
Eclipes-originally written; 2018 (oldest os* in my possession.

oldest original song in my possesion. It was written in 2018 when I was just twelve. I've grown used to talk of my potential but it wasnt until I reread this that I truly understood that potential. (I'm fairly positive that it is also the LONGEST original song in my possession) also, originally the chorus was half as long but I decided to combine the chorus and the second verse. Okay... So I ended up changeing some of the original words but it's basically the same as what I wrote in 2018 when I was just TWELVE.

Anyways, here is the song.

Eclipse. 2018

(V1) When we first ran into each other; it seems quite weird that we never had collided, rather we sort of lighted.

(CO) We're like fire and ice, often we will just collide but there is always that tiny chance, that we might work hand in hand;

(C2) we're like black and white, Day and Night, Sun and Moon, Red and Blue, you be you, I'll be me and together we will be, as strong as the eclipse...

(V2) You and me..... You don't get many.... Bonds as strong as ours....There..Must..Be..Some..Reason..Why.. WE ARE THE FRIENDS THAT WE ARE; SUMMER SUN. WINTER SNOW. We.Dont.Usually.Go. Summer Merry, Winter Berry, What is it that we don't know? There must..Be..Some..Bigger plan; That..We..Dont..Underrrstand.

(CO) We're like fire and ice, often we will just collide but there is always that tiny chance, that we might work hand in hand;

(C2) we're like black and white, Day and Night, Sun and Moon, Red and Blue, you be you, I'll be me and together we will be, as strong as the eclipse...

(V3) You.Be.The one always worried bout boys; I'll still be, the one who doesn't really care. Just as long as you are alright I'll be fine, as long as we stay friends; till the end of tiiiiimeee.

(CO) We're like fire and ice, often we will just collide but there is always that tiny chance, that we might work hand in hand;

(C2) we're like black and white, Day and Night, Sun and Moon, Red and Blue, you be you, I'll be me and together we will be, as strong as the eclipse...

(V4) BFF, dont you ever try to change anything. Cause in my eyes, you you always were and always will be perfect... So don't let anyone else make you think differently...

Best make sure I meet every boy before they go and try to break your heart... Got that!? Summer merry, try to be more WAREY...

(CO) We're like fire and ice, often we will just collide but there is always that tiny chance, that we might work hand in hand;

(C2) we're like black and white, Day and Night, Sun and Moon, Red and Blue, you be you, I'll be me and together we will be, as strong as the eclipse...

(V5) Not even growing up will separate us. No matter how old we get, we will always stay friends; we've lasted seven already, why not go longerrrr..

(CO) We're like fire and ice, often we will just collide but there is always that tiny chance, that we might work hand in hand;

(C2) we're like black and white, Day and Night, Sun and Moon, Red and Blue, you be you, I'll be me and together we will be, as strong as the eclipse...

(V6) we haven't fought in so longggg; there must be something hidden going onnnn....

And if I ever feel it necessary; I'll grab a great big mirror. I'll make you look really closely at yourself. And I'll make youuuuu underrrstand.

Your perfectly perfect; just the wayyy youuu areee....

Note: Never forget. You are MY BEST FRIEND, and I will drop EVERYTHING and FIGHT for YOU at any given moment.

Okay... So I ended up changeing some of the original words but it's basically the same as what I wrote in 2018 when I was just TWELVE.

* os means original song.

Holly_Colliercreators' thoughts