

Love between a young man and a young woman in stages of life that passes through sadness, romance, and interesting events

Aboabod_Alzobaydy · สมัยใหม่
16 Chs

Analysis results and positions!

The results of the analyzes appeared and showed the opposite of everything expected from Haitham's father and mother because they are compatible with the beloved, although it is a rare case, as the harmony in such analyzes is mostly compatible with relatives

After the laboratory workers called and told Haitham that there was an excellent match rate in the tissues, and that the surgery could be performed to transplant part of the liver and save the beloved, joy appeared on Haitham and he was in an indescribable joy, and he hurried to tell Lama's mother the joyful news. He tells his parents about the results of the analyzes. Here, Lama's mother took the initiative to ask my son Haitham, did you tell your mother about the results?

Haitham: No, my aunt, I will tell her later. But he noticed that this news is important and that he should tell them. He was in fear and hesitation because he knew that his parents were expecting the exact opposite.

Haitham decided to leave the hospital after making an appointment for the operation, as he had to arrange his affairs in the college and other matters related to the operation and its details.

Haitham: Mom, I want you on an important and joyful topic

Mother: My beloved son

Haitham: The results of the analyzes appeared and were positive, and I can go through the donation process.

The mother: (Fear and anxiety appeared on her face and she spoke in a loud voice) What are you saying! Haitham, it is not your decision alone. Your father and I have the right to share such a situation with you. Do not rush, and I am afraid that you have told Lama and her family the results?

Haitham: My beloved mother, I know your rejectionist position, and I know that you agreed to the analyzes, hoping that they would be negative

But the will of God wants me to help this good girl, and fate placed it in front of me to help her and love her, and I believe that I appreciate her. However, I leave you the issue of convincing my father about the matter because I have made my decision, and at the same time I cannot perform the operation without your absolute satisfaction, conviction and supplication (He kissed his mother and went to his bed, hoping that he would be the savior for the girlfriend)

The mother received Haitham's father, and after he ate dinner, he asked her?

Father: My love, I see talk and words in your eyes. Can you tell me what is on your mind?

Mother: My beloved husband, I hope you will hear me to the end

Father: Here you go

Mother: Today, our son Haitham received the results of the analysis, and it turned out to be positive, and he may perform the operation.

Father: Honestly, your words shocked me. Oh my God, is this the fate of my son? To start his life with a dangerous surgery.Listen to me, my beloved wife, tomorrow I will go to the hospital and find out the details of the operation.

The mother: Yes, this is correct, but now do not speak to Haitham about the matter, and if he asks you, tell him that we are thinking about it.

Father: Yes, and he is

Haitham got up early and went to the university to find out the details of obtaining satisfactory rent in order to carry out the process without affecting his lessons. Indeed, he went to the head of the department and explained all the details of the subject in full and did not hide any detail.

The head of the department was amazed and sympathized with Haitham a lot and told him that I will be with you in support because you are a real person and you want to sacrifice and take risks for the sake of your beloved and for the sake of humanity and at the same time you think about your future.

I want you to write an official request explaining the reasons and leave the details to me. I will undertake the task of obtaining the original approvals as part of the cooperation with you.

Haitham embraced the professor and pulled him tightly while repeating, "Thank you, my teacher and my second father."

Haitham went to the hospital to check on his beloved Lama

Haitham: My love, how are you today and how are your spirits after hearing the news of the analyzes?

Lama: Honestly, I was happy and sad at the same time

I was happy that there is my mother to live to be with you

And I was sad for you

The two lovers embraced each other while they were crying and he told her, "My love, I am ready to give you my life." She repeats, "You are my life, and you are the light of my eyes, and my hope after God is life."

Lama's mother: Hello, my son Haitham, how are you? I kissed him and hugged him and said that from today you are like my son because you renewed hope in my life and the life of my daughter. Lama's father is abroad and he will come soon and wants to thank you.

Lama's father: How are you, Bani Haitham?

Please arrange an appointment for us to visit you at home (here Lama's father agreed with his wife, Lama's mother, that they go themselves to Haitham's house and make sure of the issue of his parents' approval)

Haitham: We are honored uncle, you are welcome at any time.

Haitham went towards the house thinking about how he would arrange the meeting with Lama's family and how his parents would react and what would be their decision?

But he repeated with himself, raising his head to the sky

My God, You are our Creator, and in Your hand everything is easy for me to help Lama and we live together

Praise be to God for every thing

Wait for what will happen in the meeting of the parents and their fateful decision

Aboabod_Alzobaydycreators' thoughts