
Chapter 131

Tai stands on top of the wagon watching for any movement or what plan she needs to come up with as she keeps her eyes open for Tom, knowing how Freya has never went or received anyone except me. Tai thought to herself with a smile knowing it means something for them to have a mate like bond, usually someone like Freya would only have one mate even though she is a powerful witch.

Tai pulls out her double edged axe while standing there she spreads her wings out taking on a more ominous Aura radiating from her of death and blood rage. Tai slit her arm and leg letting blood run down to only float up into balls hovering around her as her face took a more animalistic look while her hands grew long claws when her bodies muscles started jerking.

Tai touches one of the large blood balls as it separates into over a dozen small balls that shoot out in three directions when she hears a person grunt in pain as she turns to her left to avoid a large black claw coming down on the carriage ripping some of the wood. Tai seen Freya's worried eyes through on of the gashes as she kicks the wolf under the chin making it slide off the side of the carriage. Tai looks away from Freya's line of sight when she is in her wraith demon she doesn't look anything like herself, Freya felt no fear only concern when Tai quickly turns away as a flash of black tackled her off the top of the carriage as it kept going with the wolf running after it and Tai flapping her wings above the wolf as she dives down tackling it.

Tai slices her dagger into the wolf's upper leg dragging the blade down it's leg as she starts running and taking flight again flexing her right wing that was hurt.

Tai lands on the roof hearing Freya call for her and Tai grips her fist then sighed.

" it's me Freya just keep each other safe don't worry about me, he might try to force you all out so be prepared to leave the wagon then stand at each other's back, start working on a barrier while I keep its attention" Tai said in a distorted voice when she was about to jump back into flight she heard Freya speak again.

" Tai I love you come back to me " Freya said with a sad smile on her face while her friends hooked their arms with Freyas when they feel the carriage shake when Tai jumps flying straight into the wolf getting kicked by it's legs receiving it's claws across her back and shoulders and getting a painful groan from Tai. The wagon kept going as Freya was looking out of the back window with Tai pointing her hand and Nico seen them nodded her head crushing a green vial the size of a large marble as vines wrap them in vines with large flowers that was like cushions as they feel a hard hit jerking their bodies. They heard the horses squeel and the wood smashing apart as they rolled around in circles then coming to a stop, Nico tries to see out though one of the cracks letting light in as they felt the ground under the vines vibrating with each step that got closer then a loud thud knocking the ball of vines a few feet one way as they heard a loud whimper then another hit came to them rolling a godd ways now.

Two large gashes was now in front of Freya's eyes as she watches the wolf and Tai continuing fighting back and forth with each other as she falls on her knees looking out of the gash.

" no we need to help I won't lose her now" Freya said as she brings the sword out slicing into the vines that started to lose it's green color turning brown and she knocks a hole in the wall only to see Tai turn with wide eyes then quickly runs to Freya who kept cutting into the vines while Nico was trying to stop her.

The wolf snarked as it runs faster, Freya looks into it's eyes then calms herself down seeing green eyes and a frown was now on her face as the wolf glares at her. It raises it's paw to swipe down when Tai pushes her arm pushing Freya as Nico wraps her arms around Freya's waist holding her in place as Sam kneels in front of the girls with his dagger out glowing red.

Tai had her upper arm and shoulder in the wolf's mouth as it tries to force her to the ground only to be pushed up higher, Tais green eyes get two red rings in them as she punches the wolf in the side of the face a few times until it let lose of her. She moves her arm back and forth getting the soreness out while glaring at the wolf that's stalking back and forth shaking it's head, she knows that Tom is planning on ending everything right now with little to no survivors including himself.

Tai runs taking flight as she circles Tom bringing down surprise punches or kicks to his head letting out yelps with blood flowing down it's head and face, Freya watches Tai fight while flying.

" she is so beautiful" Freya said watching Tai who heard what she said looking up at Freya earning the wolf to be able to grab Tais ankle slamming her down in the ground. Freya glares at the wolf as she charges a fireball sending it fast hitting Tom in his side making him roll a few feet to slowly get back up then heavy rain started to fall.

" how dare you Tom" Freya said with hate in her eyes causing Tom to flinch pinning his ears back and Freya takes a tep forward while he took one back, Tai stands up smirking at Freya and the power she is releasing right now with the pure sword as a catalyst eating away the shadow spell he used on them revealing parts of a different street.

Tai takes her blade out when she felt Tom was about to run, she takes a black dagger stabbing him in his side and throws him down to the ground as it howled in pain. Tai looks up at Freya for her to say or do what she needed if not she will take care of him and he will not be able to do anything else to her.

Freya walks up in front of Tom as the wolf disappears and a bloody man appears in front of her, she frowns at him then sneers while staring at him.

" you have the audacity to use how I lost my mate to use it against my new one, you are no friend Tom and if you would have stopped our friendship could have healed eventually maybe to not what it was but maybe for a how you doing kind" Freya said half hazardly swinging her sword dramatically making everyone keep their eyes on the blade, she stops in front of Tom who isn't speaking or looking her in the eyes.

He kept fiddling with his side where Tai stabbed him, Freya shook her head and looks at the sword closing her eyes, Tai steps forward splitting the man's throat when Freya heard the gargling sound she keeps her eyes closed then turns around while they are still closed. They were standing outside the city near a plum orchid, she starts walking forward with Nico and Sam holding their hands while Tai sets fire to the man's body and the dead horses.

Tai catches up to them and Freya turns to her then hugs her waist tightly and kisses her with a sad smile, Tai picks her up letting her wrap her arms and legs around Tai when she laps her wings going into the sky. She lets her lust demon form come back showing her beauty, Freya looks up at Tai with softness in her eyes as they kiss while hovering in the sky.

Nico smiles up at them and Sam frowns a lil bit with a half smile, he shakes his head then watches them kiss a over them.

" what will happen to them when Tai leaves, You know how stubborn Freya can be with her dream finally coming to get her products out and have a backer" Sam said shaking his head, he scared his friend is making a mistake staying and letting Tai go.

Tai flies them out further in the country part then places down a sheet for them to sit on while Tai gets rid of her wings while facing Freya with a serious face while holding her hand.

" your staying aren't you " Tai said looking down at their hands while Freya looks away from her, she kisses the top of Tais hand then smiles softly at her.

" we will see each other again since you'll be coming into the city for updates and such" Freya coldly said getting a confused look from Tai who is now glaring at her for being cold toward her.

" I sure in the hell wouldn't be back for reports" Tai said scooting closer to Freya who was thrown off her act, she smiled softly then quickly hides it when she leans away from Tai narrowing her eyes at her. Tai scoffed then sighs as she leans back Freya almost reached out for her bit quickly stops herself, she looks down at the blanket watching Tais tail swipe across the blanket.

" well then since the deal was to sleep with you tonight then the updates, let's go complete our seal then get it over with" Tai said getting up then walking away, Freya clasped her hand over her heart trying to get it to stop hurting while tears ran down her face. Tai could feel every pain and tear that Freya was feeling, she stopped walking then turns to see Freya laying her face down crying her eyes out.

Tai walks quickly back to her scooping her straight up hugging her and kissing her like crazy, Freya pulls Tai down for a heated kiss while her hands fidgets with Tais pants while Tai was pulling off Freyas dress showing all of her honey colored skin with her perky breasts right in front of Tai as she feels Freya free her from her opened pants wrapping her legs around Tais waist pulling her closer to her entrance as Tai bends down on the blanket pulling off her pants then shirt while kissing on Freya's neck while she was grinding up on Tai.

Tai unfolds Freya's legs then turns her around getting her with Freya's back facing Tais front while Tai was kissing and sucking on Freya's neck as one of her hands was rubbing circles on Freya's clit getting loud moans from the woman who reaches back slowly stroking Tais member with a small smile when she hears Tai moans.

Freya was getting inpatient as she leans over then grinds deep and hard on Tai when she gets grabbed by her hips she lets out a soft Yelp, Tai kissing down her back as she teases her with her head and after teasing her twice Freya slams back making Tai enter her all the way with both of them moaning loudly.

Tai starts thrusting in and out of her while her tail snakes around rubbing Freya's bundle of nerves while Tai was behind her taking long thrusts speeding up as they both are panting and moaning.

" OHHHH FUCK HAAH AHHNNN" Freya moans out as her legs start shaking, Tai didn't slow down only went harder earning another gutteral moan from Freya.

" OHHHH AHHH don't — don't stop AHHNNN" Freya moans out while leaning back into Tais thrusts as she moans out again when she feels Tai release inside of her she moans then smiles as they ride out of their orgasms with Freya laying her head down on the ground while Tai leans over her back.

" lay with me " Tai said as she lays down beside Freya pulling her close to her while smiling at each other, Tai kisses her lips lovingly while Freya sighs then kisses Tai rolling on top of her gently kissing her.

" so I seen the other form of your demon and I was wondering if it just these two or another form" Freya said kissing down Tais shoulder while she laughs.

" I have my human form which is fully female " Tai said making the girl smile happily and then pots her bottom lip out.

" can I see it " Freya said like a whisper with a shy look scared to be told no, she caresses Tais lips with her fingers while Tai slowly changes to a beautiful girl with Milky skin, black hair and black eyes looking up at Freya whose breath hitched in her throat and kisses Tais lips passionately.

" you are beautiful love" Freya said as she grinds her core against Tais core as she sits up holding Tais leg on her shoulder while she grinds their clits together earning a loud moan from Tai as their wet sounds was getting louder along with both of their moans.

" Ahhhh haah AHHHN " Tai moans out with Freya as they smile at each other then leans down kissing Tai as they laugh.

" come on let's go so you and Win can go over what ever you need to I'll come back to see you or whenever you call I'll come if you decide to stay, if anyone bothers you all let me know and I'll always be here " Tai said sitting up hugging then kisses before they get dressed Freya was happy and she'll still only have Tai in that way no one else until she completes this so the people she considers family which will also be Tais lovers that she vaguely answered earlier so she knows she's not the only one.

" Qin didn't want to let you sleep with me so why did she let you " Freya asked Tai while she was flying them back to the castle and meeting Nico and Sam. Tai smiles softly at Freya then smiles mischievously at her causing the other two smile at her.

" well you don't remember how we acted with each other so I guess she seen the want in both of us, I of course made love to you on my own time if it was for obligation I would of waited for tonight to only solidify our agreement. I want to date you, do things with you like eating out or cooking dinner for you and I want more time than just four times a year. How am I suppose to feel about this I just found you and just because of my other mates doesn't mean I don't think about everyone of them." Tai said with a sad smile when Emilia pops up in her head , she shakes her head then looks down at her hand..

" I think my girlfriend is the only one who should feel slighted about all this but she understands more than anyone, she has magic and is very smart but she's still only a human. We are each others first love and first mates, some bad shit happened and even if she did feel any type of way she'd never voice it now out of guilt she take any grievance from me " Tai said looking up at the sky, she needs to be around Emilia, Elvenia, Kel, Len and Ari soon she has been away from them for to long.

Taki flashes in her head as does a look of worry and then a understanding look as she glances over at Freya with a kind smile.

" I'll come in as often as I can I'll use a teleportation spell at least once a week for date night" Tai said as Freya smiles hugging her tightly then kissing her lips.

" it's not forever just until we get it going" Freya said with a serious look making Tai smile at how giddy Freya is being.