

The loud bangs wake us from our slumber. Gunshots echo and soon the lights go off.

"Is it the police?"

"He's here. Jason, down here"

"Down here" The others follow me to yell.

Lights flood the passage and soon powerful steps follow.

A demon with angel features dressed in his black tailored suit and polished leather shoes enters looking as ravishing as ever.

He stops at my cell.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine"

Jason's soldiers attempt to cut the lock.

"That's taking time. Step back"

Jason sticks a blinking light on the cell lock.

With a bang, the door is flung open.

"I knew you'd come, where's Marcos?"

"Mrs. Navarro is watching over him" I sense restrained anger.

Jason moves to another cell and places the mini bomb.

"Are you angry?"


"Since when did you start telling lies?"

Jason finally snaps.

"You want to know so bad. Yes, I'm angry. You should have waited, you could have gotten yourself killed, and all for what?"