


I must have forgotten to draw the curtains yesterday. That's why the sunlight woke me up. I opened my eyes lazily. I didn't know when I slept yesterday night. There were a lot of birds in the balcony, which brought a smile on my face. I got up from the couch and stretched a little. My back was on fire. Probably because of the night sleep on the sofa but it was better than sleeping to the floor. I had to set up my bed today, anyhow.

I went in the balcony and breathed the Mumbai air. It was definitely not as fresh as Manglore air, but there was something which made me like it. Birds were chirping, happily. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the weather. It was not too sunny. I thought it would rain today. I was sitting on the couch type of thing in the balcony. I was so engrossed in the scenario that I didn't hear the main door open. I felt someone sit beside me. I jumped in panic and opened my eyes, to see Manik sitting beside me.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. But I couldn't find you in your room or bathroom or anywhere so I was worried." He said.

"You always scare me. Tell me something I don't know." I mumbled under my breath, not wanting him to hear that.

"I heard that. But its okay, I deserve that."

I just nodded and got up to leave. I was about to go inside the living room when he grabbed my hand again. I winced because he had hurt it yesterday. He looked at me worriedly.

"What happened? Who did this, doll face? Did you hurt yourself, Nandini?" He ranted.

He doesn't even know that he has done it then what's the point in apologizing. I remained silent and just looked at him. After a minute, realization strikes him. His eyes widen by the damage he has caused.

" I-I did it. Oh god! How can I be so ruthless. I didn't mean to, Nandini. I am sorry."

"You have said sorry a lot of times now, Manik. But the question is do you really mean them? Honestly, I don't even care now. It was my mistake that I even try to befriend you. I was stupid to do everything. I thought you were really nice behind your façade. But I am absolutely wrong. But now that I know that this is who you are then, we will go according to your plan, okay? Neither will I bother you or come in your way nor will you. We are just two strangers sharing a space." I spoke, angrily.

I freed myself from his hold and was about to go inside when he spoke "I will go, you don't have too. Relax here or whatever shit you were doing."

I didn't argue with him because I couldn't stand him anymore and on top of that, I was the one who came here first. After a few minutes, I decided to go back inside and do my morning routine. I went inside but didn't find Manik so I thought he must be in his room. I went to mine, took out my outfit for the day and went inside the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and then got ready for a relaxing bathe. I stripped my clothes and started my bath.

I started thinking things. Amms always told me that there is a reason behind everything. She told that people act like they do due to some reasons. My mind drifted to thoughts of Manik. And how maybe he also has some reason for his coldness towards me and others. That guy can scare the shit out of a person only by looking at him. His piercing stare would want you to dig your own grave. But he never opens up to people, let alone me. He has so high walls that even if someone who wants to climb them, that person will quit halfway.

He is intimidating, no doubt. I even want to know him but he will never open up. I knew it the first time I saw him but I thought to give it a try but after yesterday, I don't even want to try. His anger is something I don't ever want to witness again.

I didn't realize that I was standing in the shower for half an hour now. I quickly started wiping myself off. Ugh! Manik Malhotra what are you doing with my head?

I changed into my tshirt and shorts. It was pretty hot outside so I decided to go for shorts rather than pants. I was only going to stay at home so I didn't put any makeup on. I pulled my hair into a bun and went out.

When I got out of my room, I saw Manik dancing near the oven cooking something, shirtless. He had shorts on which showed off his expensive looking underwear. His body was drool worthy. Any girl could fall for his looks and personality. His tanned chest was well defined. A small chuckle left my lips, watching him dance because this was the most carefree Manik I had ever seen.

"Enjoying the view, doll face?" he asked, still not facing me but I knew that he has his signature smirk on his face. I just scoffed in reply.

I went near the fridge to get milk. I could only get one glass and the milk was over. I took it and sat on the bar stool to drink it. Manik was making omlet. He went near the fridge to take the eggs. He took out the eggs and kept them near the stove and looked at me. I looked back at him with my one eyebrow raised.

"You didn't eat yesterday, did you?" He asked, deeply.

"No" I replied, curtly.

"Why, Nandini?"

"Because I dint want to and I wasn't hungry."

"Oh really! You want me to believe you. I know you read the note because I found it in the bin. I cooked it just so you could have a good dinner and you didn't even eat a spoon of it. And you call me rude. What you did was also rude. Why are you taking out your anger on the food?"

"I am not taking out my anger on anyone. I wasn't hungry, that's all. I can't just shove things in my body when they are not required."

He rolled his eyes.

"Fine but you will have to eat breakfast now." He said, firmly.

"Why are you worried anyway? If I eat or don't you shouldn't be worried. It shouldn't be any of your business."

His nostrils flared in anger. I was taken aback by his sudden anger.

"Fine! Do what you want to do. Go fuck yourself! I was actually trying to be good to you but you don't deserve it. I am not worried and I don't care what you do. Go die and I wouldn't bother you. I thought you were different but you are also like other girls." He spit at me.

"Manik-" I started to speak but he cut me off.

"Don't Manik me now, Nandini. I don't care, okay? Do whatever you want too. You don't want to eat? Don't eat, I don't care. I came back from my work early just to see if you were okay but you had to throw a tantrum. You are not worth my time. Lastly, don't come in my way, now and I won't bother you." He spat and went in his room.

"Oh and if you want to eat the omlet it's in the fridge. Heat it and eat." With that he slammed his door shut.

I broke down into tears. I always manage to push people away who care about me. Wow Nandini! He came back from his work just for me and I started fighting with him. I know it was his fault but I may have taken too far. Many people don't like shouting even I don't like it. So then how will Manik like it?

I took it too far and lost a good roommate of mine. I shook my head and sat on the dinning table. I heated the omlet and took out orange juice from the fridge. I started eating with many thoughts in my head.

I finished it and went to the bedroom. I saw the bed was still to be done and now that Manik would not help me, I had to manage on my own. But I left it and finished organizing my wardrobe and balcony. My balcony was bigger compared to Manik, according to Rahul but I didn't know that it was true or not. I really wanted to see his room but he would never allow me to go there so I will have to stop thinking about it. I sat in the couch in my balcony and called Amms. She was the only person who could help me now. She kept me sane in this insane world. She picked up after two rings.

"Hi, baby. How are you doing?" She asked.

Just listening to her voice brought tears in my eyes. Her voice was magical. She always had this power to calm me. She was very loving and caring. I sniffled.

"What happened, baby? Why are you crying? Did anyone do something?" she asked.

"No, Amms. No one has done anything. I was just missing you and listening to your angelic voice made me cry." I answered, sniffling.

"Aww, baby. I miss you too, love. Don't cry. You know I don't like you crying. C'mon wash your face and clean your face."

I did what she said and it really relaxed me.

"Amms, what should someone do when they have overreacted. I mean it's the fault of both of them but the other one has overreacted?"

"The overreacted one should apologize. The other one should also do that but that person must have tried to apologize if he or she knew it was his or her fault. And I have always told to have a big heart and apologize before anyone. It won't make you small instead it will make you even more respectful in the other person's eyes. So yeah, both should apologize." She explained.

"Okay. Thank you, Amms."

"Its okay, baby but why are you asking this suddenly?"

"Um.. My roommate was-was asking me this so I thought I ask you and then g-give her the answer. Nothing e-else." I said.

"Okay, baby. Bye, I got to go. Take care. I love you."

"Bye. You also take care. I love you too." I said.

I hung up with a smile on my face.she always brought a smile on my face and lit up my mood. Now I knew that it was my fault also. I shouldn't have overreacted. After all he came for me and even cooked for me. I should apologize. But not right now. So I went in the room and slept on the mattress on the floor.


Hope you liked the chapter.

Thank you for reading!

Spread love, always!

