
H.E.M. The rushing tides

the second volume to H.E.M

Michele_Mays_7238 · LGBT+
4 Chs

Chapter 2

Larissa walks up to Tai when she notices her mate tensing up watching some of the human soldiers who were in the captains guard looking at the rest of Tais mates.

" baby...calm down...if they choose to be foolish then they'll die like fools" Larissa said as her pink eyes shine and her fangs come out looking at the humans, some turns away while others are giving her a hateful glare.

" tell the captain to keep his humans in line, which one they under" Tai said as Larissa hugged her tightly and snuggled her face on her mate's neck.

" I think captain Lee, he rescued a lot of human slaves six months back with some harpies they had" Larissa said pulling away from Tai pecking her lips then looking over the soldiers who finished packing the camp up.

Qin and Tai were leading the group ahead of everyone else with their mates walking close behind them, she handed Tai a rolled up piece of parchment paper that was dyed yellowish brown from time.

" That's a new skill called Iron body, it'll come handy when you're at your weakest vulnerable point and with this I can assure you when they think your dying you'll be invincible for a period of time" Qin said watching Tai reading over the small scroll with her lips tugging up on the corners, she playfully pulls Qin in for a side hug.

" oh thanks dear....are you ok now." Tai said while releasing Qin from the hug lacing their hands together walking inside the fog to which they could only see a few feet in front of them.

" those few men...don't trust them, I know something is off with them and I have Samson keeping her eyes open for any funny business that they will do" Qin said looking back over her shoulder while ten blood crows were flying above the large group of soldiers watching them closely.

" yeah for some reason I do want to kill those twelve men, I noticed a few of the female soldiers are keeping their distance from that group...funny how they are apart of it but seems to not want to be...Tsk humans" Tai said thinking back to when she thought she was human then a few flashbacks ran through her mind of what happened that day by Emilia's father.

(" I'll find that bastard soon enough, hopefully Taki will be done with that Lycan village when we get back") Tai thought to herself as Qin watches a dark aura surround Tai which worries her, she chose that right now isn't a good time to ask and they've been walking almost six hours while leading their mounts since they didn't have enough for everyone.

A loud screeching noise has everyone stop in their tracks and pull out their weapons, Tai glances at where she heard the noise but then another screech came from the opposite direction.

" it sounds like a griffin, but something is off " Falcon said walking beside Tai with Leanna by her side, she pulls off the silk blindfold as her eyes peer through the fog.

" this is not good" Leanna said while looking around the fog almost doing a 360 turn even looking up into the sky that the fog was hiding.

" they are completely surrounding us, they are griffins but they have strange looking wounds or boil looking things covering their bodies" Leanna said, Tai looks back at the soldiers.

" Captains get your teams ready with shields around us with spears ready" Tai said pulling out the DAO sword that her mother Lillian got her, there are only two of these cherry blossom swords in their world.

Tai watches as long shields go up surrounding the large group, she looks over to the human men from earlier then to the women who had distraught looks on their faces.

" You three...over here to stand by my mates" Tai shouted pointing at the women of their group, a few men steps forward with smug looks and when the first one took a step near Tais mates.

A loud growl that sent shivers down all their spines causing the men to stop where they stood with sweat dripping down their faces.

" did I tell you three to come..no..the women...now!" Tai shouts while the women quickly came over and the men step back in their position, Larissa laughs at the men receiving glares from four of them.

" you three stand here " Larissa said standing close to one of the human women, she knew why Tai wants them away from their group and she will help speak to them to find out what's going on with those men.

Over a dozen screeches was sounding off from all directions, from above a griffin dives down picking up one of the soldiers and flying off with him.

" bows" Tai shouts as half of the soldiers ready their bows, Leanna was trying to watch the Griffins that was now flying above them and prowling in circles around them.

" Tai we need to thin some out " Leanna said as she watches over three dozen flying above them acting chaotic, she looks over to the soldiers with the bows.

" have them shoot straight up in the air only angling slightly in all four directions" Leanna said loudly as Tai nods her head to the few captains who heard her mate so they ordered them to follow through, over a hundred arrows flew up in the sky then you heard several cries coming from above them and loud crashing noises was hitting the ground all around the group.

" look out " Leanna shouted toward the middle of the group when a griffin lands right in the middle of the group smashing down on several soldiers wounding some and killing a couple of them.

" Ehh it's disgusting" Larissa said looking at the griffin that was covered in large boils and it looked like it had mange.

" we need to start moving " Qin said with Leanna agreeing as the two take the lead with the others protecting them, every ten minutes they would fire off arrows like they did the first time either straight out in all directions or into the sky.

" well at least this way we are moving and their numbers are dwindling" Phrae said while looking around and holding onto Leanna's arm.

After a couple of hours slowly moving with their arrows running dangerously low they finally make it out of the fog, they walked for another hour then take a rest at a temporary camp.

(" well I'll have a talk with those women") Larissa thought as she seen the same four men walk over grabbing those women's arms, anyone could see the fear on their faces and Tai with the others watch Captain Lee turn a blind eye on it.

" Don't touch them, you four go hunting to bring back some dinner....NOW!!" Tai said and shouts at the end since the men seem to not want to listen, one of her personal Guards walks up hitting the biggest one in his throat causing the man to fall on his knees gasping for air.

" listen to your Princess " Drako said with a menacing look and pulls out his sword slicing another's cheek causing a deep cut, he laughs then beckons the others to come on.

" That's what I thought, instead of hunting you four will be in charge of digging some latrines for us all and will be in charge of keeping it clean when someone goes one or two " Drako said causing the men to scoff but when he steps closer to them they all back away then walk off to where the latrines are going to be.