
Guilty Pleasure by Elisha_Pillay

Once a perfect couple, now they're trying to kill each other with each chance that they get. One's an agent and a spy. The other is a dead man walking who only has money and murder on his mind. What can you expect? He's a Hitman, after all. This book follows a female who is trying to stick the pieces of her life together after the death of her boyfriend. When her bestfriend is murdered, she goes on a hunt to find the killer, and when she does, it turns out that her once, hot boyfriend, is an assassin. There are many plot twis in this book and has a compelling storyline.

Elisha_Pillay_9361 · สมัยใหม่
15 Chs

Chapter 12





I start tossing my clothes around, trying to find my black lace underwear. That night when I fucked Ryker on the couch, I discarded it onto the floor. I don't remember picking it up the next morning.

I jog back downstairs, wearing my black jeans and black off-shoulder blouse.

I bend down on my knees and start looking under the couch but nothing is there except for one of the guys' shoes. I get up and start looking inside the couch, biting my lip as I try to find it. Oh, come on. That was my favorite underwear.

I exhale a breath when I find nothing. Where could it go? An arrow of thought shoots into my mind. That morning, Grayson was awake. God dammit. He stole it. I huff up the stairs and into the hallway. I need to ask him for my underwear.

He can't just steal it and jerk off with it, but then...I stop.

I put my ear to the bathroom door, hearing groans and moans. Is someone jerking off right now? I roll my eyes and pull out my ears from the door, wanting to storm to Grayson's room but stop, when I hear, "Scarlett."

Someone is moaning my name. I thought I heard wrong so I put my ear to the door again and just like before I hear my name being moaned.

"Oh this asshole," I grunt while flinging the door open, stopping in my tracks.


There, standing in the middle of the bathroom is Asher, with my panties wrapped around his dick as he pumps, groaning my name.

He realizes I'm in the bathroom with him, and opens his eyes, staring at me with desire in those blue pearls.

I look down at his thick, long dick and can't help but lick my lips.

"You've come the right time," he murmurs before stalking towards me.

"Asher, you..."

"I've liked you for a long time now, and I need you."

My mind goes blank.

"Give me your permission and I swear you won't regret it," he adds, his eyes burning my body.

My eyes run down his bare chest, the tattoos that cover them, as well as his hands. I nod once, being driven by desire.

He's way taller than me and he reaches down, ripping my black shirt off my body, exposing my hard nipples to him. He licks his lips and comes down, slamming me against the wall, as he sucks in one of my nipples, making my eyes roll at the back of my head.

He bites on them and squeezes my breast in his hand, only causing my orgasm to build while sucking on my pink nipples. He starts to play with it in between his middle finger and index finger while opening the button of my jeans and pulling it down my legs.

Don't ask me why I'm doing this. I'm driven by emotions right now.



I tried to hold myself back, and that only intensified my passion for her. I rip her jeans down her legs and push her inside the bathroom while starting the shower. The cold water rushes over us, making us gasp before I turn on the hot water, making the water warm.

Only now do I see the shooting star tattooed on her right thigh and then a few stars tattooed on her waist.

My cock twitches before more blood fill it. I decide to rip off her panties and I take a step back, mesmerized by her shape. Her pink nipples and her tiny belly button, her glistening pussy, and her small waist. I hungrily feast on her lips, puncturing them with my teeth. She moans as I lick off the bubble of blood that had formed.

Even her blood is delicious.

I go down to her neck, biting and sucking on her skin as her moans make my cock jerk.

While I feast on her neck, I feel her small hand wrap around my size as she begins to stroke it.

I grit my teeth, my body begging to be against hers right now. I try to retain my moans but they escape my mouth nonetheless, so I twist her around by her hand, I hold her head against the wall, as her ass hauls upwards.

I push my finger into her pussy, feeling her tighten. "Ash," she whimpers while I pump my finger inside her, only taking them out to lick her release.

"Did Ryker make you come the way I do?" I mock, before spreading her thighs wider for me.

"He sure did," that little brat answers back.

"Well, I don't think he hit it as I would," I grunt before slamming my cock into her tight pussy.

She gasps and cries yet only half of my dick is inside of her.

"If you're such a brat, why can't you handle my size?" I tease but just then she presses her ass into me, filling her with my entire cock.

"So you can take my size," I groan into her ear.

I continue to slam into her, fast and hard, the sound of skin hitting skin filling the shower.

She holds the wall, crying and moaning as I fuck her. I take a deep breath, pull out of her, and just when she thinks I'm done, I shove my cock back into her hole, earning a scream from her.

I wrap my fingers in her hair, yanking her head back as I pump into her.

"You're such a brat, Scarlett," I spit, pulling her hair harder until her head comes close to mine so I can devour those pink lips.

"Oh, yeah," she pants, her eyes closing.

I reach in the front and start pawing at her breasts, and when I flick her nipple, her pussy tightens around my cock, squeezing it.

"Oh my God," She whimpers and I come down to whisper in her ears.

"God can't save you, 'coz it's the devil who's fucking you."

She screams and cums, her body shaking against mine.

It's my time to cum. I feel my balls draw up and tighten before I spill into her, my cum filling her.

We try to steady our breathing, as I watch my cum drip down her legs, before getting washed away with the water.

I leave her standing there in the shower, her peachy ass red before I grab myself a towel and storm off.