room, where couples were already swaying to the music. Fenris attempted to resist and break free from her grip, but Penelope persisted, pouting playfully to coax him into participating. Her ploy successfully compelled Fenris to reluctantly go along with it.

The two clasped each other's hands, their fingers intertwining as they embarked on the slow dance. Fenris, still finding his footing, stumbled occasionally, his lack of experience evident from the start. Recognizing this, Penelope took it upon herself to guide him through the basics.

"You haven't danced before, have you?" Penelope asked, her voice filled with gentle understanding.

"No, I haven't," Fenris admitted, his gaze fixed on her, eager to learn.

"Well, I'll show you how. Just watch my movements closely and follow along," Penelope instructed, her eyes locked onto Fenris, expecting his full attention.

As the music filled the room, Penelope gracefully led Fenris across the dance floor, their steps synchronized in a slow, elegant rhythm. She guided him through turns, sways, and spins, maintaining eye contact, ensuring he followed her lead.

Fenris focused on Penelope's movements, mimicking her grace and poise. Though he stumbled, he persevered, determined to learn and make the most of the experience. Penelope's patient guidance and encouraging smiles eased his nerves, helping him find his footing and gain confidence.

Together, they moved their bodies in sync with the music, creating a harmonious sight. Fenris let go of his reservations, embracing the rhythm and the joy of the moment.

Fenris' face lit up with a bright smile as he gradually caught on to the dance, simply flowing with the rhythm of the music. As they neared the climax, all eyes were fixed on Fenris and Penelope, who stood at the center of attention. The spectators watched in astonishment, particularly captivated by Penelope's elegant form.

With a twirl, Penelope and Fenris commanded the spotlight, drawing gasps of amazement from the onlookers. They gracefully spun across the area, their finale captivating the entire room.

After the dance, the party continued as the guests moved to the dinner table. The long table stood prominently in the room, covered in white tablecloths and filled with a generous selection of food prepared by the mansion's staff.

The guests, including Fenris, sat down and eagerly enjoyed the delicious meal before them. The table offered a variety of options, such as pasta and olives imported from distant lands.

"Wow, this is delicious!" Fenris exclaimed, enthusiastically devouring his first plate and quickly moving on to second's. He ate with such eagerness that his appetite seemed insatiable, as if he couldn't get enough.

"Easy there, Fenris," Penelope said, surprised by his fast metabolism. Fenris paused briefly, surprised as Penelope playfully fed him a spoonful of piping hot mashed potatoes. It burned his mouth momentarily, but he managed to swallow it down. At first, he was annoyed by the unexpected prank, but he couldn't help but join in the laughter that followed. They shared a lighthearted moment of amusement at the dinner table.