

Helios Black an otaku on Earth has his soul transmigrated. Waking up into a world where a power known as ability exist. Our MC being an otaku and having read so many isekai novels knew that the only way to survive in this new world was to become stronger. But to him it’s different, instead of letting the cliché events coming after him like those main characters in the novel he read, he go the other way around. As the previous owner of this body was unable to unlock it’s ability. Our MC tried to investigate this so-called ability. Inside his consciousness he saw a large wooden door, having the memories of the previous owner our MC knows that this was the door to gain the power know as ability. For some unknown reason, the previous owner was unable to open the said door. The moment our MC touches the door it suddenly opens. Instead of gaining the said ability what appears in front of him was an unending grassland. In grassland, he meets the great sage equal to heaven Sun Wukong where he received a cultivation technique. As his power grows along his adventure he came to know a piece of information that he wasn’t the only person that had been isekai from his previous world along with the information about a way to return to the world where the isekai individual came from. Would our MC choose to return to his previous world where he is known by his family as a loser that doesn’t have any direction in life? or would he choose to stay in a world where he can realize his otaku dream? _*_*_*_ shameless author here I shamelessly changed my synopsis this is my first time writing a novel also English isn't my first language so their might be some mistake here and there but I'm open to your criticism so please help me out guys I would really appreciate it. I would like to say my thank you to the illustrator HUGCACTUS for the new cover page of my novel thanks for the new cover page HUGCACTUS

satoukon · แฟนตาซี
157 Chs

engagement my ass!, destiny my ass!

Seeing Aemie with a enraged expression Helios just said

" You two are engaged right?"

"Yes we are" Ramsey proudly reply

"Noo! How can I be engage to him it was our parents that decided the engagement" Aemie protest angrily

But Helios just ignore what she said and calmly said

"I see" while he rub his chin

" if the two of you are already engaged then me and Aemie had just finished our honeymoon" Helios calmly added

Ramsey was shock about what he just heard

While Aemie was also shock but she suddenly start blushing.

Seeing Aemie blushing to what Helios said Ramsey assume that they already had done the deed which causes him to be very angry.

"How dare you defile my fiancée!!!" Ramsey angrily said and start using his ability but Helios was much faster than him because the moment he said the word honeymoon the compress cosmic energy had

inconspicuously surrounded Ramsey's body but he just let the energy follow Ramsey's movement but the moment Ramsey try to use his ability Helios then made the compress cosmic energy to stop following Ramsey's movement causing his whole body to be unable to move.

" Then where was I" Helios said thinking what he was about to say

" Ahh yes" he said when he remembered what he was going to say

" the honeymoon part, will you see I, I mean we already enjoyed a very very very very great honeymoon after we had finished capturing the octopus villain, we did it in her car you know" Helios tauntingly added

"I WILL K…" Ramsey wasn't able to finish what he was going to say because Helios create a tape and tapped his mouth.

" now that's peace and quiet, so what were we doing before Ramsey the douchebag appeared? Ah yes I remember now we were waiting for the examination results" Helios said as he us the tape he created to cover Ramsey the douchebag's whole body making him look like a mummy then he stick Ramsey's body at the corner side of the wall in the room then put a police cordon around it.

" but before that are you two really engaged?" he curiously ask with a sparkling eyes

Aemie was blushing but then her expression turned sour just by hearing his question and seeing his curious expression with a sparkling eyes.

" It was our parents that decided the engagement!!" she was furious by his expression

" Ok, so we can get married, it's just an engagement?" Helios nonchalantly said not worrying how strong her family was.

" I'm just going to use my fist with a little bit of cosmic energy and I'm sure future father and mother in law will understand" he said with a villainous smile that can cause even the most evil villainous smile to be put to shame.

" that my love for you can move mountains"

"no not mountains it's to common for this kind of things" he said holding his chin while thinking of line to change the quote.

" I know! it's going to be the Galaxy!" clasping his having found the best word that for his quote

" My love for you can turn the galaxy into a cosmic dust" he proudly said the quote to confess his love to Aemie.

"zherhahahahaha" Helios then start his evil laugh after he said the quote that he modified.

Aemie was now shock and blushing but she lower her head causing Helios to be unable to see her reaction.

" so do you like my love confession?" he proudly ask

But Aemie was just ignored everything he said and quietly wait for the examination results.

Helios keep bugging Aemie but after a few moments of her ignoring him, he just quietly sit on the chair and try to think what he will do next after passing the examination because he knows that he already had a high chance of passing after being able to capture the criminals that was assigned to them.

A few hours had passed by when Ms. Jennifer entered the room along with a man wearing a white lab coat.

" congratulations for now being a licensed hero this is Professor Rosewood he will be the one that is going to explain about the rules and regulations of The League of Hero's Organization" she said then introduce the man that was wearing a white lab coat .

" I would like to also congratulate the two of you for becoming a licensed hero" Professor Rosewood said

" now on to the rules and regulations of the whole Organization, there isn't actually much about it you just need to avoid fighting inside the Organization building failure to comply will cause an immediate dismissal of your hero license, also unable to comply with the laws in the society but that will depends on what crime you had committed even if you are a licensed hero you can't use your hero license to be exempted to the crimes that you had committed." Professor Rosewood explain

" the next thing is about the division for the power level system of the world for all of the ability users there are 12 in total from highest to the lowest and the symbol that the whole world used is the alphabet the strongest start from +SSS, SSS, SS, S, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H. But there were some cases that the ability users power was outside the norm of the assigned power level system of the world they are what we all called the 'X class' level ability user"

" after passing the Hero license examination I am also here for the reason of checking and recording of the power level of your ability" Professor Rosewood finished his explanation

Helios was shocked but his shock slowly turned to excitement from hearing that there were many strong ability user and that there was also an abnormally powerful ability user but he was more excited to know what level his cosmic energy manipulation could be.

Seeing Helios expression Aemie just ignore him she had already know about the division of the power level for the ability users she was more interested in knowing about the level of her ability.

After Professor Rosewood's explanation he and Ms. Jennifer bring Aemie and Helios to the testing ground of The League of Hero's Organization building.

Arriving at the testing ground of Organization building

Professor Rosewood explain to them how they were going to test the power of their ability.

After the explanation they then start their test.

"So let's start with Mr. Black can you tell me the name of your ability?" Professor Rosewood ask

" It's an energy manipulation ability" Helios said but didn't include what type of energy it was and it wasn't actually an ability but a cultivation technique he just use it as a cover up because he didn't actually have an ability or maybe he actually had but he just doesn't know.

Hearing that Helios didn't specify what type of energy he can manipulate Aemie just keep the information about it inside her mind because she knows that everyone has a secret and she was glad deep inside that she was one of the person Helios trust even though he is always annoying her, she was actually enjoying Helios company.

After hearing Helios ability Professor Rosewood then ask about Aemie's ability

" the next is you Ms. Aemie can you tell me about you ability?

" Professor Rosewood my ability is actually called Medusa transformation it enables to have two transformation one is the mortal form where in it enhances my external looks and the second is the gorgon form it as the name stated it self I will turn into the gorgon form of medusa having the physical quality of the gorgon Medusa in the myth" Aemie said

" I see, an ability named after the myth and legend, so you might have all of medusa's power along with her destiny" Professor Rosewood said while rubbing his chin

" But that's odd there is no thread of destiny in your body it's like your connection to destiny have been sever, but who is powerful enough to cut the thread of destiny from your body?" Professor Rosewood added as he wondered about her situation.

Aemie was shock hearing what Professor Rosewood said because she already knows that she also have the same fate as Medusa in her legend.

While Helios mind was wondering about medusa's legend when Professor Rosewood told them that she will have the same fate as Medusa he knows that Medusa was behead by a human hero named Perseus and use her head as an offering to the goddess Athena where she use her head as a part of her shield.

' if that thing actually happens to her then that human that will have Perseus named as his ability along with someone having Athena named as an ability will have both of their heads become my soccer ball, it's a good thing that her destiny was now severed but I'm just going to take precautions' Helios thought.

But unknown to the two of them about the reason of Aemie's thread of destiny being severed was because of Helios's confession to her that causes his cosmic energy to sever the thread of destiny on her body.

thank you for reading

satoukoncreators' thoughts