
Who is Gina Tordoff?

I stop to stare.


"Yes love?"

"H...How? How did you get here so fast?"

"I drove"

"Funny! The taxi–"

"Is not faster than my Ferrari"

"This is trespassing, get out!"

"And if I don't want to, will you call the cops?"

"I'll murder you with my fists"

Jason raises his hands.

I attack him with punches, he parries every blow while landing soft blows on my nose.

It takes a lot of energy to throw a punch and soon I'm tired. Jason grabs my hands, he crosses them, and locks them in his iron grip.

"Why do you start fights you know you can't win?"

"How would I know I can't win it unless I start it" I try to free my hands but to no avail.

"Gently now rattie, I wouldn't want to bruise your wrists"

"Don't call me rattie"

Jason's phone rings.

"Answer the call, I dare you!"

Jason uses his left hand to hold both my hand and then reaches for his phone with his right.


I struggle fruitlessly.

"Jason" I whine frustratedly.

"It's Selene"