
Guilty Pleasure by Elisha_Pillay

Once a perfect couple, now they're trying to kill each other with each chance that they get. One's an agent and a spy. The other is a dead man walking who only has money and murder on his mind. What can you expect? He's a Hitman, after all. This book follows a female who is trying to stick the pieces of her life together after the death of her boyfriend. When her bestfriend is murdered, she goes on a hunt to find the killer, and when she does, it turns out that her once, hot boyfriend, is an assassin. There are many plot twis in this book and has a compelling storyline.

Elisha_Pillay_9361 · สมัยใหม่
15 Chs

Chapter 9


We enter the house and I wrap my arms around Scarlett's waist. She's comfortable with me doing so otherwise, I wouldn't dare lay a finger on her.

Grayson told us what had happened and now we have to try to steal the diamond and the money once again, only this time, from our old boss, Adriano Rossi, and I know that it's not going to be easy.

Scarlett had asked about the earpiece and I said that we all had lost signal. Luckily, she believed me. Oh, I hate lying to her but it was Grayson's instruction.

When we enter the kitchen, Ash throws me a death stare before storming upstairs alongside Grayson.

"Help me with my heels, please," Scarlett pleads as she holds onto the kitchen countertop for support.

"Sure." I walk towards her, bend down and proceed to open her heels.

Sweat breaks out on my forehead as my eyes trail up her smooth, golden leg. I shut my eyes closed for a second before I yank out her shoe. I do so for the other leg but now my palms become really sweaty.

"Ryker, look at me."

I gulp and I look up, her gaze falls on me and her tongue shoots out to lick her lip.

I quickly pull out her shoe and attempt to stand up but she slowly pushes me back down with her feet.

Holy shit.

I wipe the sweat off my forehead and gaze up at her.

"RD, I'm in the mood," She whispers, her legs circling my hardening dick in my pants.

Does she want me to...?

"I give you permission to do whatever you want."

Hell yes!



I wake up to the sound of whistling.

I open my eyes and get up on my elbows seeing that I'm covered with a blanket, still on the couch.

"Coffee?" a voice emits through the air.

I don't need to look to know who it is but I look anyway. I see Grayson stirring his coffee only glancing at me once before he takes a sip.

"No thank you," I retorted while sitting up.

He's dressed in grey sweatpants with no shirt on. His abs are glowing with the delicate sun rays that penetrate through the kitchen window.

"Are you sure? I promise not to spike it."

I roll my eyes and wake up from the couch, the shirt only stopping below my ass.

"Who covered me?" I ask while picking up my dress and bra which were thrown on the floor the night before.

"Me," he answers before leaning against the wall.

"Why did you-?"

"You were naked. Your kitten was staring at me," he mocks.

I feel embarrassment wash over me but I shake it off. "Your favorite."

"Yeah. Couldn't let anyone look at what is mine."

"Was yours," I correct him. I put my hair in an untidy bun and glare at him before I walk upstairs.

"Put something on!"

I laugh and turn around. "What?"

"Put something on," he instructs, more like a threat.

The audacity of this asshole.

"Oh yeah. And who do you think you are?"

He bangs his cup down on the counter, startling me a little.

"Three men are living in this house, so if we're going to live under the same roof, you better be dressing up presentable. Now go put a fucking panty on or whatever. Stop behaving like a whore."

I stand there, wide-eyed with hot blood flowing through my entire body.


"I'm not going to repeat myself, Scarlett."

There's sand in my throat, threatening to choke me if I say another word, and just then, Ash walks down the stairs, eying me from head to toe before averting his gaze with a smirk playing on his lips.

I feel like shit right now so I jog upstairs, biting my tongue, literally and figuratively.

Oh, you're going to pay for this, Grayson.


"We have tracked down Adriano Rossi. He lives in a luxurious penthouse."

"So we're not coming to New York anytime soon?"

"Unfortunately not, Miss Pérez. I have sent you and the team his location. You all will act in two weeks because now he will be waiting for you, he knows he has targets on his back. After two weeks he will calm down, security will become a bit sloppy and that's when you get him," Mrs. Janice García informs me.

"Okay. Got it," I answer before cutting the call.

I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and put on my new outfit. I liked the house in New York better. This house is a bit too much for me.

Grayson, you had the balls to tell me what to wear and what not to. I snicker as I put on my black pantyhose. I put on my black short dress which only stops above my knee. I set the spaghetti straps properly as well as my bra. When I'm done applying my red lipstick, I put on my heels.

I pick up the dress, put my knife into the pouch that is strapped to my thigh and pull the dress back down.

I'm ready.

I descend the stairs and then I feel eyes fall down my body.

"Ready to go?"

RD shifts and hides his erect penis while Grayson clenches his jaw. I then look at Asher but he's less interested so I proceed to the door.

We are going for dinner. It's almost too good to be true right? Yeah. The real reason is that we're going to get more information from the owner of the restaurant.

"Bitch," I hear Grayson say under his breath and I try not to laugh.

The entire car drive is quiet. This time, Ryker is in the front. Usually, he's in the back. Assholes. They didn't want me sitting next to him.

I sigh and look at Asher and that's only when I see his eyes fall down my thighs as his tongue darts out to lick his lips.

He notices me catching him so he quickly diverts his eyes.

The drive is quick and we soon arrive outside the restaurant.

We enter confidently and I see a few people shift uncomfortably in their seats. Some people even divert their gaze quickly as sweat breaks out on their faces.

Do they know THE BLOOD THREE?

We sit down at a table in the corner.

"Hi, what can I get you?"

I scan the waiter who gulps down but can't take his eyes off my boobs.

"Red wine and beef."

"How would you like it?" the waiter asks Grayson.

"Hard and rough," I answer before winking at him.

The waiter's dick hardens as he gulps again.

"Behave, Scarlett," Grayson warns.

I shoot him a glare.

"Rare," Asher answers ignoring me.

I'm not going to lie, but something's changed with Asher. It's like his keeping his distance.

When our food finally arrives, I clean off my entire plate before a man with tattoos approach us.

He has tattoos running up his forearms and even his neck.

"What can I do for you guys?"

"We need information on Adriano Rossi. Everything about his penthouse too. The amount of bodyguards he has, who he lives with, cameras, everything," Grayson says.

The chef can't help but stare in my direction. He bites down on his bottom lip and looks at me through hooded eyes.

"Hi," he greets me but I raise my drink at him, greeting him that way.

He pushes Ryker aside and comes to sit next to me.

"How about a deal? I'll give you the information, but I need one night with this beauty."

"Oh, star? She's off limits."

I raise my eyebrows at him but stay unpretentious.

The chef inhales me and runs a finger up my bare thigh.

"You shouldn't do that," Ryker whispers.

I try to stay calm but when he squeezes my thigh, something in me ticks and I bring my knee up, making contact with the chef's nose.

He curses something while blood cascades down his chin.

"I warned you," Ryker squeals.

"Bitch," he calls me and I gaze at him, the toxin in my eyes wanting to poison him.

"You don't get to call her that," Ash growls and for a second I blink, speechless.

Ash exchanges a glance with me and bangs the table before waking up and leaving.

I look over at Grayson who looks surprised.

Grayson clears his throat while loosening his tie. "The information."

"Right, I'll get my guys straight on it. You will receive the information after four days."

"I don't have that much time. Two days," Grayson explains.

The chef glances at me while snarling, "Two to three days minimum. It's not an easy task,"

"Fine. We're leaving now. Goodbye, Luke."

Luke? Is that his name?

I wake up, making eye contact with Luke before walking out.

Ash opens the driver's door, not sparing anyone a glance before starting the engine.

The rest of the drive was quiet.



"Well, behave. I've worked for him before and now he's here to pay me in person."

"So you want me to just stay quiet while you invite a criminal into this house?" Scarlett asks, her black dress lifting higher and higher.

"I know you're from the CIA but this is not your duty. You only have one. Besides, we probably have life imprisonment, what do you think more charges are going to do, huh?"

Today, after we went to the restaurant, I got a call from Matteo saying that he wants to pay us the money in person for a job I did last month.

Now, he's going to come to this house, here in Paris, to give me the money. The only thing is that he's bringing my enemy here as well for God knows what.

I told the guys to be prepared in case something happens but I doubt they would want to interfere with THE BLOOD THREE.

"Fine. Do what you want, asshole!" She starts to walk away but I grab her wrist.

"Watch your tone with me. Also, go put on something appropriate or you can stay in your room for all I care," I say, remaining calm.

She twists her wrist and loosens my grip around her hand.

She tosses darts with her eyes, her lips making a thin, straight line before she storms to her room.

There's a knock at the door and I close my eyes, calming myself before I walk towards the door to open it. RD and Ash stand against the wall in the corner.

It's time to get our money.