
H.P: My Hogwarts Journey

Synopsis: Accompanied by the cry of a baby from St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, a soul from another world arrived in this magical realm. ... What difference will this baby named Bell Minashel bring to this world? ... Bell: "I am not great. I am just an ordinary seeker, struggling on the path of magic." Disclaimer: This fanfiction is a creative work inspired by the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. The characters, settings, and themes referenced herein belong to her and are used here for fan enjoyment and exploration of alternate storylines.

Comicstorian · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
71 Chs

Chapter 26 Platform Nine and Three-Quarters

Passing through the walls of King's Cross Station, the Bell family arrived at Platform Nine and Three-Quarters.

As departure time approached, the platform buzzed with activity, parents bidding farewell to their children.

Elena glanced at the luggage of other young wizards and asked Bell, "Darling, are you really not planning to get a pet? It might accompany you at Hogwarts."

"No, Mom, I'm not interested in just an ordinary owl or anything like that," Bell replied firmly.

Ordinary animals seemed mundane and feeble to Bell. He had grown more accustomed to his identity, or perhaps he was increasingly focused on gaining power. While he still appreciated cute animals, he no longer felt the desire to keep one.

"What kind of pet would you like then? I'll ask your father to help you find one," Elena said, concern evident in her voice as she watched Bell closely. Though she knew Bell was independent, she couldn't help but worry.

"Why don't we discuss it later? I might come across one at some point," Bell casually replied before falling silent again.

Elena observed her son and daughter, unusually quiet since morning, and continued to offer reassurances and advice, a sense of apprehension lingering between them.

Meanwhile, Bell's father William scanned the platform as if searching for something.

"Hey, look, isn't that the 'Boy Who Lived,' Harry Potter? I heard Potter was starting Hogwarts this year, but I didn't expect to see him," William exclaimed excitedly, pointing towards a thin young wizard with messy black hair, pushing a trolley towards the train.

"Bell, go say hi to Potter; maybe you can sit in the same compartment with him!" William urged eagerly; his enthusiasm almost palpable.

"Not interested," Bell replied with disdainful eyes at his father. How hadn't he noticed how persuasive his gaze could be? Could he even see the small scar on his forehead from this distance?

Before William could say anything else, the train whistled, and parents began urging their children to board.

"Quick, Bell, get on the train," Elena urged.


Since morning, little Shanna had remained silent, fearing that if she spoke, she would voice her desire for her brother to stay.

She knew that if she expressed her reluctance to see him go, her brother would undoubtedly stay. From childhood to adulthood, he had never refused her requests.

But she also knew she couldn't do that. Her brother should go to Hogwarts like other children his age; perhaps then he could make some good friends.

Watching her brother board the train, seeing her mother bid farewell, and then watching her brother leave, Shanna hated herself at this moment, hated herself for not being able to say a word of farewell.

As she watched the train door slowly close, seeing the train depart, Shanna couldn't help but cry. She cried loudly, shouting 'brother,' wanting to catch up with the departing train, then being tightly hugged by her mother.


Since morning, Bell had been afraid to look at Shanna, fearing he would see reluctance in her eyes, fearing his determination would waver.

He knew that once he saw Shanna's intention to retain him, he couldn't continue to deceive himself; he would definitely stay at all costs.

But he also knew he couldn't be so willful; it would only hurt his family who loved him deeply.

From boarding the train in the morning to listening to his mother's instructions on the platform, to watching the train door slowly close, watching Shanna gradually disappear from sight, Bell hated himself intensely at this moment, hated his weakness. Until the end, he couldn't even smile and say 'goodbye' to Shanna.

As the train door finally closed completely, and Shanna disappeared from Bell's view, the train started moving.

He rushed to the nearest compartment window, watching Shanna crying loudly outside, shouting 'brother,' desperately trying to catch up with the train.

At that moment, Bell felt his heart being torn apart, half staying inside him, and half flying back to Shanna's side.

Bell forcefully opened the window, waving continuously towards the platform. He truly wished he could jump out of the window and return to his sister, but he couldn't. Shanna's life shouldn't revolve around him alone; she should have her own life, meet more people, and see more things. So, it definitely wasn't because the window was too small for Bell to squeeze out!!!


The train gradually disappeared from view, Elena hugged her daughter tightly, tears streaming down her face. Thinking about the months ahead without her son, she was also very sad, definitely not less than her daughter's sadness.

Speaking of which, Bell's family situation needs to be mentioned.

There's no doubt that Bell had a happy family, far happier than most people's families. However, this happiness wasn't perfect. Underneath the surface of happiness, Bell's family also concealed two small cracks.

Firstly, William and Bell didn't see eye to eye, 'This old man (brat) dares to vie with me for my sister (daughter).'

Secondly, Elena and Shanna often clashed, 'Mom (Shanna) is so annoying, always competing with me for my brother (Son).'

Of course, these two small cracks didn't destroy the overall harmony; instead, they made this happiness more genuine and valuable.

"Alright, you two, stop crying," William persuaded helplessly. "Bell isn't gone forever. And today isn't without good news, at least we saw the 'Boy Who Lived' - Harry Potter. Cheer up."

At least William's mood was quite good now, not only because he saw Potter, but also because Bell had gone to school, which elevated William's position at home by one! Although still at the bottom, this was the difference between being third from the bottom and fourth from the bottom!