
Chapter 123

Tai places Qin on the edge of the bed, she tries to get up to be pushed back on the bed and Tai starts undoing her strings on the front of her corset.

" take off your clothes" Tai said as she strips off her tops, Qin stands then undoes her sash to her robe opening it up then drops to the floor.

Tai steps closer taking her hand over the back of Qins bra and unlatching it to where it falls to the floor, Qin looks up into Tais eyes before Tai kisses her passionately.

" your friend grinded against me to the point where she got off, but I wanted to wait for you " Tai said hooking her finger in Qins panties pulling them down, Qins breathing picked up pace as Tais hands slid down her waist to her butt and she squeezes her butt.

" ahh " Qin gasps out while Tai assaults her neck by kissing, sucking and biting on Qins neck while picking her up and she wraps her legs around Tais waist.

" we don't have much time " Qin said, Tai smiles as she positions Qin on her front to where she is now having her head now on Qins fold. Qins eyes go wide as she moves her lower half against it and she opens and closes her mouth a couple of times.

" I'm a Alpha...my demon form has male parts" Tai said kissing Qin again, Qin was stunned of everything she had thought about being with Tai.

Tai positions herself at Qins entrance and pushes inside of Qin while biting her neck and marking her.

" OHHH MMMM HAAH" Qin moans out with feeling Tai enter her and marking her, Tai was drinking Qins heavenly tasting blood while thrusting in and out of her. Qin digs her nails down Tais back as she picks up pace, she leans Qin against the wall thrusting harder inside of her.

" AHHNNN YES AHHH HAAH OHHH STOP drinking AHHH" Qin moans out feeling her climax, Tai stops drinking and moans out right after while riding out their orgasms.

Qin is panting while kissing Tai deliriously, Tai smiles in their kiss when someone knocks on the door several times.

" I'll be out in a moment" Qin shouted at the door while taking her hands through Tais hair, she kisses her again then points to her closet.

" your wish is my command my Queen~" Tai said with humor in her voice while taking Qin then sitting her down in front of the door.

" I'm going to check on the others, stay away from those witches that you had binded and I'll come see you in a couple hours " Tai said pecking Qins lips then leaves, Qin stood there staring at the door and had her hand on her stomach. Qin could still feel where Tais seed entered her as she smiles shaking her head while her hand goes to her neck and she looks into the mirror seeing the mark of a tribal sign that represents Tais mark.

Tai enters the bedroom where some of the girls were reading over spell books that Qin had Suki bring them, Farron was ecstatic at how powerful these spells were and they didn't know these types of spells even existed. Tai walks in where Larissa was already jumping in Tais arms and Leanna stared at them while Farron blushed, Calista and Lo walk over each giving kisses to Tai. Farron brushes a piece of hair behind her ear not knowing how to act, Tai moves over behind her and Farron tilts her head back. Tai smiles at her leaning down kissing her lips, Aliza, Tala and Phraes eyes go wide then Aliza clears her throat.

(' I want a kiss too ') all three girls thought while watching Tai move over to Leanna who was ignoring Tai completely, Tai pokes her ribs causing the girl to squeal and punch Tai in her stomach.

Farron holds Tai as she coughs while bending over and rubs her back, Leanna grabs Tais face making her look at her.

" I didn't mean to hurt you...let me see ' Leanna said pulling up Tais shirt, she has Tai standing in front of her and she remembered that Tais demon form had a extra appendage that her face was directly in front of Leannas face.

She started blushing and didn't bother to look up at Tais abs, she slowly looks up to Tais stomach as her shaky hand rubs her abs. A few minutes pass as Leanna kept rubbing Tais stomach while everyone was quiet watching her.

Leanna looks around with a red face then turns back around reading her book, Aliza gets up walking close to Tai with her hand on Tais stomach as it slowly drops to cup Tais member.

" well it's not fair if we don't get to have fun together" Aliza said with a wink, Tai is still trying to get use to all of their different personalities and having a large harem she must work hard.

Phrae laughs at Alizas statement then watches Leanna close the book to get up and leave the room for peace and quiet. Calista follows after her walking a few feet behind her, Leanna knew exactly who was following because of her sight is like a sonar and even can see who it what's going on in other parts of the castle.

" we've been here for almost a week I hope we can leave this Misty valley for good and go back home, even though Tai is stuck here because of me" Calista said as Leanna slows down her pace for them to walk side by side, when they get to the end of the hallway near a window that faces the garden.

Leanna picks up a group of thirty moving discreetly in a underground passage that runs under the garden and castle.

Leanna tilts her head while putting her hand over Calistas mouth, she zeroes in on their conversation.

" we'll kill the queen and her apprentice, then take Harriet the hybrid to feed on and she'll spare us " a man said while moving forward in the passage, Leanna looks at Calista.

" get Tai their going to kill Qin and Suki for someone named Harriet who plans on killing Tai as well " Leanna said while pulling Calista while running back to their room to tell Tai.

Tai knocks the door off the hinges after Leanna told her, she spreads her wings flying through the hallways to make her way to the throne room. Tai bursts through the two large double doors as Qins guards surround her, Qin and Suki run over to Tai when the wall behind the throne opens with men running in with their weapons raised the three guards rush at them while Tai pulls both women behind her.

" go to the bedroom where the others are, Suki they changed to the room that Farron and I was in that one day...go now ! " Tai said pushing them out of the throne room while Tai blocks the assassin's way.

Tai pulls out a sword staff that had a wind attribute, she spins the sword staff around as wind blades fly hitting the men wounding them while more rush forward. Tai slashes a few if them in their chest and taking a few heads off.

They rushed forward sending their swords down to where Tai was having problems keeping up with them, Tai uses a dark sphere that erupts in front of her and them blowing all of them apart injuring herself killing six more. When ten soldiers show up, six of the assassins split off taking care of the six soldiers while the remaining twenty surround Tai who sends powerful arcs of purple lightning out hitting over a dozen of them only killing four.

The six others start running through the hallway going toward the bedrooms, Tai slashes through five of them and scissor kicks two away while jumping in the air stepping on the other men's heads to land behind them. Tai runs after the six who was going after the others, she throws a wall of fire back at the ones behind her while taking flight after the six.

" this way...their not in the room, search the other rooms!" One of the men said while they separate going to the rooms next to the one with the busted doors. Farron and the others has set spells on their door and put up a barrier to keep the assassins out, Leanna was pointing to where the men were in the hallway when her eyes go wide as one of the traps go off with a big bang. One of the assassins throws one of their own on the rune that was in front of the door blowing the door away. They all pull out weapons while Farron and Aliza hands started glowing black and purple as they charge their spells as Qin summoned guards that was on their way. The men pulled out a treasure that cancels out runes and spells and lay it down beside the Barrier, sparks fly from the barrier as it starts to fade. Tai sees the five men getting ready to enter the room when she picks up speed tackling the five men while her wing dissected three of them and her fist burst through the other twos chest. Tai stops at the end of the hallway skidding to a stop, Leanna runs out of the room first as she seen a sword plunge through Tais side. Tai looks up seeing the rest of the assassins running toward Leanna, Tai pulls the sword out then flies past Leanna widening her wings and both arms with the swords when she passes by Leanna. Her wings and swords decapitated majority of them while injuring the rest to where they were on the floor with missing body parts.

Farron walks over to pick up a sword that was on the ground as the other women do the same, Qin walks over knocking one man out dragging his body away from the others while the other women stabbed the men who were still alive through their hearts with swords.

Qin raises their dead bodies to use later on since they were stronger than alot of her soldiers, Tai still had her back turned with her wings wide open.

Blood from the assassins and her own blood was dripping from her body making several puddles below her wings and feet, Leanna heard her heart beat going slower by the minute and grabs Calista rushing over to Tai. They were large gashes and holes from where Tai pulled out several swords that stuck in her body when she crashed into them, Calista casts a healing spell that slowly starts closing the wounds while Leanna is holding Tais hand.

Qin and the others run over making sure Tai is ok while her corpses carry the one assassin who was left alive while waiting for their next orders, Suki seen Raquel coming their way with a worried face.

" what happened?" Raquel said while rushing over to check on Tai, she looks at the assassins and notices the snake tattoo on their hands.

" these are Harriets men, she got them from Alma a while back....I thought she was locked up and is in binding—how did she make contact out from the prison" Raquel said as Lois and the other ones showed up with soldiers, Leanna could tell something was different about this Lois from before but couldn't put her finger on it.

A sharp pain hits Leannas eyes as blood trickles from them, Tai grabs her then ties a blind fold over her eyes that Qin made to protect her from others using techniques to hurt Leanna.

" keep this on for now on " Qin said putting her hand on Leannas shoulder as Tai kisses her forehead, Lois glares at the assassins who are now under Qins control and she sees that one is alive. Farron casts a spell over the assassins in a blink of an eye as a purple hue covers his body.

" just in case someone has an idea of getting rid of him" Farron said looking over at Qin then at Tai, they nodded their heads while Tai picks up the assassin and throws him over her shoulder.

" everyone go back to where you were, also Lois you visited the prison a few days ago and did you find anything off when you were there" Qin said while holding Leannas hand and Farrons as she walked away from the group of people not giving Lois a chance to speak.

Tai looks at Lois while the other was glaring at Tai, the look in her eyes was not only hate but something else and it wasn't exactly a lustful look she was giving but something close.

" Lois is everything okay" Benni asked as he watched Tai turn to leave, a smile comes across Lois's lips while nodding her head.

" oh everything is just fine, well let's go back to our duties" Alois said whistling a tune as she walks ahead of the others leaving the hallway.

Qin had the assassins check all of the passage ways even setting traps for intruders and sealing a few off while Farron and the other witches start working on a large spell to make someone as strong as Harriet to be powerless for a few minutes to permanently bind or kill her.

Tai shackles the assassin to a chair and rips off his mask, Qin notices the man who has served Harriet for years as a head butler.

" you'll have to kill me before I'll ever tell on my beloved Harriet, Qin is not the true Queen and Harriet has lived thousands of years more than your Qin had....It was a fluke that Win one the dual !" The man screams at Tai while Qin stood in the shadows listening and observing him, she steps forward handing Tai a glass jar that had a bright blue worm. Tai holds the glass up and taps it, the worm withers around then it's head opens four ways showing rows and rows of teeth that looked like hooks. A quarter of the worms head was it's mouth while the tongue stuck to the glass like a suction cup, she shudders as she watches how aggressive the thing is.

Tai was going to tease the man as she walks up next to him popping the top of the glass jar when the worm shoots out into the man's eye and within two seconds burrowing inside his eye.

Qin was to late warning Tai about opening the jar but shrugs it off as she sits down in a chair watching the man jerk in pain while screaming bloody murder.

" oops my bad..why didn't you tell me about how rambunctious this thing is and exactly what does it do " Tai said wincing as pasts of the man's eye was hanging out, she looks back to Qin who has a indifferent face.

(' ooh remind me to not piss her off or it might be interesting if I do') Tai thought to herself as she stares at Qin who seen that mischievous look that Tai had that made her squirm in her seat.

" what does this worm do " Tai asked walking behind Qin to put space between her and the worm that's feasting on the guy.

" well for some reason it's more aggressive than normal, it slowly feeds on his eyes then brain and it'll take years to kill the host since it's a parasite" Qin said standing up to blow a purple powder in the man's face, the worms head comes back out of the man's eye and Qin holds the bottle up to it.

The worm falls into the jar and curls around it's self, Tai swore even though she couldn't see it's eyes that it was looking right at her. A blue slime starts to leak from the man's eye socket, Qin raised one eyebrow than pops the top on the jar.

" you'll answer my questions or I'll put the momma back in with the eggs that she laid quicker than normal, I won't let you suffer from thousands of these things feasting on you.... What is Harriet planning and who is working with her ?" Win asked as she pulls out a dagger and another jar, she motions for a guard to hold him still as she uses the dagger as clumps of blue goo falls into the jar.

" Harriet wants that beast, if you give it to her she'll let the majority of you live and Lois will be her host so she can live a new. Harriet can already take over Lois's body for a short period a day, Harriets body is giving out and you must give this thing and Lois to her." Gustavo said while Qin smirks at him, she assigns ten corpses of the assassins to watch this secret room.

Qin walks in her office to pull a cloth off of a large crystal ball, Lois popped up inside of the garden and it shows her fainting near the pond.

" Tai hurry bring Lois to me " Qin said as she casts spells at lizard looking men who was climbing out from the pond striking them with lightning everytime they get near Lois. Tai pushes the window open taking flight toward the garden and spots the girls body laying limp, she starts free falling head first to the ground where she flips around flapping her wings to land on her feet pulling out a spear from her storage.

Tai twirls the spear around stabbing one with every twirl and thrust hitting her mark every time, Qin let's lightning fall down on the creatures heavier while Tai grabs Lois then takes to the sky.

The girls eyes flutter open seeing Tai then she sees that they are high up in the air and starts freaking out, Tai holds her tightly to her and makes it back to Qins office sitting the girl gently in a chair.

Tai checks the girl over and makes sure she's not injured, she remembers feeling something on the back of her neck while holding her. Tai pulls her hair up seeing a black circular gemstone embedded in her skin at the base of her skull.

" that's how she's taking control of Lois's body and soon she'll permanently have her body as her own, she needs to devour you and all of us to be powerful enough to do so " Qin said as she walks behind Lois, Lois takes her hand feeling the stone.

" why haven't I noticed any of this....Qin I had no idea I'd never hurt any of you " Lois said with tears in her eyes and starts trying to pull the gemstone out and Tai grabs her hand.

" Lois we'll figure out how to get this out of you, I'm not sure how it'll react if you tear it out without precautions " Tai said as Qin nods her head, she walks over pulling out a necklace that had a crimson red gemstone that was shaped like a tear drop and puts it around Lois's neck.

" I'll have to keep you on this part of the floor where no one can reach you with people or magic, we'll protect you Lois" Qin said hugging Lois with a determination look in her eyes.

(" I promised your mom to protect you and she sacrificed herself to save us all and that bitch dares to do this') Qin thought to herself while holding Lois tightly, Tai watches them and walks over to the window staring at the pond.

" how the hell does she have lizard people inside of the pond and how long have they been there " Tai said looking back at Qin, She sighs shaking her head unsure if the answer.

" these past two weeks I've been paying more attention since I've had you here, I was shit off to everything and everyone having Suki deal with things with Raquel" Qin said motioning them to follow her taking Lois to one of the four bedrooms this section of the castle has, it's got powerful magic that can dispel unwanted people along with magic.

" this will be your bedroom while the others will split off to these two rooms, so you'll never be alone we'll protect each other " Qin said as she tucks Lois in the bed then kisses her forehead then she sings a song for Lois that puts her to sleep.

" Cherry blossoms surrounding my love..La la lala...Her beauty is takes my breath away and her love can carry away all of the pain...La la lala MMMM hmmm." Qin sings for a few minutes until Lois is sound asleep, they leave her room and walks down the hall and Tai holds Qins hand.

" we'll protect her and then you three will come with me" Tai said as she pulls Qin into a kiss, they walk into a office where the other ten women are doing research and copying spell books for when they leave this place. Suki is also storing things from their vault for when they leave so these people will have things and so will Qin and them will have means to survive.

Calista was nodding off and had dark circles under her eyes, Tai walks over picking Calista up in a princess carry and walks to the door.

" I'm going to take Calista to bed, I'll be back in a hour" Tai said walking out taking Calista to the bedroom furthest away from the one Lois was. Calista started kissing Tai deeply as they enter the room, Tai lays her down on the bed then pulls off her dress and heels. Calista is on her knees taking off Tais clothes as she kisses Tais lips and starts kissing down her chest.