
Haikyuu: The Rise

A boy died from a mutated form of cancer. When he died, he met god and got wishes from him. He was told he could choose where he would reincarnate and he chose his favourite manga 'Haikyuu' . Read as he reaches the top of the volleyball world. ----- ------------------- *I do not own anything other than the OC's. I got the pic off google and if you created it and want me to change it comment and ill change it . I ALSO DONT OWN HAIKYUU. iTS CREATED BY HARUICHI FURUDATE. ------------------------------- *** THIS STORY IS NOT YAOI AND WONT HAVE ANY ELEMENTS OF IT For those who wanted it to be I am sorry but this will not change. ----------------- If you like the story review and leave some stones. Also please do not leave pointless reviews. I dont care if you give low stars but please give a good reason. If its not then ill delete it.

Damz · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
4 Chs


"What. How am I able to talk. Why do I have legs. I CAN WALK" Damien said before quickly realizing he was in a dark void.

'Is this the after life' Damien thought after noticing that he cant see anything but pure darkness.

'If it is why do I have a body' He thought inspecting his 17 year old body with all his limbs attached.

"You are indeed dead. But this is far from the after life" a voice said.

Damien then turned around and saw and old man with white hair and a long white beard. He wore a white robe and looked wise, Damien couldn't help but scream "GANDOLF??".

The old man chuckled and responded "No my child. I am one of many gods. I chose this look as many on earth think a god looks like this fictional character, and since your soul would perish if I showed you my real form I decided to look like this".

Damien was shocked at this. Damien has spent many hours reading manga and reading fan-fics about different anime's he loved and he knew that in many of these stories the person who died would meet god and reincarnate with wishes. "Am I getting reincarnated" he couldn't help but mutter.

The god simply chuckled and looked pitifully at Damien said "Yes. I saw how terrible your life was and I felt pity that a human who had done nothing wrong had to go through that. I apologize for all the gods out there, for we have done nothing to help you".

Damien looked at the god and said "it's fine. I forgive you. It's not like I can change anything by holding a grudge". 'Plus why would I anger a god when i'm gonna be reincarnated. He might even send me to hell' Damien thought not wanting to lash out against actual gods.

The god looked at Damien and smiled and said "Thank you. Now before we get to the good stuff, do you have any questions"

Damien released a faint smile and asked "How is my family and Daniel.

The god smiled gently and said "Your death hit your parents very hard. Especially your mother. But a year after they were happy again and decided to have another child. Your mother gave birth to a beautiful baby girl which they named Sophia. When Sophia was born they quit their jobs as your book brought in hundreds of millions of dollars. They even made a movie based on it. Your parents lived a very good life after your death but they never once forgot you. They only wished that you were there with them"

Damien hearing this felt relieved and was happy that they could live a good life. The god then went on to explain what happened to Daniel.

"Daniel after your death felt depressed. As you know you were his closest friend, but after a couple of months he got over your death and decided to live happily and not have any regrets for the both of you. Two years after your death he met his future wife Melissa. They started dating after two months and went on to get married after dating for four years. After being married for a year Melissa gave birth to a healthy baby boy who Daniel named after you. The family lived a very good life and died happily".

Damien was shocked that Daniel named his child after himself and could only feel honored and grateful to have people who cared for him this much.

"You should be very grateful to have such a loving family. Unfortunately not many do and be grateful that you died with people near you who loved and cherished you".

"I really am grateful for the amazing who were people in my life". Damien said.

"Now that that's over lets get on to the fun stuff" God said losing his wise persona.

"Wow your personality changed quite a bit god" Damien said chuckling at the sight of the excited god.

"I'm a very old god and this is one of my sources of entertainment. I'm curious about what you'll wishes will be" god responded.

"How many do I get" Damien asked.

God responded by saying "Hmm. Since you've had a shit life I can give you 5. We normally give out three or in some cases none. Now, which world do you want to be reincarnated in".

Damien without a second thought said "Haikyuu".

The god nodded and said "OK, now for the wishes"

Damien thought for a good minute and said "Before I say my wishes can pick my family background and my looks without using my wishes".

God thought for a moment and said "That's fine so what kind of family do you want be born in".

Damien nodded and responded "I want to be born in Brazil as it has a very good men's volley ball team. I want to be born as the team's best players son. I want to be half Brazilian and half Japanese. I want to have pink hair, Dark pink eyes, and clear white skin(Nothing against dark characters its just the pic looks like this). I also want my max height to be 6 ft 7 and be 6 ft 3 in the beginning of high school. And let it be a loving and caring family".

The god nodded and said "Done".

"Now for my wishes I want

1. Perfect copy

2. unlimited potential both body and in volleyball . And please don't let my body hinder my speed.

3. Perfect accuracy

4. unblockable spike

5. Great reaction time"

God thought about the wishes for a minute and said "Everything is fine except the unblockable spike. It would not make it any fun for you trust me. Don't worry though you will have a spike that can put most pros to shame by the time you reach high school. You may have unlimited potential but that doesn't mean you can slack off. Work hard and you'll be the best in no time".

I nodded and said "Thank you".

"No problem have fun" He said.

Damien then realized he made a mistake and before he could say anything, god waved his hand with a smirk and he went unconscious.

So ya this is the start of his journey. I hope you like the wishes. This is an AU so he will be apart of an original school with an original team. I may use characters from different anime and even make OC's.

His love interest will also be a OC since the anime doesn't have many waifus.

Look forward to the future and make sure you drop some power stones and review

Damzcreators' thoughts