
H.E.M. The rushing tides

the second volume to H.E.M

Michele_Mays_7238 · LGBT+
4 Chs

Chapter 1

Tai was sitting on top of the roof looking over the edge of town trying to see if anything was off, she had a bad feeling in her gut and she felt a presence behind her which the scent calmed her down as Fallon wraps her arms around her.

" we need to get everyone ready it's time to go I need to get back to my other mates we've been gone for to long" Tai said as they leave the roof making their way to the throne room where Qin is talking with Freya and her two friends Sam and Nico.

The door was shoved open as Tai walks over to them and looks from Qin to Freya, then Fallon holds her hand tightly.

" let's pack up I'm sure Nico is more than capable of handling things and Sam will have her back, your aunt will come with us as well since we can't trust her here on her own" Tai said as all of them look at her with a worried look, they all nod as Qin gets her people to start preparing for their departure.

They pack all the things they've planned to take with them, over fifty people for Qins including herself with the women who Tai has taking a liking to decided to leave with Tai and her mates to go back to their army so they can make it back to the village where her other mates are waiting working on the cure slowly healing the infected wolves.

" they make it through the dence fog finding all of their army still camping out when one of their commander shouts their arrival, Tai smiles while waving back at some of her troops.

" pack up it's time to leave " Tai shouted while the soldiers cheer at hearing they was leaving this place, she marches to three of her commanders who quickly kneel down.

" We waited for you, I'm glad you made it back and we miss our family" One man said with a relieved laugh as he runs to help pack the camp up.

" which way Qin " Tai asked while standing next to the necromancer that is one of her mates, even though she hates being around the humans who are here in Tais army along with other races.

A part of her wants to lash out and kill them just for them being a part of that Race that she has refused to call herself one that person died a long time ago, she just wants to protect the ones who have been hurt or outcast.

" we go straight this way for now then I'll tell you if we need to change direction" Qin said walking off to look at people packing the camp, Tai walks over to Fallon taking her hand.

" keep an eye on Qin I'm worried about her something seems off with her" Tai said watching Qin giving weary looks to a few of the human male soldiers who was checking her body out which pisses Tai off.