

parzival_lavizrap · สมัยใหม่
48 Chs

The Billionaires Son.

I got to my bed and stared at the text from Harper. Clubbing? Really? I was debating with myself. The me from back home would have said absolutely not but I wanted too. I never had fun then but now I could. My final thought was F it. I picked up my phone and typed:

'Sure! Come over at 7 we can go together.'

She replied with a 'YayyYyY!' and a bunch of heart and kissy face emojis.

I got ready for this 'club 27'. I put my hair into a low bun at the back of my head and had two strands of lose hair either side of my face. I found a dress that ended a little above the knee with a red dragon embroidered on the back. I also wore my favourite red velvet boots the were just above the ankle. I felt confident in this outfit. I hadn't felt this confident in a while. I quickly applied some makeup to match the gorgeous outfit. As soon as the clock hit 7.00 there was a knock at the door. I opened it and as if she'd been waiting there to knock exactly on time Harper stood there, and to no ones surprise, dressed head to toe in bubblegum pink. Her half pink hair was down except for two little space buns that sat at the top of her head. Her short pink dress had a low cut neck line and revealed almost too much. The sleeves hung down perfectly on her perfect arms and she had gorgeous pink strap heels on.

'ARI! You look so gorgeous! I did not know she had all of this' her hands frantically gesturing my body.

'Thanks, you look amazing.' I said with a shy laugh.

'Ahh! I'm so excited lets go!' Harper giggled mischievously and I didn't know whether to be worried or just as excited as she was.

We ordered an uber to 27 and on the drive me and Harper got to know each other a little more. I found out that she moved to California simply because she was bored of New York. Her father had passed five years ago or in her words 'my old man is as dead as a door nob.' Her mother lived on the other side of the world and she hadn't spoken to her sister in 10 years. I told her about how and why I've just moved and how close I am to my brother. I also told her how he ditched me but that just made her want me to get 'absolutely hammered' even more.

We arrived at the nightclub. It was very modern and stylish. It was mostly glass with colourful lights pulsing through the windows. Harper squealed, grabbed my hand and pulled me inside. We found a booth with a wonderful view. To the right the crazy, energetic dance floor and to the left the calm night of the city.

'Ok I'll be right right back I just need to use the little princesses room.' Harper announced.

'Try shout louder maybe the people in Africa will hear you.' I replied back with a smug look.

'Back in a boo!' she said, smiling at my comment.

I was sitting there minding my own business and relaxing to the music when a guy at the bar caught my eye. He had a kind handsome face and dirty blonde hair. His eyes were hazel with hints of silver. He was a little taller then my brother who is much taller then me. His clothes were clearly expensive and suited him very well. I seemed to have caught his beautiful eye too because he came over to were I was sitting.

'Hey.' he said quite coyly. I really was not expecting his shyness he looked like a man who would radiate confidence but didn't.

'Thats a beautiful dress.' he added. He was still being shy and cautious which made me take an interest to him.

'Thank you' I smiled, 'It was a gift.' A pleased look appeared on his face.

'British?' He asked with a less shy tone.

'Yeah' I giggled.

'Are you here on holiday?' He asked.

'No I just moved here, my brother has lived in this city for about five years.'

'Really? I miss Europe. Whats your name?' he said getting more comfortable.

'I'm Arabelle but most people call me Belle.' I stuck out my hand for him to shake it.

'Well hello Belle I'm Dieter.' he said shaking my hand with his warm, soft one.

'Dieter? Thats very unique.' I said

'Ah yes it's German I am named after my Grandfather. I, like you, used to live in Europe just Germany instead of England.' Dieter explained. I let out a smile and a nod. 'Aha can I possibly have your number. You are very mysterious...I like it.' he winked at me. I chukled as I typed my number in someone elses phone for the second time today. A man called out his name behind him and he left as quickly as he appeared.

As soon as he was out of sight Harper came bounding over.

' Arabelle?!' she said shocked.

'You ok?' I asked

'Do you have any idea on who you were just talking too?' I shook my head. Her bottom jaw dropped to the floor. 'Thats Dieter Harris. Son of Cain Harris?' I looked at her and raised an eyebrow. Her jaw dropped a second time. 'Cain Harris owns like five or six nightclubs, even the one we're sitting in right now, each one crazy popular. He also owns a bunch if businesses. Cain's a billionaire and Dieter is the heir to...everything.' It was my jaw's turn to drop.