
Hunters Moon Notice.

Good day Readers, I want to thank all of you for reading my book so far, unfortunately this book has been redone and the full book is now available on Ringdom.

Go check it out and thanks for the support

Here is a cutout of the new book:

Koos looked at his men, they both stood flabbergasted.

"If, if our weapons are meaningless, then what else do we have?" Piet said.

"Nothing, really..." Frits said and sat down.

"Woman!" Koos called after her and she stopped turning to him with a hand on her hip.

"We're already chin deep in this shit, you say we need to go be humans? Have children? When we know out children will suffer by the paws of you dogs!" Koos said making her frown.


"So mark my words, you can walk away now, but we will find a way to end this, we're not afraid of you"

She giggled "How brave you are" She gave them a bow "I commend your bravery human" She said and continued walking.

Piet gave a whistle "Never knew having a brush with death could look that good" He said watching Aesir's hindquarters as she walked off.

"Seriously Piet!? Are you fokkin serious right now!?" Frits scolded.

At that moment they heard the sounds of vehicles approaching, and a whole lot of them, each vehicle probably with four of five men, they heard the screaming.

"Time to go boys!" Koos yelled as they ran to the old pickup.

Piet shunted first gear and rammed the accelerator, just as the pickup spun slowly moving forward the door opposite Frits flew open and Aesir jumped in.

"Hoi! What the fok are you doing!?" Frits yelled next to her.

"I'm not going back there!" She yelled clinging as Piet swerved onto a gravel road.

"Well! You're definitely not coming with us! Fuck off!" Koos yelled.

"Then stop the pickup!" She smiled.

"You can survive anything right!? You're an original! Fearless and stubborn! Just fucking jump you little pinprick!"

Her face angered up "Oh silence! I'm just hitching a ride"

"Tsk!" Koos looked past her and saw the trail of vehicles behind them.

"To death road Piet!"


"Seriously!? Youre seriously going for it!?" She yelled grabbing her seatbelt and buckling up.

"What's wrong sweet cheeks? You're not afraid of death road are you? Oh great wolf of legend!"

"Shut up already!" Her eyes was wide when they climbed on, the road was narrow, winedy, and had no barriers to stop cars from falling off the sheer drop at the edge.

Piet double clutched keeping the revs high, yanked the hand break once and the pickup went into a power slide around the first bend, Aesir screamed out of her lungs seeing how close to the edge he cut the nose.

"Faster Piet! They're bringing out weapons!" Koos said rolling his window down.

"Faster!? Pendego you are crazy!"

She heard the roar of the old V8 pick up revolutions and the vehicle picked up speed.

"Crazy! You're crazy! All of you!" Aesir screamed but ducked when Koos started firing at the pickups behind them. They twisted, slid, jumped and turned, missing a bus just around a certain bend, making Aesir scream even louder.

"Oh be quiet!" Frits yelled and shot her with a dart, she felt the sting in her neck and she slapped it "What's this!?" She yelled plucking the dart out.

"It's to put you to sleep a little puppy girl, you'll wake up when the fireworks are over"

She felt herself get tired quickly.

"No... If, I wake... Up" She passed out.