
Chapter 12 Preparations

Mike was mentally exhausted as school ended. He got on his taxi bike a day drove back to the Morganrote complex. As he sat on his bike thinking he decided to get the prep worl out of the way. there were 2 empty Warehouses and an admin building and the fence was not in the best shape.

I should really get the complex ready. Mike thought even if the true facilities were below ground the buildings aboveground would be essential to produce the products he would sell to the public.

First off let's see how many Mission Points I have accumulated. Mike pulled up the status screen and looked at a panel he had not bothered to look at before

*DING* Missions completed ORIGIN OF A HERO, FREEDOM RISING MP rewarded 200,000

(Wow that is a lot.) Mike thought then realized it could not even buy the most basic mobile suit not even a zaku. Mike checked the bases section and it had the blue prints for terrestrial and space bases from all different series

He moved to the support tab and found it. Yes selectable walls, he picked reinforced concrete walls 10 ft high with a heavy metal automated gate. When selected a map of his complex appeared and he drew a line around the border 3 feet out from where the current fence was located.

He heard a small rumble and saw the wall appeared just as he said. Checking the balance he saw the wall only cost him 10000 MP.

Security system including cameras motion sensors and an alarm cost him another 10000 an additional 5 to make the cameras night and thermal vision capable.

"25000 to insure privacy" Mike commented satisfied before turning his head to the buildings. One warehouse would have to be torn down, it was in poor condition and unpalatable.

The other one was in reasonable condition and with a few repairs he could store products till they could be shipped. Under the support items he saw Haro and finally remembered he received a one of these. When he solummoned it he was delighted to see it was one of the 00 Variations that helped to repair the Gundams a little bit of building repair should be easy. He directed the Haro to repair the salvageable warehouse and returned his attention to the other one.

While looking under support items, he also found the Yello construction and black regular automatons used in 00 and 00 Awakening of the trailblazer. he bought 10 of the Yellow construction models and 5 of the Black painted regular models. when they appeared he set the 5 of the construction models to help Haro repair the one warehouse and the other 5 to demolish the unsalvagable one. He then set the 5 regular automatons on a patrol cycle but set it so they needed his ok before using lethal force.

While browsing same area he saw the walls Mike found a high-tech factory with facilities capable of producing not just the seats and nanotech but also the automatons he had just summoned including a mining variety and one suited for heavy lifting in a warehouse setting. As soon as the ground was cleared and prepped, he summoned the factory and found that it was fully automated he just had to provide a sample of what he wanted and the appropriate materials.

( If I build the Mass driver I can mine the asteroid belt.) Mike thought. He realized until he could then he would have to buy materials from his rapidly dwindling supply of MP. out of the 200000 he only had 50000 left. he spent 1000 for a Medical nanotech pod and 500 for one of the no belt seats . Placing both in the factory he spent 2500 for materials and programed 5 of the construction automation to transport the completed products to the warehouse.

" Morganrote is operational now!" Mike yelled proudly

He then entered the underground going to the gym level and doing a workout program before showering cooking a burger in the cafeteria and going to bed.