
Chapter 110

Tai was taking a walk on a nearby trail by herself, here lately her hearing and vision has been more sensitive than usually and she has been crankier than usual. Tai continued walking forward when a certain scent caught her attention, she knows that scent and she starts running off into the forest following that scent.

Over an hour of running through the forest at a fast speed bypassing large groups of infected that didn't pay her no mind and finally she came up to a large cave that had large black gemstones scattered on the outside of the caves entrance.

Tai finally walked forward she notices torches lining the cave walls, she noticed the while cave is made out of those black gemstones.

Tai walks deeper into the cave for about thirty minutes she comes to several tunnels, she sniffs the air then takes the right cave and walks down it until she comes into a large cavern that has furniture in it.

Tai walks past the couch then sees another room off to the side that is lit by red torches inside the room and then sees a large four post bed with a woman sitting in the middle of the bed. Her red lips part into a beautiful smile, Tai freezes at the end of the bed when she sees Fina in black lace panties and only a black see through mesh Teddy on.

Fina crawls forward then grabs Tai and pulls her on the bed, Finals breast are on full display and her nipples that are stiff. Fina kisses Tai passionately and her hands are working on taking Tai's clothes off.

" Fina where have you been, I thought I'd see you sooner and I've been worried about you" Tai said while holding Finas waist, Fina wraps her arms around Tai's neck and pulls her into a rough kiss.

Tai pushes Fina down on the bed then kisses her lips down her chin to her neck where she wants to immediately mark her. Tai holds back the urge then kisses her way down to Finas breast taking her nipple into her mouth sucking and nibbling on them.

" Ahhh AHHNNN" Fina moans out grinding herself up against Tai, she smiles as Tai kisses her way down to her wet glistening core and dives right in attacking Finas bundle of nerves.

" mmm baby ahhh haah AHHHN please change and fuck me good baby, I want you to fill me with your seed . HAAH OHHH MMMM DONT STOP HAAH " Fina moans out, she felt herself close to a orgasm then changed her mind and she clamps her legs around Tai's neck.

" AHH HAAH MHMM OHHH FUCK AHNNN" Fina moans out with her body shaking while Tai licks her clean then slowly changes into her lust demon.

Tai kisses her way back up to Finas lips then aggressively kisses her, she wants to be rough and chaotic with Fina since she brings out the beast in her for some reason now. Fina reaches down taking Tai's member in her hand then lines her head with her entrance and pushes herself down as Tai pushes inside of her. The thin membrane breaks and Tai just thrusts in hard and picks up her pace while Finas insides feel like it's massaging Tai's member.

" OHH YES AHHH HAAH AHHNNN, MMMM FUCK ME HARDER " Fina moans out then bites into Tai's shoulder, Tai brings Finas legs up by her head and thrusts in faster and harder to where it sounds like she is pounding her into oblivion.

" Oh mmm HAAH Fina " Tai moans out as she releases inside of Fina without slowing down or stopping, Finas gasps and panting get heavier and when she feels the warm liquid shooting inside of her. Finas walls clamp down even harder on Tai's member where Tai almost couldn't move, but she doesn't let that stop her.

" AHHNNN MMMM HAAH AHHHHHN" Fina moans out loudly and her voice echoed throughout the cave, they don't stop even after their first orgasm.

Over an hour later and nine orgasms they both are hugging each other on the bed, Tai is calm enough now to notice that Fina isn't wearing the crown of thorns anymore.

" When was you able to take the crown off " Tai asked tucking a piece of hair behind Finas ear, the dark elf smiles at how loving and sweet Tai is to her and for some reason it slowly starts making her angry.

Fina closes her eyes trying to calm herself down, so she doesn't say or do anything to hurt her loving Tai and she leans over gently kissing Tai.

" this week I finished the trial, I wanted to see you now that I don't have to worry about that thing affecting you" Fina said while she was taking her finger in a circular motion on Tai's stomach playing with her abs. Fina looks at the mark she put on Tai, a voice in her head suddenly started speaking to her and telling her that Tai doesn't want her to be a mate.

" Why haven't you marked me yet, I mean I did mark you while we were intimate and you didn't even try " Fina said while pouting her lips, Tai sighed then played with Finas fingers.

" um actually haven't you noticed the ones in the forest who act as if they have a form of rabies, well I got infected by one attacking me and I could infect you by biting you." Tai said with a serious look, Fina smiled at Tai then kisses her lips.

" Yes I know that their out there and I'm pretty sure you'd infect me by ducking me as well, so why not mark me.... no better yet mark me now! " Fina said raising her voice at the end, she leans in then bites Tai's bottom lip and sucks the blood from her lip, Tai knows that of Fina was going to be infected then even without her mark she would be infected regardless.

Tai starts kissing and licking on Finas neck trying to find the spot that she wants to mark and then finds it on her lower neck close to her shoulder but in between the neck and shoulder.

Tai bites into her neck letting her venom go into Fina who moans and gasps while Tai continues pumping her venom inside of her. Finas mark covered part of her neck, shoulder and a small area toward her chest, Tai let go then started to sniff Finas body and went down to her left inner thigh and bit her there as well leaving a second mark.

Fina smiles while pulling Tai up into a kiss, they kiss and lay there for a while until Tai falls asleep still in here demon form. The smile on Lillians face disappears and is replaced by a cold indifferent facial expression, after the crown trial and punishment from her elders. Finas Psyche has broke, it's as if she has two personalities fighting inside of her head.

For a second when Fina stood at the bed her face showed love and worry for Tai, it only lasted a couple of seconds though and she walks over to a vanity where a dagger is laying by several syringes.

Fina picks up the dagger then watches Tai through the mirror, flashes of everytime they met and when she watched Tai from afar flashed through her mind. Fina gritted her teeth and held both sides of her head then placed the knife down, she gets up and walks over to Tai.

Fina leans down kissing Tai's lips then kisses her forehead.

" please forgive me for not being strong enough not to break my love, here is a cure for this ailment and this extra vial is for them to create more to stop this disease that my elders released when doing their experiments. I guess they were speaking the truth about you being different from any of the others, I mean your mother is as well but her boat left the dock only stranded half way I guess that would be a good metaphor for her mind at this point in time. " Fina said then stabbed Tai in her chest with the needle, Tai's eyes opened wide and she backhanded Fina across the room as she growled.

Her black eyes had two red rings in them now while her canines and claws grew longer, Fina looked down at the syringe still in Tai's chest then back up to Tai's eyes.

" i-its not working n-no this can't be, Tai honey it's something that can core this pathogen running through you, Baby please calm down. I'll cure you just give me time, it's like it's evolved maybe I was to late for this batch to work--" Fina said

She seen two older male dark elves come inside her room, she narrowed her eyes at them and then before she could say or do anything a sword pierced through Tai's chest.

Finas world crumbled apart and she shot out dark magic that twisted those mens bones over a thousand times until they looked like a bloody heap of flesh that hit the ground. Tai was standing there whimpering, Fina runs over to her then pulls out the sword and tries several healing spells that wasn't working.

Fina screamed, cried, cursed and sat there silently holding Tai whose breathing was slowing down with her heartbeat. Bloody tears was now running down Finas cheeks, She picked up Tai and carried her back over to the bed to lay down together.

Fina had the dagger in her hand and brought it up to drive it into her own heart, but Tai grabbed the blade and gave her a weak smile.

" Fina promise me you won't give up and please help me save my well our family since you are one of my mates too. Please Fina don't die or let those from your clan control you anymore, I know for a fact you are stronger than all of them" Tai said as she pulled Fina closer to her and they kiss, Fina nodded her head then caressed Tai's cheek.

" I make this promise to my love and if I don't keep it may I not meet you in the next life " Fina said as bloody tears fell hitting Tai's face, Tai gave her another weak smile and coughed up blood.

" good I'll be waiting for you then " Tai said closing her eyes, Fina stared down at her mate seeing her chest not rising or falling and she can't hear her heartbeat either. Fina choke back her cries for a few seconds then started screaming and crying loudly laying her head on Tai's chest.

" I should have stayed away from you, I knew you'd come and fine me.... Why are you leaving me again, I've tried to make you survive by even sacrificing my mind and body to be put through hell !!!" Fina screams out while hugging Tai's body, several hours later Fina grabs the vial that is suppose to cure this virus and she cleans Tai up then dresses her In a wedding robe. Fina then bathes herself and got dressed as well, when she was about to leave that cavern Shae shows up.

Fina left Shae to watch and serve Tai, Shae looks over to see Tai not moving on the bed and looks back at Fina.

" what happened here ?" Shae asked as she looked at the two minds of twisted flesh on the floor and a sword that is soaked in blood.

Shae hugs Fina then walks over to look at Tai, she thought she seen something move across her face under the skin and when she looked closer she couldn't find it. Fina walks over to stand nest to her and stares down at Tai, Shae holds her hand then pulls her to leave this cavern.

" Lillian is here at Takis house, I came with her and I could feel that you were also here so I left to check on you." Shae said when they left the tunnel to walk into another one that leads out the other side of the mountain.

Shae heard some voices coming from the way she entered, she noticed Una's voice and her eyes widen in fear. Shae opens a portal using black magic then pulls Fina inside with her, they end up in the dark forest near where she was given to Tai when she went crazy attacking the dome they were in from the blood apes.