
Chapter 21 Gathering Storm

Sunday morning, Mike retreived the mobile worker and proceeded to the SHIELD testing ground that Fury designated for the demonstration. Once there he was given the ok to start with a run through the vehicle off-road course. Apparently, this base had been a tank training area before SHIELD got hold of it. The mobile worker breezed through the course like it was on flar open ground, achieving high speeds and cutting narrow corners. The Mobile Worker set a new record beating out the tank record by a couple of minutes. Next was the urban course, which simulated a city environment and was a lot narrower. This gave the Mobile worker a bit of a hard time due to the confined area, but the worker performed well.

While going to the gun range to test the 2 30mm Machineguns, Mike asked Fury about the force that attacked X Manor. Fury got a funny look on his face and stated that it was primarily 2 Generals and Trask behind it, and they were after the Big Robot. When Trask died, the Generals were pushing the blame for the attack onto him and pressuring Xavier that "While Trask was out of line no civilian should have weaponry like the robot that had driven Trask off. " And pressuring Xavier by saying that if they don't give up the robot then action would be taken to shut down the school.

Mike was quiet for a moment before asking Fury what he would do if given orders to go after the robot. Fury laughed "Refuse those orders that thing took on 10 Sentinels 20 tanks and 15 helicopters and to our knowledge took no real damage. I would not waste shield resources to try to take it down. Besides, it has only appeared to defend the mutants, but with the kind of power it showed, I would not want to provoke that thing to going on the defensive."

Mike nodded (Fury is like in the movies pragmatic and thinks for himself. He won't start a losing battle so long as he hopes to turn the threat into an ally.) Fury continued "I don't expect Xavier to hold out long though for all of his talk he holds the safety of the school above all else and is willing to sacrifice even a few of his students to maintain the safety much less somebody or something he doesn't even know."

Fury's opinion gave Mike a lot to think about, causing him to even remember the Xavier Protocols,[,Think Batman Agamemnon Protocol but a lot worse]. Mike was distracted as the tests were finished, and Fury happily ordered 250 Mobile workers for SHIELD use. As they parted ways, Fury said, " I would warn whoever is behind that thing that those 2 Generals have gotten away with a lot and tend to be pretty heavy handed. One chased the Hulk all over the US causing more damage wherever he met him and the other one blew up an asteroid with Superman still on it, and attempted to execute Superman and Supergirl by injecting them with liquid kryptonite."

Mike got the hint that Fury at least suspected him but did not want to turn him in while he was still useful. Once home Ike checked the status of the Mass Driver and found it would be ready by Tuesday. Now, it was a race as to whether Xavier would crack first or the Mass Driver would be built.

Mike could hardly believe how naive he had been when he first arrived. He was lucky that Richards Stark and Fury had played straight with him. He called Walters and asked her to set up the paperwork for patents on the Pseudo GN Drives, The Repair robots, The Medical Nanotech, and the No belt seat. She agreed to get the ball rolling.

Mike then went on the system store and paid 100 MP for 5 Haros from the Gundam AGE timeline. He programed each in their PC mode with individual files for 5 different people that he was working closely with. Peter got access to some basic files and projects that Mike wanted him to focus on if he accepted the job. Reed and Tony had files about how to further improve the Pseudo GN Drives and repair drones. Jennifer as his lawyer consultant had files relating to the legal papers such as patents deeds etc as well as financial statement with the request she finds and accountant to handle the taxes and things.

POV Waller

"Are you crazy? this could be a PR nightmare. the point of black ops is that they stay off the grid." Waller yelled angrily. General Ross responded, "That thing is a threat. We can't leave a wildcard like that running around." General Harcastle agreed, stating,"We have enough costumed freaks we don't need a giant robot." Those two even got General Eiling who works in Cadmus with her to agree. Waller tried again to talk them out of this it's not like she was a stranger to shady deals like with Task Force X but she knew when to pick her battles, and this whole situation could become a ticking time bomb.

She stated flatly that when this situation blew up in their faces and all 4 people started to get a lot more attention than they wanted, she would be on record that she was against this idea. She also pointed out that if this went poorly it would be political suicide for them considering the debacles that all 3 were involved in.

They once again over ruled her and proceeded to discuss a plan of action for Monday night to take over the Morganrote complex. Xavier had cracked earlier and told what he knew from contacting the pilot during the fight against the robot. They considered attacking while the target was in school but wanted to handle this away from prying eyes.

"SHIELD refused to provide reinforcements stating that it goes against their charter or something." Ross stated angrily. "Doesn't matter. 50 tanks, 40 armored vehicles, 150 infantrymen, and 20 sentinels will be enough, plus we have 8 special forces squads infiltrating before the offensive begins in order to secure target." Hardcastle responded. Eiling added " We have 2 F16 wings and a wing of A10s plus 30 attack helicopters. If the special forces boys both the mission, then we have enough force to take the complex by force." There was a silent agreement by all 3 to keep the capes as far away as possible not knowing whose side they would be on.

POV Kitty Pryde

"I CAN'T BELEIVE YOU SOLD HIM OUT!" Kitty yelled at Professor Xavier. "We had no choice. if we did not the governent would shut down the school and re form the MRD to round us up. I have to think of the saftey of the school and the students i cannot let one person set back human mutant relations." Xavier explained. Their argument had begun when Kitty had found out that the professor had told the military where to find Mike.

The confrontation had decided the X Men into 2 camps. Wolverine, Wolfsbane, Forge, and Psylocke were on Kitty's side, thinking that you did not betray one who risked his life for you. Cyclops, Storm, Jean, and Beast thought the professor was right and they could not endanger the school and human mutant relations over one person.

Jubilee, Rogue, Colossus, Nightstalker, and Iceman had not taken sides and were clearly uncomfortable with the situation.

"That's rich Professor" Kitty responded, "What about Magneto? You gave him chance after chance and even broke him out of prison. Don't his actions set us back every time he comes up with some new scheme for mutant supremacy." "That's too far." Scott said stepping in between them before Wolverine said, "Is it Magneto has tried to kill us repeatedly and Professor here helps him in the hope he will change. That kid puts himself on the line to save us and he throws him to the wolves." The argument came to a close with those who sided with Kitty walking out of the mansion refusing to be there any longer.

Xavier watched them leave thinking (Am I really doing right?). Even those who stayed with him looked uncomfortable with the situation but stayed out of loyalty and a sense of duty to the school.