

(1) ^They meet when Y/N sees Tanaka walk into a street sign.^

(2) ^Imagine that Y/N was in an abusive relationship before they were with Tanaka. One day, Y/N accidentally breaks something (a plate, vase, etc), and while Tanaka isn't mad at all, Y/N starts crying and whispering Please don't hurt me over and over again. (Because in their past relationship, breaking something would have resulted in abuse). Tanaka gently wraps their arms around Y/N and tells them in a kind voice that they would never hurt Y/N, and that Tanaka promises to keep Y/N safe at all costs.^

(3) ^Tanaka tilting Y/N's chin up to get a better look at their face and the evidence of the fight. Tanaka delicately thumbs away a streak of blood from Y/N's mouth, saying nothing as they examine it. After a brief pause, Y/N's heart skips a nervous beat as Tanaka looks them dead in the eyes. Their voice is quiet and tense. Their anger barely restrained.

'Who did this to you?'^

(4) ^Tanaka: What's your biggest fear?

Y/N: You.

Tanaka: Me?!

Y/N: I'm scared that one day you'll look in the mirror and see yourself as I see you. You will realize just how amazing you are and that you deserve better than me...

Y/N: I'm terrified that you'll leave.^

(5) ^Y/N likes stealing Tanaka's phone to change Tanaka's phone wallpaper into something stupid (like unattractive pictures of Tanaka's face or a dumb meme). Y/N is doing another routine swipe of Tanaka's phone, but doesn't have the heart to change it because this time because Tanaka's phone wallpaper is a cute picture of the two of them (like their first date together, or the only picture they have together).^

(6) ^Ennoshita: 'Hey, are you free on Friday? Like around 8 p.m?'

Y/N: 'Yes?'

Ennoshita: 'What about you?'

Tanaka: 'Yes, I am.'

Ennoshita:'Great! Because I'm not. You two go on without me. Enjoy your date!' *Walks away*

Y/N: 'Did Ennoshita just-?'^

(7) ^*Y/N is taking a shower*

*Tanaka walks in*

*Tanaka pulls the shower curtain while Y/N is in the shower*: Are we - stop screaming, it's just me - we out of Cheetos?^

(8) ^Imagine Y/N's and Tanaka's child gets their first period and Tanaka just says 'THE ELDER GODS DEMAND A SACRIFICE!' and Y/N just smacks them upside the head.^

(9) ^Y/N is in a bad mood and is mumbling a list of things they don't like about themself under their breath. Tanaka notices and chimes in with a way longer list of things they like/love about Y/N.^

(10) ^Y/n and Tanaka are friends and they secretly have feelings for one another. One day, Tanaka gets into a difficult fight in which they win but are left injured and unconscious and are later found by Y/n. Y/n immediately starts taking care of them and confesses how they feel at the same time as Tanaka. They have a very shy first kiss after that.^

(11) Tanaka: who can say Y/N is evil??? They are so sweet to me

*you get off the person you were just dragging and wipe the blood on your pants*


(12) y/n: ow i cut my finger

Tanaka: wee wooo weeee woo wee wooo

*tanaka runs to you whilst ur confused and puts a bandaid on*

*Tanaka now running away*: weee wooo weeeeeeweoooooooo