
Chapter 1 A New World


Mike opened his eyes, squinting against the bright light.(What happened last night? I remember falling asleep watching Gundam seed.) Mike looked around in confusion and then panicked as he heard what sounded like an explosion. Mike looked around the building where he had woken up and saw he was in an Familiar looking town.(Are they fiming a movie, this looks just like the final battle in Thor.) Mike then saw a Man in armor weilding a hammer crashing against a giant robot as the robot shot beams of heat out across the town destroying buildings.

As Mike watched, he saw the fight play out in the same way as the movie he had watched so long ago. Or almost the same, at least. Midway through the fight, a red and blue blur slammed into the Annialator, breaking it into little pieces. "Superman?" Mike said in confusion. "Is everyone alright? Superman asked. Phil Coulson looks just like in the movies approached. "Yes, Superman, we are ok. If you don't mind, shield will take care of the cleanup." While he phrased it as a question, it was clear that he was stating that this was his jurisdiction and warning the boy in blue to stay away. Superman nodded," I was just passing by and wanted to help,"

Mike watched this interaction with fascination before it dawned on him. (This real, I've somehow been brought to a different world.) What confused him was is it Marvel or dc? checking his pants, he found his wallet, in it was $500 that he had withdrawn to buy a PS5 now that they were showing up in stores.

Having read his fair share of novels, he thought, "Don't people who go to different worlds receive some kind of system?" As if responding to his thought, he heard a DING Gundam System activated.