
6: Training Camp Final

Inside the gym the kids are practicing volleyball basics diligently, some were practise their dig, some were setting the ball.

The atmosphere of the gym was lively everyone focused on their own craft and improvements, giving out pointers to others.

In the middle of court two boys were doing some dynamic warm up like diving pancake, sliding dig etc. It was Aron and Kenji, they both are placing the ball in different place for each other to receive.

"Is that all you got, Aron"

"No way near, let's see how you get this up"

He added a nasty spin to the ball, Renji go in position to receive but the spin by the ball changed its course, catching him of guard.

He dove for the ball but he couldn't get it, and did a perfect dolphin dive to prevent injury.

"How you like that huh!!" Aron said excited

"That was some nasty spin on it, I will get it up someday just you wait!" Kenji spoke with confidence.

"Hey, our training camp is ending today where do you plan to go to school Kenji?"

"I haven't thought about it what about you, Aron which school will you go to??"

"Me I am going to inarazaki, It's near my home and convenient for me to go there"

"Is that so, then let's meet in the nationals against each other"

"Yeah let's do it and see in a official match who is the greatest between us!!"

Both kids burning with passion and competitiveness, both having their own ego to be the best.

After their little talk, all the kids are called towards the front of the court. Ishikawa walked toward the groups of kids.

"Hello kids, this is your last day of training camp and it was enjoyable teaching you kids about volleyball"

Ishikawa started his speach for the kids, the kids looked and listened to everything he said.

"So kids never forget your basic, keep on improving them. Ganbare ~~" Ishikawa finished his speach.

" Since this is the last day for you kids were are giving everyone juice, rice balls and play some fun games"

All the kids and staff thanked each other for all their hard work on making this camp work. Staff people have the kids the food and kids ate them all.

After everybody finished eating their food, they got divided into different group to play some matches.

Aron and Kenji were on different teams, as they were monsters compared to their age.

Since the first game the kids have improved tremendously.

Each holding their own in the matches, having practiced their basics and creating a strong foundation for their skills.

Group A:Kenji, Miyamura, Rin, Saya, Jin and Jack.

Group B:Aron, Ryota, Kanemaru, Antony, Jay and Satoshi.

Group C: Yuuto, Kajuki, Ichigo, Kiyuru, Ryosuke and Lin.

Group D: Sakita, Yamauchi, Miyura, Bruno,

Reiji and Alex.

So on they were divided into teams, first match was Group A and C. Kenji and Miyamura against Yuuto and Kajuki.

Both the teams entered the court and go to their position.

Group A

OUTH: Kenji

S: Rin

OH: Jin

MB: Miyamura



Group C


S: Yuuto




L: Lin

They got in their position, Rin came up to serve the ball and did a normal serve. Lin received the ball, Yuuto looked at the position of the blockers and decides to set to Jay.

The ball travels to far left to the outside, Kenji and Miyamura notice that and jump for the block. The ball touches Miyamura's hand.

"One touch" Saya receives the ball, Rin sets a quick in the middle gaining them the point. The game continued with full intensity.

Rin served the ball, Kajuki receives it the ball goes a little close to the net, Yuuto set the ball to Satoshi and they scored the point.

Kajuki does a jump floater, the ball wiggles around but Kenji receives it perfectly, Rin sets a high ball for Kenji.

"Kenji here's your reward"

Blockers jump and challenge Kenji but he spikes it over them and scores the point.


Points 2:1

The match continues back and forth between both the team.

"Rin get it outside"

"Okey gotcha"

A high quick ball to outside. Kajuki smashes the ball but Kenji blocks the spike.

"Weiiii" with a smug face Kenji celebrates the block.

The match is intense as ever as this was the final day

Score: 24 : 22

Majority of team A score came from Kenji. He scores 17 of 24 points with his spikes and serve.

It was the set point for Kenji's team and Kenji was up to serve for the game. He comes up to serve after a bit of rhythmic bounce, Kenji takes a deep breath letting his muscles time to gather power.

He throws ball high for a jump serve, he approaches the ball with full power and smashes it adding some spin, the ball zooms past the defenders and scores a no-touch service ace.


Game set: Group A : 25/ Group B : 22

Both the team celebrated with each other, understanding the nature of the game. Both team thanked each other and smiled.

Next group of kids came up to the court and starts playing, it was Aron's turn to play now against team D of Sekita. Both team having a balance between height and power.

The game starts with Aron's serve, he serves toward the middle, other teams libero gets up the ball, Sakita goes down the middle with Yamauchi scoring the first point.

Miyura up to serve and did a normal serve, Jay receives the ball, Ryota sets a ball to Aron.

"Ryota get me the ball" Aron said.

Aron with his power jumps and spikes the ball but Yamauchi and Bruno blocked his spike.

Aeon was surprised by his spike getting blocked. He got some challenge.

Miyura again serves the ball and Alex receives the ball to Ryota, he looks at the blockes and thinks to set it in the middle but before that.

"Ryota to the left one more time!" Aron shouts to Ryota raising his hand.

Ryota hearing Aron sets a high ball close to the antenna to give Aron some angle.

This is it as Aron thoughts and jumps, higher then his jump before and spikes the ball straight into the line. Both blockers were shocked from the line spike as well as the kids outside the court.

"That was some insane line shot Aron"

Yelled his team mates high giving each other.

This was a match to be seen.

Both the teams did their absolute best and it came to the last point of the match with Aron's team on the set point.

Score: 24-23

Ryota up to serve and does a jump floater, Reiji receives the ball to Sakita, he looks at the blockers and their position, deceives to go opposite to Miyura.

Miyura a left handed player with abnormal jump and power does his usual approach but with more power, he jumps getting his upper higher then the net, Aron and Satoshi came to block the ball barely on time.

"One touch" Aron yells the ball touches his hand a flyes outside, Rins quickly reacts and follows the ball and saves it.

Ball goes to Alex, he sets for Aron a high set, Aron jumps and spikes the ball but gets blocked, before the ball falls Kanemaru dives and does a pancake saving the ball again.

"Damn! Why so difficult spot" Kanemaru thinks while saving the ball.

Ryota sets the ball again to Aron, He could fell his pressure just pouring out of his body, Aron with sheer power to end this smashes the ball, breaking through the wall and scoring the winning spike.

"Nice save Kanemaru you saved my ass down there" said Aron thanking Kanemaru for his efforts.

"Aren't you gonna praise me for my save from the blockout" Ryota says with sarcasm.

"Yes yess thank you everyone for your efforts" Aron bows and thanks them all.

All of them smile and celebrate their victory.

As the match end the Kasto day of the training camp finishes up.

Everybody enjoying the moments with their friends, Kenji was sitting in the corner seeing everyone laugh and smile. Getting memories from his past life and gets emotional. Aron sees that and come towards Kenji.

"Oh is our Kenji crying, what a crybaby come on let you Aron daddy huh you!"

Aron said teasing Kenji. Ryota and others hearing that burst into laughter. Creating a humorous environment, Kenji laughs at Aron's joke and starts to get up the floor chasing Aron for his joke.

After few minutes of running both of them stop and look at each other.

"I am gonna miss you buddy" says Kenji

"Me too gonna miss this memory. Let's meet again but at the peak of volleyball" Aron says challenging Kenji.

Kenji smile and accepts his challenge of meeting at the top.

The Training Camp Arc is finish...

*End of chapter…..

Should I do a major time skip and go straight to high school or do some middle school too??

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Reiji_Sama_2771creators' thoughts