
Guilty Pleasure by Elisha_Pillay

Once a perfect couple, now they're trying to kill each other with each chance that they get. One's an agent and a spy. The other is a dead man walking who only has money and murder on his mind. What can you expect? He's a Hitman, after all. This book follows a female who is trying to stick the pieces of her life together after the death of her boyfriend. When her bestfriend is murdered, she goes on a hunt to find the killer, and when she does, it turns out that her once, hot boyfriend, is an assassin. There are many plot twis in this book and has a compelling storyline.

Elisha_Pillay_9361 · สมัยใหม่
15 Chs

Chapter 11




All afternoon, I spent my time with Jayden. I now lay in his arms, under the starry night, giggling at his jokes.

I cover my mouth with my hand, heat spreading throughout my body, as my cheeks warmed up.

"Wait. Are you shy?" he teases and wakes up on his elbows, his body now hovering over mine.

"Does the topic of kids make you shy?"

I closed my eyes and wanted to curl into a ball. Of course, the topic made me shy. The things that we had to do to make a kid... I couldn't stop blushing.

"Do you want me to do something unholy to you now?" he teases, making my chest heave into his. His breath tickled my cheeks as he came down and kissed me gently, making my toes curl.

We're sprawled out on the ground in the backyard of my home with only a blanket underneath us.

We haven't done anything else besides kissing here and there. I know, I know. I'm 20 years old now and still a virgin but, I guess by tonight, I might not be anymore.

I awkwardly laugh and he smiles, his hazel eyes glistening in the moonlight. He gently opens the buttons of my shirt and continues to kiss me passionately.

Time flies by and when we're done, I look up at the sky, and a shooting star flies by. I don't know if it was a shooting star or an alien space ship but we still made a wish.

"I wish that you never leave my side," I whisper.

"I will never leave your side, Scarlett. You know that," he assures me. "We will travel the world together, one day get married and then have kids."

I smile and I fall asleep in his arms.

The next day I woke up, and he was gone. I was so worried that he had just used me for my body because when I rang his phone, he never answered. I sent him numerous messages but he never saw them.

It has been three days now when suddenly there was a ring by the door. I hurriedly ran downstairs and flung the door open, only to see his mother crying.

"He's gone. My son is gone," she coughed. "He met in a terrible car accident," she burst out in tears and grabbed me into a tight hug.

My breath caught in my chest. Everything had happened so fast that I found myself standing before his coffin, tears falling down my face.

My Jayden.


Present day


"The only question that I have is why? Why did you fake your death? I've been crying nonstop. After your death, my mom died which broke me even more." I coughed out those words, choking on my saliva.

"That's why you became a spy? You joined the CIA because you had no choice."

It's true. I had no choice. I never made it to go to college. They only picked me 'coz my mother was good at her job and she wanted me to follow her in her footsteps. I've learned the ropes quickly and I love my job now.

"I'm sorry, Scarlett," he whispers.

"Sorry? You're fucking sorry? You were the only person that I trusted and when I saw you a few months ago, I thought I was imagining you."

He throws me a perplexed look. "You saw me?"

"Yeah, you jumped into a car. It happened so quickly that I doubted myself, but when I found out that you were the guy who killed my best friend, I was furious. Who knew you faked your death just to become a hitman?"

I stare at him, his eyes dark and not one sign of emotion is shown. I shake my head in disgust and pull out the knife that holds my dress to the wall.

"I hate you, Jayden."

"It's Grayson," he corrects, snarling.

I smile. "Changing your name doesn't make you a new person, Jayden."

I walk away, throwing the knives to the floor.

"You're just the villain, Jayden. Don't try to be more than what you already are," I add, with tears in my eyes.



I stand on the bridge and look down at the running water. I'm just the villain.

That has been playing in my mind all night. I take in a deep breath, trying to calm myself down when something catches my attention and I turn my head, seeing a skinny boy, with reddened eyes peering over the bridge.

Maybe he came here to cool down his mind too. I decide to ignore him and get lost in my thoughts once again.

Get the money and get the white diamond. I keep on reminding myself of what my mission is. Kill Adriano Rossi.

Something grabs my attention again and I look over at the skinny boy with wide eyes. Great. He's attempting to commit suicide.

He tries to put one leg over the banister while crying.

"Hey, listen," I start, and he looks over at me with sore eyes. "Committing suicide isn't going to change anything. Anyway, we both know you're not going to jump off this bridge."

"What?" he asks in a shaken voice.

"Look kid, if you die, you're probably making the lives of the ones you hurt easier. But, you don't make a difference in the world anyway so—"

There's a loud splash and I look down into the water and back up, seeing that he's no longer there.

I drag my hands down my face while swearing at myself. I tried to help, I did but he killed himself anyway.

I shake my head and walk away while people start screaming and dialing numbers on their phones. "You can't save him now. He's already dead," I say while putting a cigarette to my mouth and bringing my lighter close, the flame lighting it.