
Guilty Pleasure by Elisha_Pillay

Once a perfect couple, now they're trying to kill each other with each chance that they get. One's an agent and a spy. The other is a dead man walking who only has money and murder on his mind. What can you expect? He's a Hitman, after all. This book follows a female who is trying to stick the pieces of her life together after the death of her boyfriend. When her bestfriend is murdered, she goes on a hunt to find the killer, and when she does, it turns out that her once, hot boyfriend, is an assassin. There are many plot twis in this book and has a compelling storyline.

Elisha_Pillay_9361 · สมัยใหม่
15 Chs

Chapter 8


"Any plans Ryker? Anything?"

"Unfortunately not."

We are next and the security guard is going to ask for my bag.

My heart hammers in my chest. Oh God, no.

I'm about to lift up my bag but before I do, I'm nudged and the bag gets pulled but doesn't leave my hand.

It all happened so quickly that only now do I know who helped us out. Ash.

"Got it," he whispers into the earpiece.

Ash unhurriedly leaves through the door and I hand the big guy my bag so he can check it.

When he's done he scans me and then Grayson and then we enter.

"How's your head?" I whisper.

"Not right 'cause for some reason I find you attractive tonight."

We walk arm in arm into the ballroom, laughter and chaos instantly breaking out.

"There's your guy, he's already eying you, Scarlett."

I turn my head and I make eye contact with Luis Romano. He wears a three-piece deep black suit with a metal half mask and he has mustache that can be seen from any distance. He cocks his eyebrow at me and even though he is already speaking to a woman, his eyes fall down my body.

Alright, time to get to work. I let go of Grayson's arm and grab a drink from a waiter who then hands me a piece of paper.

I squint my eyes at the waiter and he shakes his head. "Not from me, from him," he corrects as he points his finger at the guy in question.

Mr. Luis Romano.

With a smirk playing on my lip, I open the letter and read what's written on it.

Meet me upstairs.

With a raised eyebrow, I tear the paper into little pieces and scatter it on the floor, knowing that he's watching me.

I spin on my heels and walk towards a table that's set up with only the finest of desserts.

"Do you speak English, MI Amor?"

"If you're asking because I did not pay heed to your letter, then I know English fluently."

He smirks, his shoe shining brighter than most people's future.

"May I have a dance?"

Soft music plays and I allow him to take my hand in his. "Of course."

He grips my waist softly and I hold onto his shoulder trying not to roll my eyes.

"So. What is a pretty woman like yourself doing here?"

"Why? Can't I come to a masquerade party and enjoy the company?"

He shakes his head. "Of course, you can,"

The minutes drag along painfully and he spins me around before whispering into my ear. "Meet me upstairs."

I smile and spin on my heels before stopping. "Sorry, I have a date."

I walk away from him and even though I turned him down, he has a spark in his eyes.

RD comes in and pulls me in by my waist. "Sorry, mate. Maybe next time," he whispers to Luis.

I smile and shrug.

"Got his fingerprints," I say and give the small slide to Ryker. He takes it with gloves on and nods his head.

Ash passes us and takes the slide from him.

"The password 5140," Ash whispers into the earpiece.



Ash hits down the last security guard before we go to the room.

"Did you have to smash his face in?" I ask, disgusted.

Ash just shrugs and pins in the code and I scan his fingerprint.

"Retinal scanner?" I whisper and he hands me Scarlett's eye lens. While she was talking to Luis, she had electronic eye lens which scanned his eyes.

"Ew. That shit was in her eyes. I ain't touching that," I protest.

"It's just eye lens, not her eye."

He pushes me aside and put on the eye lens for the retinal scanner. And just like that, the doors open.

"Hey guys, how is it looking?" Scarlett asks and I exchange a glare with Ash as I nod. He nods back and disconnects Scarlett.

Now you know who I am. A man who double-crosses.

"Ash, take the diamond and start loading the cash in those bags."

He nods and walks into the room.

You didn't really think I'm going to just hand over the diamond as well as the money to the cops, did you?

I walk into the silver voltage room but just then the smug smile is instantly wiped off my face.

What the?

There is no money and no diamond.

"Where the fuck is it?"

"Look there!" I growl at Ash and he throws all of the old sheets to the floor.

"There's nothing here!"

Just then my phone rings and I put it to my ear. "Grayson. I guess I beat you to it. You wanted to seal it before I did? I thought you worked for me?"

I know that voice.

Adriano Rossi.

"You kill for me and now? I taught you the game, boy, and now I will show you how it ends." He cuts the call before I could say anything.


We run down back to the party where I see RD and Scarlett giggling about.

"We got to go," I say seething.

"Why? Where are the-"

"Now!" I shout and I see Scarlett nod her head.